Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

Full Version: 2012 IOM TT/Manx
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Is anyone from the FOC-U going to this years TT or Manx?

Can any one confirm if Michael Dunlop will be Riding a Sidecar this year? If he is... that will be absolute mental carnage on the track!!

:lol :lolĀ  Oh yes ... every year... will be there from the 25th May... staying in Douglas...

Don't know about Dunlop.. but


For all the news....

I'm off over with my bro, camping about 3 miles outside of Douglas. cant wait havent been since i was seven.
Yes Dunlop has been confirmed in the sidecar with Dan Sayle in the chair. He is having a run out at Olivers Mount in preparation next month also so am having a ride over. Think he will be awesome in one myself. Scary would be the word I'm looking for.
i'm off to the TT have done for 30 years or so! the place is for me heaven i truly admire every competitor from 1st place to last however regarding the young Dunlop christ knows what will happen i used to short circuit race the things myself and they are quirky at the best of times i really cant see it happening ,but if it does i'll be watching with baited breath,the Birchall brothers race there i know them well and as ex world champs they are fast methodicall and smooth and they say it,sa scary ride. :eek
Yep, I'll be there too. Going from 2nd - 10th. On the Fazer of course, with the wife. Smile
Yup, I'll be there from the 31st through to the 10th - probably on the FZS but I may go on the Superduke again.