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FZS600 Fazer / Naked Fazers!!
« on: 25 June 2018, 11:25:52 am »
Hi. For you that have gone naked on your bikes, is it possible for you to post pics on this thread as to what your bikes look like! I am really having a problem in what lights i want to put on my bike as i can't afford a new fairing & most that i have seen on Ebay are either crap or overpriced!!
 :( :(

General / Home made chain riveter!!
« on: 09 March 2016, 06:27:32 pm »
Ok Guys 'n' Girls, I have made my own chain riveting tool thanks to Youtube for some ideas  :lol  Now as i like to do as much of my own work on my bike as i can (I'm a tight Foccer!) I have added a couple of pics & i just want to ask you if you think that it'll do the job!!! :eek :eek :eek

Thank you for your opinions in advance   :D :D

General / Chains! Split link or Rivet link??
« on: 29 February 2016, 10:05:08 pm »
Ok! So i am looking at a new set of chain & sprockets soon but a lot of the set come with split links supplied, Just out of curiosity. Would you use a split link on a 600cc + bike? Have seen some split links that have been "safety wired" to stop then clip from coming off??

So, Would you or not???  :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

General / HELP!!!!! Rear brake issues
« on: 25 January 2016, 01:53:44 pm »
Hi all. I am putting this request for advice here so i can get as many answers as possible! I have fzs600. Yesterday i bled the rear brake because the pedal goes down too far. Now it is still doing it & i have my mot friday. Any help advice to help me get this sorted would be very much appriciated as it is my only transport &  i lack funds to put it in a garage to be fixed.
Thanks in advance.

General / Bleed Nipples???
« on: 02 January 2016, 06:03:18 pm »
Happy New Year everyone, Just a quick question.How do I free up the bleed nipples on my rear caliper? They look quite corroded  but I don't want to snap off the bleed nipples as they look a bit dodgy & as my bike is my only transport I need to get it right first time!! I understand that these (fzs600 2002) calipers as notorious for seizing up!! Apart from fitting a FZS1000/XJR1300 caliper (lots of £££££). I expect this should be in the FZS600 section but I feel i might get more tips/answers here in the General section.
[/size]Thanks in advance

General / Strange noise coming from sprocket cover/gearbox
« on: 29 June 2015, 10:26:08 pm »
For a few weeks now i have been getting a grinding/clicking sound coming from the sprocket cover area, It would disappear as i got faster. But tonight i decided to have a look to see if i could find anything,apart from the casing being covered in crap/chain lube i checked to see if the gearbox/drive had any movement but there was none!! I then notice that the sprocket had started to hook a little? I knew i had a spare one so i put it on but it was only a 14t put it all back together & now the noise has gone?? Still got what looks like the 9mm nut on it & managed to get it off quite easily?? Anyway! I think it's now a lot better with a 14t instead of a 15t sprocket. ;)

Just thought i would share my findings with you all  :lol :lol :lol


General / EBC rear brake pads!
« on: 25 June 2015, 08:53:43 pm »
Hi, Has anyone had any problems with EBC rear pads? I'm on my 2nd pair in less than 2 yrs due to the the material coming away from the plate?? I have just ordered Kyoto pads, anyone used these & are they ok? I hope they are because i'm not wanting to pay £20+ for pads that won't last!!!


General / Could any wifi tech boffins help me please??
« on: 07 February 2015, 12:35:05 pm »
I have a gadget that will stream/mirror films,football etc. from my laptop to my TV but i am having a few issues! The product uses wifi but my problem is that i cannot get it to work properly! I have some speakers next to my tv & is wondering if they could some how interfere with the wifi signal??

Any helpful suggestions would much appreciated :) :) :)


General / Possible bearing failure?, Now sorted :)
« on: 15 August 2014, 01:54:20 pm »
Hi,Whilst on my way to work them morning i was getting a metallic sounding squeal/scrapping sound coming from the front end! I dont think its to do with braking as its there when i brake,its also intermittant!!!!  I'm guessing a wheel bearing but i hope you guys can shed some light on it please!!!!!.

Thanks in advance

General / Which is best????
« on: 14 August 2014, 07:07:21 am »
Over the bank holiday weekend I'm going to attempt to re-paint my engine & was just wondering what you guy's think is the best paint to use! Spray or hand painting? I will be using the same paint to also do the down tubes of the frame as they look as naff as the engine now  :'( :'( :'(

Cheers Ray

Just wondering if anyone has used vegetable oil to lube their chain?? I normally used engine oil but i run out last week so i thought i would give it a try! just been over a week now & normally with engine oil it would of sounded as if it was dry by now but with the veggie oil it still feels smooth & sounds really quiet. Am i risking my chain because its not a proper oil???

What are your thoughts guy's??


