Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial

Full Version: The Snakes (photo test)
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nope, cant figure out how to upload a foto from my drive, and I gave it a full 35 seconds before I gave up.

Do we need a gallery thing to upload to first ??

Ahh, sussed it, but 192 is the max allowed.

Try again

Ha ha ha the base solo!! give it some rockin' Smile

192 - is that the file size or dimension? Bit crap if it doesn't say why it's rejecting.
Size, it did say it was size on the error message, sorry.
Bass solo's are like drum solo's, even your girlfriend goes for a piss. :rollin
That works a treat using an email client, can someone who just has hotmail or something give it a whirl ?
Have changed the max size to about 5 gig.

You can also add pictures to the gallery (it's under Media for some reason). Then it's the old fiddly trick of copy / pasting the address into your post. If we go live on this we may buy a mod that will allow people to click a button, add an image to within the post and it gets uploaded to a generic album in the gallery.
from fone