On the subject of quotas, it was described to me that if more people were given tickets in a successive month compared to previous then it could be shown that crime had been reduced... its terrible logic, but realistically is anyone surprised?
nice one Gassit....zig it only cost you sick squid a year nowt for a man of your means :lol :lol
changed my plate to a smaller one after a drunken purchase on ebay and because I'm vain - and ever since have been not sure if to keep it on or not !
This thread has just reminded me that I am vain - but not sixty quid vain - I'm putting the old one back on!!
"Don't Die with Fun in the Bank!"
are the legal plates a 'minimum' size? What I'm asking is if it would be possible to do a kind of Dom Jolly thing with a silly oversized plate, just to take the piss?
14-02-13, 11:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 14-02-13, 11:16 PM by Exupnut.)
(14-02-13, 01:13 PM)justy1 link Wrote: Possibly, they did a routine tax, insurance check etc, but if that was the reason, when everything else checked out, why not just let me off with a warning instead of pushing through with the fixed penalty?
MONEY! :pokefun
and to up their nick rate

Just flapping about on this stagnant little pond on the outer rim of the internet.....yup.... :-))
15-02-13, 01:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 15-02-13, 01:19 AM by cable tie.)
I wish the cops paid as much attention to my complaint and many others about the cnunt on a 450 quad who rides it across the pavements and grassed areas at full pelt pulling wheelies when old peeps are walking past and its loud as feck and on a Q-reg so probably listed as a tractor, but nah they rather nick you for your number plate and fine you because its easier ..
(15-02-13, 01:18 AM)cable tie link Wrote: I wish the cops paid as much attention to my complaint and many others about the cnunt on a 450 quad who rides it across the pavements and grassed areas at full pelt pulling wheelies when old peeps are walking past and its loud as feck and on a Q-reg so probably listed as a tractor, but nah they rather nick you for your number plate and fine you because its easier ..
If the twat has a pretty regular time/route its amazing what some long felt nails can do. Boiler suit on, hand full of nails (hidden), hand in open pocket, oops they have fallen down my trouser leg would you believe it :evil
I was stopped on Saturday night on leaving a pub that I was in having food, albeit for 4hrs. Their reason for stopping me was I pulled away with no lights on, bollocks, lights come on automatic with ignition in the dark. But we will do a breath test as well because of where you came from, ok, no prob (my first ever) says me in a cocky voice. It's a pass so you are ok but we will have a look round your vehicle, have you proof of id, yes, license. They look round vehicle, brand new hilux, for whatever they find and see my gun case in the front and ask whats in it. I say shotgun and then give them my gun license, brill. Ok Mr C you can go now thank you, cheers and I hope your night gets better was my reply. Thank feck I like IRN BRU but it's a great feeling to drive away having beaten them
Better to stand and look a fool than speak and prove it !
If it aint broke, I'll fix it till it is !!
(14-02-13, 05:14 PM)gassitt link Wrote: Quote:why not just let me off with a warning instead of pushing through with the fixed penalty
Coz youre a dodgy looking character :rollin How do Col
Thanks for that Mark - makes it all seem perfectly reasonable
Long time no see - hope you are keeping well.
....----//// Life is not a rehearsal \\\\----....
There is no "minimum" size for the plate itself IIRC; character size and spacing dimensions are regulated, and the other stipulation is the plate must be square on a bike, but there's nothing specifically to state it *has* to be 7x9 or 8x6 or anything else (unless the rules have changed recently).
Number plates fitted to motorcycles after 1 September 2001 must meet the following requirements:
Character height - 64mm
Character width (except 1 or I) - 44mm
Character stroke - 10mm
Space between characters - 10mm
Space between groups - 30mm
Top, bottom and side margins (minimum) - 11mm
Vertical space between groups - 13 mm
Conforming to these rules does imply a minimum size for a plate, but no maximum, although an oversize plate would be mainly yellow as the character sizes and spacings are fixed.