Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

Full Version: Stoke on Trent area...
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Hi... anyone in the Stoke onTrent area that can help me finish putting my fzs600 back together... mostly plumbing... carbs ... cooling... etc... any help/advice would be greatly recieved...  endless supply of hot beverage and bacon butties can be negotiated if you pop around...  Sneyd Green area... .    :lol  many thanks... been aiming to get it finished for the spring meet (BotW? If that still happens?)... for about 5 years now....  :rolleyes  ive forgotten where everthing goes.  Lol....
Get it sorted ya tart ...get to spring meet 2020
Eddie... you old b........ would love to get it sorted... at last i have a decent space to work in... But i've forgotten where most of the hoses go!?!?!?!?  :rollin :rollin :rollin ......  the bike was holed up in a leaking council garage for about 4 years..... i'll post some pics soon... it's all there... rolling chassis.. engine in.... etc... rebuilt forks with new hagon inards.. new hagon shox... bearings and carb rubbers... carbs rebuilt... all 3 calipers rebuilt... all the ally powdercoated black.... etc.....just need the final touches..... lol
Happy new year ...can't help you with the hoses mate ,moved onto a 1000 in 2006 any way still plenty of time to get it fixed for the spring meet
Happy..... belated... New Year to you too m8....... my FZ1 broke in half.... lots of discussion on the site at the time... went to an R1, but sold the a couple of years ago.... have an FJR 1300 now... will never sell the 600.... lol
Bike is now put together... (pics etc were posted elsewhere on the site at the time...) and I now live in France... so Stoke on Trent connection is kaput... lol...