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Author Topic: Jim'll fiddle it  (Read 19427 times)


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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #75 on: 19 October 2012, 04:02:38 pm »
To clarify - I would be shouting as an adult who knew the abuse was going on, not as the terrified child victim or that victim as an adult

 Would you?  Bollocks!  After having been used and abused as a child, and in a society which blames the victim and attacks the whistle blower.  Nobody listened when people spoke out at the time, why would anybody care in the future, the matter had already been dealt with, had it not? 
The funny thing is, Jimmy Savile, it would appear is possibly, if not probably the biggest paedophile and rapist that has ever come to our attention.    There are dozens of victims.  Wouldn't we better asking why they were, time after time, not able to come forward and/or their allegations repeatedly dismissed.
Posturing is easy, and words are cheap.
What people are doing here is attacking the victims.  Yet again the victims are being attacked.
Where was the shouting is exactly my point - if Rantzen and her other BBC cronies knew this was happening, why didn't they blow the whistle?
We are going round in circles.  Rantzen had heard rumours.    You cannot whistle blow on a rumour.
The answer - they were too busy sucking on the BBC's corporate teat and lining their own pockets while knowing full well child abuse was going on under their noses and at the same time becoming heads of institutions like Childline to placate their guilt.
Those who do something, will always be attacked by those who do nothing.   Don't we just hate anybody who dares to make progress on sensitive issues.   Rantzen heard rumours, she had no facts, no evidence, nothing, zip, ziltch, that could be acted on. 
That's who the investigation is for, prove the abuse and prosecute the bastards that stood back and did nothing.
No it is not.  It is not to find guilty people who heard rumours or gossip.   To suggest so is, to put it mildly, stupid.

Do you know me?
No you don't, so do not dimiss any action I say I will take as bollocks, trust me it ain't.
I have stuck my neck out on many occasions when I have seen or heard unfair practices going on at work and taken on cases where people have been treated unfairly or abused by those subordinate to them or in higher managment - I DON'T SCARE EASILY.
Did you see Rantzen interviewed? I did. Crocodile tears and hints that she knew but her hands were tied - now that is bollocks, she should have took the risk and blown it open but no, her greed stopped her.
Why insult me?
I have a different opinion to you on what should have been done by those in the know, lets face it, they were in the know, these were not distant rumours, this was common fucking knowledge and they know it, which is why they are all shitting themselves and appearing on TV pleading the innocent.
 Whether they were rumours or not I would have thought that child abuse was serious enough to blow the whistle - being bothered by someone calling you stupid for doing so is not an excuse to keep information like that to yourself.

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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #76 on: 19 October 2012, 05:57:05 pm »
I have stuck my neck out on many occasions when I have seen or heard unfair practices going on at work and taken on cases where people have been treated unfairly or abused by those subordinate to them or in higher management - I DON'T SCARE EASILY.

Crocodile tears and hints that she knew but her hands were tied - now that is bollocks, she should have took the risk and blown it open but no, her greed stopped her.

 Considering that Jimmy Savile was a bit odd, and his line of work, well it's hardly surprising there were rumours.   
I suppose not only do you "DON'T SCARE" easily, and are clearly such a tough guy that you are happy to repeatedly attack Saviles victims,  but on top of that you are able to determine if there is substance in rumour without evidence.  That is quite incredible!   All the more so considering you don't seem to be able see the difference between "unfair practises", as nasty as they can be, and child abuse.

which is why they are all shitting themselves and appearing on TV pleading the innocent.
Did you see Rantzen interviewed? I did.
No I haven't, what interview are you referring to?  As you know I did watch the documentary, and as I understand it Rantzen was invited to comment by Mark Williams-Thomas as both a subject matter expert and as somebody who knew Jimmy Savile as she was working at the BBC during much of the period that he was.  There was no suggestion that Rantzen was being set up, that she was being questioned, or accusations, or the suggestion of, were being put to her. 
Sadly Rantzen has been vilified and slandered since appearing in that documentary, and without a shred of evidence that she knew anything of substance, or had witnessed any inappropriate behaviours by Savile.
Whether they were rumours or not I would have thought that child abuse was serious enough to blow the whistle - being bothered by someone calling you stupid for doing so is not an excuse to keep information like that to yourself.
A rumour is a rumour, information, or indeed evidence and facts are something altogether different.  To accuse somebody of being guilty of a crime, or to slag em off and vilify them on the basis that somebody believes  that rumour is fact, or that rumours have in this case(with hindsight) turned out to have substance, when there is nothing to suggest and no evidence that that person had heard, or seen,or been presented with,  anything other than pure rumour, is not only stupid, it is downright nasty.
« Last Edit: 19 October 2012, 05:58:44 pm by VNA »


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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #77 on: 19 October 2012, 11:42:18 pm »
I suppose not only do you "DON'T SCARE" easily, and are clearly such a tough guy that you are happy to repeatedly attack Saviles victims,  but on top of that you are able to determine if there is substance in rumour without evidence. 

