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[size=1.45em]I'm delighted to shout it from the roof tops that I am now the UK supplier of the Ivans jet kits!!!

Moving forwards, I am offering the following services:

Ivans jet kits for the Yamaha fzs 1000 fazer:

Slip on kit - £135
Full Monty kit - £135
Seal Kit - £30, these seals are higher quality than those currently on the market and more resistant to E10 than your standard or cheap replacements. They do not include the replacement valve or the valve seal.

I can rebuild your carbs, which is £150. This includes a full strip down, ultrasonic clean + rebuild with the high quality o'ring kits as above. This price is in addition to the cost of the Ivan's jet kit. I will not rebuild your carbs or fit the jet kits with the original seals that are still in place.

Ride in ride out slip on, is the price of the jet kit £135 + £225, this includes carburettors which have already been rebuilt with the jet kits required + high quality o'rings, ready to fit.

Ride in ride out full monty, is the price of the jet kit £135 + £260, this includes carburettors which have already been rebuilt with the jet kits required + high quality o'rings, modified air box & inlet rubbers, ready to fit. You will have to bring your own aftermarket air filter. Filters can be supplied at an extra cost which is to be agreed and a deposit paid to cover the cost. I recommend either BMC or DNA air filters.

The carbs will be balanced on the ride in ride out with my carbtune balancing kit and with the engine running. Or, for the bench rebuild, they will be balanced on the bench, but I would advise balancing once on the bike with the engine running.

On the ride in ride out service I will also reset your throttle position sensor.  On the bench rebuild, you will have to follow the tps reset procedure which I will provide.

For the ride in ride out service you are required to pay a deposit which is to be agreed prior to booking dates, and the remainder paid as cash.

Payments via paypal friends and family or cash in hand. Im happy for you to ask around for my credentials, I ain't here to scam anyone and i have good reviews in the Fazer forums.

My location is 5 mins from junction 26 of the M62. I may be able to travel to you for an extra charge depending distance etc.

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A few questions regarding the Slip On kit...can I fetch my carbs to your place and wait for them to be done or do you post them back ? if not, what is the waiting time to get them done ? are you available during the week or weekends ? bikes in bits at the moment so would prefer to drive to you, mid week is easiest for me,
2004, Fazer, 23,000 miles.
Thank you, Greg Wootton
P.S. won't let me send a private message as it says you have reached your quota
(13-07-24, 04:32 PM)greg1953 Wrote: [ -> ]A few questions regarding the Slip On kit...can I fetch my carbs to your place and wait for them to be done or do you post them back ? if not, what is the waiting time to get them done ? are you available during the week or weekends ? bikes in bits at the moment so would prefer to drive to you, mid week is easiest for me,
2004, Fazer, 23,000 miles.
Thank you, Greg Wootton
P.S. won't let me send a private message as it says you have reached your quota

Afternoon mate, yes you can bring your carbs to me or post them, either is good 

Drop me a text or WhatsApp- xxxxxxxxxx

[Edited to remove personal contact details - Please send them by Private Message for safety. GrahamM: Moderator]
Kits still available!!!

Now it's winter, it's time....