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Author Topic: Periodic Driver Retests.  (Read 19965 times)


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #50 on: 04 October 2012, 10:21:47 pm »
 Yes, one of my pet hates, late indication, or non!! And they will argue the toss even if they are wrong.
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she said the gypsy was right, and she fell right dead


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #51 on: 05 October 2012, 12:56:25 am »
I think I'd ask whether you are capable of driving (or riding!) without deliberately or through carelessness, recklessness or simple inability, causing others to have to rapidly adjust their speed or direction because of your actions.

Yes to all of that.

If you pull out on someone at a roundabout and they have to slam on their brakes to avoid you, but it doesn't actually result in an accident, do you think that there's nothing wrong with that? If you do an overtake into on-coming traffic making someone have to swerve out of your way (but not physically crashing), is that acceptable? If you decide to do 60mph in a 30mph limit and nearly hit someone coming out of a T-Junction because you were going too fast, do you not think there might be a problem with your road use??

No to all of that. Need proof? See 31 years no claims (if only) clean license, clean conscience.

Which is absolutely no proof at all. You could drive (or ride) like a complete twunt, carve people up, speed, do foccing hand-brake turns in the middle of the M25 and still, if you're lucky, get away with all of that with a clean licence etc (your conscience is your own business). It does *NOT* mean that you're a good road user!

So now can you tell me why I might need compulsorily educating further?

Who said anything about "educating"? I said you (and everyone else) should need to *prove* that you can still drive to an acceptably safe standard. And, yes, that includes me and all bikers too, before you start on that one. Simply saying "well I've done this for X many years and not had an accident" is not proof.

Oh, and the old chestnut you pulled back there about vehicles being able to do 70 in a 30 still doesn't answer the point - do you want all vehicles limited to 70mph on the grounds that it is the legal maximum? There can be no possible excuse for going any faster regardless of what speed you do in town etc, so how about the legislation 'in the name of safety' starts with that?

Erm, it was *you* who tried to pull that old chestnut, not me! And I've already addressed it once, I'm not going to give a different answer just because you're trying to pull it again.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #52 on: 05 October 2012, 02:03:55 pm »
A pet hate of mine is people commonly unable to use roundabouts properly, even simple ones, i used to go crazy about it but now i just expect them to do it wrong as ive realised that most of them actually dont realise they are in the wrong lane and would probably even argue that they were in the right.
Add to that people that think the national speed limit for cars on a single carriageway is 50mph  >:
The other party's insurance company who I am in the process of claiming off for my accident is trying to get out of paying because I was undertaking and entered a box junction.  I was undertaking because the left lane (bus lane, motorbikes are allowed in it) was empty and the right lane was stationary (highway code rule #163).  I entered the box junction because my lane was empty (rule #174).  Do the people who deal with motor claims day in day out actually not know the rules of the road either or are they just trying to wiggle out of it by any means?
I find the best thing to do is assume that everyone else is going to drive like a retard, then at least when they do something stupid at least I'm ready for it.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #53 on: 05 October 2012, 02:16:49 pm »

Grahamm what you're saying here doesn't make sense. You appear to be saying that a clean license and unblemished driving record over many years means that you are still just as likely to be a person that simply goes out and drives like a lunatic. Am I understanding that right?

Given that's the premise, how often do you feel such a person might pull off a stunt like that before coming unstuck? Once? Twice? Forever?  If forever I'd like to understand how, and if not I'd like to understand why you believe they would do it occasionally? Especially given that all the evidence points otherwise?

Under your position everyone is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. That's deemed an unacceptable premise even when dealing with murderers, so why so for motorists? Were insurance companies to operate under your logic there would be no such thing as a no claims bonus. You are advocating the re-appraising of all, rather than incentivising good drivers by being exempt, and discouraging bad driving by retesting or re-appraising those with bad records.

Erm, it was *you* who tried to pull that old chestnut, not me! And I've already addressed it once, I'm not going to give a different answer just because you're trying to pull it again.

I'm afraid you'll have to humour me on this one then because I must have missed your answer. All I recall is you stating that regardless of the top speed of a vehicle it can also go a lot slower, but still break any urban limit imposed. Was that your answer? If it was then you appear to have answered a question I didn't ask. What I asked was:

'Should vehicles be limited to the 70mph maximum speed as a safety measure?"

As far as I'm aware you didn't answer that. You appear to have body-swerved into speaking of urban safety and driver awareness while completely ignoring motorway driving and the excess speeds involved. Kind of a huge elephant in your room though isn't it? The government could make an excellent case for the 70mph thing as a large percentage of driving is by motorway.  If it's all truly about road safety and not creeping nanny state bullshit then you should be all for it. So, are you? Fancy a 70mph FZ1?