Are you reading my posts or making them up in your head?


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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #78 on: 21 October 2012, 12:00:24 pm »
see this is the problem with any form of debate on here..guys get personal and start posturing.
There is a difference of opinion on the validity of the claims, which is something tbh we will either choose to accept or not.Its just a one sided thing evidential thing , with  inevitably no real hope of formal justice. I have stated my discomfort at anyone who is vilefied post mortem/ innocent till guilty notion...but I do accept that with such seemingly overwhelming claims there must be something to it, a fact which saddens me immensely.I dont think any of us here would have anything but complete sympathy with any genuine abuse victims.
As to Rantzens part ( if any at all) ...well I feel uneasy when anyone associated with childline would not attempt to at least investigate any such rumours! It surely is what they were set up for. But equally if the institutions deliberately ignored any goings on( which I find hard to believe),then it would be difficult to get at the truth. Also dont forget that she hosted a long running series of Thats life, and she had access to investigators IMO an attempt could have been made. Then we also have to consider just how many calls were made to childline or the samaritans by abused kids. You see this ommission just dont seem right , not with purportedly hundreds of claimants. Its not logical to expect nobody would come forward at some point ?? somebody , or anyone ..
As such I commented that quite possibly we will not achieve as much as one might think from all the revelations. Maybe a formal inquiry led by a judge will have more success.Cos if it is true...then as VNA said much earlier , just maybe this wouldnt happen again .It is all so possible, especially after all the shenanigans unearthed by the enquiry into the murdochs and the phone tapping ...private companies and corporations  can be morally corrupt...


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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #79 on: 21 October 2012, 12:46:50 pm »
Yes  :D
I know its only the internet but they are real people ! ain't they?

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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #80 on: 21 October 2012, 04:54:08 pm »
Childline was set up in 1986.

It appears that not only were some institutions deliberately ignoring what was going on, they seemed to be encouraging Savile, or at least allowing him free unsupervised access to children.  If you had watched the documentary Pitternator you would already be aware of that.  It is absolutely shocking.

As I keep saying rumours are rumours.

As Ian Hislop said so brilliantly last week, knowledge means that you hear from the person it happened to or a witness and that’s what the ITV documentary showed me.

Up until then, I’ve heard rumours about the royal family, politicians, about TV presenters and my view about rumours is the vast majority of the rumours are untrue.

So I didn’t know anything.
Esther Rantzen - who is said to be currently absolutely furious

There is now speculation that a number of Savile's friends and associates will be arrested shortly.

A follow up documentary from ITV is expected to be screened in the next month or so.  200 victims so far have come forward, there is talk that the number may well exceed 1000, and as it's well known that the vast majority of people who experiance sexual abuse as a child never come forward, it is thought these numbers will simply represent the tip of the ice berg.

Savile has been branded one of the most prolific sex attackers of all time by the NSPCC

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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #81 on: 21 October 2012, 04:57:43 pm »
a fact which saddens me immensely

Absolutely.  As a kid I loved Top of the Pops, was it a Thursday evening - often presented by Jimmy Savile.

Then on Saturday Jim I'll Fix it, sitting down with the family to watch the show.  Sure we all loved Jimmy Savile, umm expect my Mum "That man gives me the creeps" she always used to say.


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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #82 on: 22 October 2012, 01:40:24 am »
If ol Jim managed to have a thousand victims, how the fuck did he fit in all that charity work?

I'm lucky if I've made myself a victim to my hand a thousand times.

although to be fair, he is a good bit older than me.

point stands tho. do the arithmetic. if its a thousand victims, how many days did he actually manage to get a palm on some pie?
Smell ones mother. Yaas!


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Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« Reply #83 on: 22 October 2012, 06:59:53 am »
there is bound to be some bandwagonning by liars, as I have already said, especially if there is the sniff of compo in the air.
But the one fact which stands out so uncomfortably in all this , is just how did he get away with it ! 1000 victimes FFS...its almost incredulous nobody found out till now...
my feckin opinion goes from pole to pole and back again ...thats the issue aint it ...can it ever really be proved ?? it truly possible for it all to have happened.
Its like the theme of the X files....the truth is out there .....or is it !