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Topics - Aegis Bearing Mel

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Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Kinlochleven weekend 27th-30th September
« on: 03 September 2013, 03:07:20 pm »
Afternoon folks, just a wee post to see who would be up for a long weekend ranting around Kinlochleven?
Ralphie, Neily and I have pencilled in a long weekend around the above dates, Neil is a Saturday night into Sunday wonder, I'm looking at Friday through to Monday morning.
The stayed at last time provisionally has some four berth lodges left, although realistically three Foccers and kit would be the most I'd suggest.
It became rather "fragrant" the lat time with two of us!!

I'll give then a phone on Saturday and confirm numbers, so if you're interested stick your name down!


FZS600 Fazer / MOVED: driveshaft bearing????????
« on: 29 August 2013, 11:14:50 am »

As I'm buggering off to Kiwi land in the immediate future I'm unfortunately having to sell both my bikes to fund the trip.
Shipping them over is just too expensive.

To that end I'll be putting 'Bee (and the wee DRZ400) back to standard to try and collect as many sheckles as I can.

So, just to gauge if anyone is interested in any of the following before I fleabay 'em?
I'll stick photos and prices up when I get them off, I'll be shipping them with parcel2go, so shouldn't be too expensive shipping wise.

The map and all the tuning gubbins are good for 146 brake, I've attached the wee graph thingy too.
Be willing to sell them all as a package if anyone wants.

R1 Radial master cylinder.

WP springs

PCV with custom map

Smaller 2y throttle butterflies.

Modified airbox with K&N filter

Homebrew Exup eliminator module

Full Titanium Micron system, internal and external matt black ceramic coating

HID upgrade.

Adjustable brightness Twin Spots.

I've bound to have forgotten something, but as I say it's just to gauge potential interest, I'll get photos up asap.



Oh, if anyone wants to buy her or the DRZ, pm me and we can talk prices.

General / MOVED: Immaculate FZS 600 for sale - PART 2 !
« on: 27 May 2013, 09:05:58 pm »

General / MOVED: Immaculate FZS 600 for sale
« on: 27 May 2013, 06:14:09 pm »

General / Spring meet
« on: 26 May 2013, 06:49:11 pm »
Thus far it's been AWESOME.
Aegis' advice is don't worry about brake pad wear, transit vans stop you far more effectively.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Clutch isn't.
« on: 06 May 2013, 11:14:54 am »
My clutch is being more of a clunge and refusing to do anything that it should do.

Last few weeks it's been really heavy, changing down has been an interesting experience and I've been forced to killswitch it at traffic lights as she wouldn't go into neutral.

After trying to adjust the cable 9one of Venhill's finest) I gave in and bought a cheap ass replacement from M&P.
Didn't make a blind bit of difference.
I then took off the actuator arm and re-aligned it, foc all.

Replacement EBC springs did a similar level of foc all.

Last but not least I replaced the friction plates, nada.

The only plate I couldn't swap out was the one that is behind the basket as I couldn't get the twatting bolt that holds the basket in place to shift.

I'm off out to have another play with the cable and see if I can get a bit more movement out of it, but does anyone have any suggestions as to what else may be wrong?

Messages for Users / MOVED: How to set fzs clock adjustment
« on: 25 April 2013, 09:41:39 pm »

General / MOVED: Aftermarket end can for a FZ1 Fazer 2009
« on: 06 April 2013, 10:20:21 pm »

General / Amazing what you find online, ain't it?
« on: 13 March 2013, 01:38:58 am »
Clink on the wee ling, scroll down and see what you find...

Glad to see they went for the best Fazer to highlight it too.

Right ho folks, Farjo and I have been working our way through our wee "to do" list and have reached the merchandise entry.

Once upon a time on a message board far, far away there were a group of bikers that had stickers, t-shirts, calling cards and regular meets that called themselves Foccers.
Time (and hair/waist lines) have moved and so it's time we let the world know who we are once again.
Old Mother Foccer has been quietly printing t-shirts for a while, be nice if we can send a bit more business her way.

The plan is to get a range of stuff together and make it available to those that want it.

Our initial thoughts are to get the calling cards sorted to leave on Fazers at meets, a sticker or two for fairings/lids and then a few hoodies and t shirts.

I've been in touch with the Man from Del Yammy, and he had a couple of things to say about copyright things.
Yamaha UK have no issue with us using their logo on the site or calling cards etc but, and I quote from the email;

"I can confirm that you can use the Yamaha logo (in its correct form) on
your website. The fact that your header states 'unofficial', does not mean
that you should have to use a created , music or otherwise horrible Yamaha
logo. You have authority to do this (I have attached two such styles).

You can use the logo on your sticker but it's best to leave the merchandise
alone. This is a non-grey area were we don't authorise use for clothing.
The calling card is also no problem."

I've spoken to a printer up here with the idea of calling cards getting printed onto small fridge magnets for tanks as well as laminated card for fairings.
He says we need the images at least 300dpi if the resolution is to work when printed.
So, I've attached my first ideas for the calling cards, be nice if we can get a few designs together from you lot and then run a wee vote to see which one(s) we should go for.

First one has the forum logo on the front with one of the two printed texts on the reverse, the blank before "would like to..." is so you can pop on your screen name.