General / Wheel rims!
« on: 22 December 2013, 11:24:29 am »
Hi Guys 'n' Girls,
                         My rear wheel is looking a bit worst for wear as the paint looks its seen better days!! I have been watching a few videos on YouTube about polished rims! Some of them just use paint stripper & then metal polish to get a shine,the other way i understand is to use different grades of sand paper,which takes ages to do! I would like the idea of doing it to my bike but i'm not sure if i'm confidant enough to do it as i don't want to balls it up (i'm a little heavy handed & impatient)!!! Have any of you tried the paint stripping way & is it easy? or should i just give my wheel another coat of paint!

Cheers Ray

General / Just fitted a Daytime running light.
« on: 28 July 2013, 11:50:04 am »
Hi All,
         I have just fitted a cheap Daytime running light to my bike as i'm getting fed up with then SMIDSY crap,i have taken a few pics to show what it's like! I didn't create a join in the wiring i stripped some of the cover off the DLR wire & simply used the connector for the side lights by putting the wires in the block & reconnecting them  :D [size=78%] I hope the pics appear?[/size]

General / MOT Advisories ????
« on: 01 February 2013, 10:08:32 am »
Ok just had my mot,which it passed  :thumbup ,got 2 advisories! 1st rear tyre worn which i knew about but the 2nd was cracked carb inlet rubbers,how/why would that affect it???  :grumble


General / Bloody Grit/Salt
« on: 31 January 2013, 03:47:30 pm »
Bloody stuff has started taking the engine paint off,I think i'd best buy some Hammerite or something similar??


General / Blue led sidelights
« on: 30 January 2013, 11:20:39 pm »
Are these an MOT failure,i can't seem to find any answers,I suppose its only "smarties" that have the answer  :lol

Cheers Ray

General / Trouble posting comments
« on: 16 January 2013, 10:15:45 pm »
Anyone else having trouble posting replies to posts???

General / Season Greetings ;)
« on: 24 December 2012, 02:05:06 pm »
[size=-webkit-xxx-large]I would like to Wish you All & your Families A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year [/size][/color]

General / Silly question, new battery
« on: 26 October 2012, 06:56:38 am »
Just ordered a new battery,as with most new batteries they say "no need to charge just put it on & away you go?" Well my question is   :rolleyes ,Would you give it an initial charge just to make sure its ok???


General / Part worn tyres,would you use them??
« on: 13 September 2012, 06:27:25 pm »
Hi guys 'n' girls, as the title says! " would you use part worn tyres?" i'm gonna be needing a new rear tyre soon but funds are getting tight! i don't think i would use a part worn front but deffo on the rear. But I was wondering  :rolleyes  if its ok to mix 'n' match them? I know radial with radial & cross-ply with  cross-ply,but different manufacturers would be ok,wont they?? :evil .

Cheers Ray

FZS600 Fazer / Help! What happening to my bike?
« on: 28 June 2012, 07:36:30 pm »
For some reason my bike (02 Foxeye) has developed a stutter/misfire below 3,000 rpm :rolleyes  but its an intermittent so i'm not sure if its the coils playing up or a plug that might be on its way out? I did have a similar problem 10 days ago when we had heavy rain but surly if it was water it would have dried out by now unless there's water in my tank???? I am going to order a set of plugs just to be on the safe side,what do you guys reckon?

Cheers in advance for any replies  :lol :lol :lol


General / Ok!! not allowed to post a pic?
« on: 17 June 2012, 07:24:39 pm »
I've been trying to post a pic in "My other ride" thread 5 attempts each time saying i don't have the permission  & a 404 error code! anyone else having trouble??


General / Help please,Starting issues with my XJ900 Diversion
« on: 17 June 2012, 12:45:51 pm »
I have an XJ900 Diversion that has been sat unused for a month, i have given the battery a charge using an Oxford Oximiser 600,i gave it a 12 hr charge which showed to be a full charge according to the chargers instruction?, After connecting it back up & pressing the starter all i got was a clicking,then a buzzing from the solenoid! & all the lights on the dash dimmed quite badly as if the battery is knackered  :eek ??? i have now got the battery on charge again but this time its gonna be a 24 hr charge.

Any suggestion to why it wouldn't fire up after after a 12hr charge?, i am going to sell it but i would like it to be running before i do! 

Cheers  Ray

PS i don't have a multi meter to check the voltage  :rolleyes

FZS600 Fazer / Iridium Plugs,not worth the money!
« on: 16 April 2012, 09:59:28 am »
I just phoned my local bike shop (Ducati dealer) & asked about Iridium plugs for my Fazer 600, I asked if there was any benefit to be had from them & he has told me that if i was going to do track days or lots of hi speed riding then they might be ok but for normal road,everyday riding he suggested just sticking to the standard plugs as there really is not much difference except the price!!

Just thought i would share this with you guys maybe save a few Quid  :D :D :D


FZS600 Fazer / Poor running in the wet?
« on: 11 April 2012, 02:50:35 pm »
Just been out for a ride,i got caught up in a bit of heavy shower & my bike started to play up! it was struggling to accelerate in any gear,even on tickover it was a bit erratic. Whats around the front of the bike that would cause that,i'm not sure if it was the coils as there tucked up under the tank! Advice would be very grateful   :think :think :think

Cheers Ray

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