The second just has Frankenfazer on the front leaving the reverse to be written/printed on by yourselves.

Let's see what you creative types can come up with!

Love 'n hugs.

Aegis and the Ad-Mods.

Messages for Users / The fat lad from Derby
« on: 13 February 2013, 12:09:30 am »
:fish :rollin

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Foc-uS; Bike show, LHW booze & rugby
« on: 08 February 2013, 02:49:49 am »
Right ya bunch of rancid fud lesions, enough of this foccin' about.

Bike show in Edinbugger is the same weekend as Welsh folks chasing an egg around our very own Murrayfield.
The little hirsute Welsthwat is up for the rugby and looking for some decent company for his time here.
I said the best he'd get would be us, he grunted acceptance and then muttered about looking into Jamaica entering into the 6 nations...

So, who would be up for an early stroll around the show, buy whichever new toys you desire, repair to a local hostelry to stow said toys, meet Kev,, get pished, return to hostelry, sober up the next day then head home?

I'll be meeting the Taff Twat regardless, but be nice to dilute his pish with some guid auld Scots spaffing.

You know it makes sense!!

General / Font advice, oh font of all knowledge.
« on: 21 January 2013, 07:47:43 pm »
Evening Foccers, despite the pun I'm serious when I ask "Which font?".

I've used comic sans since 2000 as a lot of stuff I type is for the bairns in work so set that to the default font to save pissing about, it scores highly on readability for those that have dyslexic traits.

However, looking to get my CV updated and would like something a wee bit classier than the windae licker font...

Ideally I'd like summat a wee but different to Ariel or Times, although they do appear to be favourites amongst those I've asked already.

So suggestions please, which fonts do you guys use for professional type documents?


General / Happy New Year when it comes
« on: 28 December 2012, 07:59:57 am »
Hope all you Foccers have a good New Year when it comes, I'm flying out to Fuengirola to spend it somewhere warm and dry.
Not that I'm too cheap to pay for roaming data or anything, but...

Hope 2013 brings you all that you hope for and it's suitably splendid!

Love 'n hugs

Last few attempts at getting us all together have proven, ehm, interesting to say the least.

Been a couple of years since we had a Christmas Curry, how many would be interested in a wee night out mid December for some non festive, festive feasting?

Thinking avoid the traditional dessicated turkey, crunchy stuffing and soggy sprouts and go grab Indian/Chinese/Thai/Mexican.

If so, midweek or weekend?
15th & 22nd are Saturdays so folks can check diaries and the like.

If not I suspect it'll be a candle lit meal for two for me and Baloo.

General / Spam attack!
« on: 16 November 2012, 12:33:56 pm »
Okay folks, me emails is going batshit crazy today with new members, 50 so far today, and they all seem determined to spam us with pish.
My work pc is keech so I can't delete then until I get home, haven't figured out how to do it via Tapatalk yet.
(Just figured it out so report away!)
If you find any can you report it via the report this post to mods link so I can get rid of them please?


Hey up folks, Baloo and mesen are off out this Saturday for a modicum of ale, a smattering of repartee and a soupcon of pool.

Plan is to meet up the back of three in The Sir John Moore, quick beer and mibbes a burger before stoating round to Reardon's for some pool/snooker/pishtaking.

Been a while since we did anything, so be good to catch up with yer all.


For Sale & Wanted / Wanted: Rear Caliper for '99 600
« on: 30 October 2012, 05:17:21 pm »
As it says on the tin, anyone got a spare rear caliper for a 1999 600?


General / Foccin' site down after server swap over
« on: 22 September 2012, 03:08:23 pm »
We can only apologise Foccers, our hosts have swapped over the server that we live in, but it seems to have taken longer than promised and with a shed load more disruption than anticipated.

The migration is now complete, all we need to do is wait for all the changes to come into effect and we should be back, better than ever.

By my reckoning it went down around 16:00 Friday and has been back up intermittently for about the last two hours today.

Cheers for your patience folks, I did stick a wee post up on the Facebook group to try and keep you as informed as I could, but I appreciate not everyone uses that.

General / A moderately amusing blog
« on: 19 September 2012, 09:08:25 pm »
I stumbled across this blog recently, provided me with a few chuckles.
Seems to have a Facebook presence, as well as Twitter too, I'm confident the author wouldn't mind a few extra likes on their page or comments on the blog, so feel free to share it with folks if it proves diverting enough.

I meant to put this up earlier, but forgot as I'm crap.

If all goes to plan, myself and BigRalphie will be heading up to Kinlochleven on Friday 31st, finding suitable digs (I'll book them Monday or there or abouts) and then having a suitabley robust modicum of hard liquor.

Wannafazer suggested a wee hotel that's local, so I reckon that's we're we'll aim for.

Up on Saturday, as many laps of the Loch as we can be arsed doing, Oban for Lunch, more laps then back to the digs for an inordinate amount of hard liquor.

Sunday, venture home feeling slightly sorry for ourselves and nursing gallons of Espresso and wielding slabs of Paracetemol.

Gingernutz is trying to wangle a pass (fingers crossed Paul), if anyone else wants to join then the more the merrier.

As I said, I'll sort out digs on Monday, gives you all the weekend to try and gain enough points to be allowed out.

Come on, you know you wanna!

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