Or is the truth that the government wouldn't dare restrict vehicles to the legal maximum as it would harm both the economy and their own revenue in fines, thus making the safety issue pure hypocrisy? Perhaps also the retesting idea would be a rather lucrative business for a number advanced motorist type examiners, who would naturally see it as a great idea?


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #54 on: 05 October 2012, 02:21:43 pm »
Do the people who deal with motor claims day in day out actually not know the rules of the road either or are they just trying to wiggle out of it by any means?

They're probably hoping that you don't know the rules of the road and will think "oh, I must have been in the wrong then" and drop the claim.

I find the best thing to do is assume that everyone else is going to drive like a retard, then at least when they do something stupid at least I'm ready for it.

I can agree with that!


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #55 on: 05 October 2012, 02:28:44 pm »
Grahamm what you're saying here doesn't make sense. You appear to be saying that a clean license and unblemished driving record over many years means that you are still just as likely to be a person that simply goes out and drives like a lunatic. Am I understanding that right?

Rusty, do you actually bother to *READ* what people have written  or do you just skim it and then your mind fills in (or makes up) what you think you would have like them to have written and then you create Straw Man arguments based on that?

Go back and read my posts again and actually try to *comprehend* them and you'll find all your answers are already in this thread.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #56 on: 05 October 2012, 03:53:03 pm »
Rusty, do you actually bother to *READ* what people have written?

Yes Grahamm, even what you write.  :)

Go back and read my posts again and actually try to *comprehend* them and you'll find all your answers are already in this thread.

I thought I hadn't missed the answer but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and went back as instructed to, or was that ordered to? Painful as it was to have to re-read all the evasive reasoning you have been using I did do, and oddly enough found no direct answer to my question.  Fancy that. The only thing I can find is the bit below.

There are times and places and situations where even doing 70mph is going to be much too fast for the prevailing road conditions, yet drivers still use such inappropriate speeds because they think "Well, I've passed my test, so I can drive" not "should I be using this speed in these conditions?"

Now perhaps it my lack of *comprehension*, but does all this woffle about prevailing conditions and of how 70mph is often too fast constitute in your mind the answer to my question? Which was do you believe vehicles should be capable of greater than the national maximum speed limit? And does your sudden willingness to incorporate links to terms you've just learned into your reply explain why you haven't yet addressed any of the other points I raised in my last post?

So should all people be considered guilty until they are proven innocent Grahamm? As you said here. See I do read your posts. :)

I said you (and everyone else) should need to *prove* that you can still drive to an acceptably safe standard. Simply saying "well I've done this for X many years and not had an accident" is not proof.

Do you know THIS word Grahamm?  :)


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #57 on: 05 October 2012, 07:44:36 pm »
Rusty, do you actually bother to *READ* what people have written?

Yes Grahamm, even what you write.  :)

And yet still you fail to comprehend.

There are times and places and situations where even doing 70mph is going to be much too fast for the prevailing road conditions, yet drivers still use such inappropriate speeds because they think "Well, I've passed my test, so I can drive" not "should I be using this speed in these conditions?"

Now perhaps it my lack of *comprehension*, but does all this woffle about prevailing conditions and of how 70mph is often too fast constitute in your mind the answer to my question? Which was do you believe vehicles should be capable of greater than the national maximum speed limit?

Yes, Rusty, it *is* your lack of comprehension (unless, of course, you've swallowed the Government's argument that "Speed kills" as if it's a fact).

What matters is not absolute speed, but inappropriate speed for the conditions. Come, answer me this: is 30mph less dangerous than 70mph? If so, is doing 30mph past a school when the kids are leaving less dangerous than doing 70mph on an empty motorway?

Would limiting vehicles to 70mph make doing 30mph past that school safer? No, of course not.

Would limiting vehicles to 70mph make it safe to do that speed on a crowded and wet motorway in driving rain in the dark? No, of course not.

Would limiting vehicles to 70mph make it safe to drive at that speed in the fog? No, of course not.

Restricting speed in that way does nothing for road safety, it is *inappropriate* speed for the *conditions* that is really what is dangerous.

If you have road users who fail to adjust their behaviour to the prevailing conditions because they blithely think that "well I've passed my test so I can drive" that is where the danger exists and that's why I said it's nonsense.

I thought you would be aware of this, but perhaps I was mistaken.

And does your sudden willingness to incorporate links to terms you've just learned into your reply explain why you haven't yet addressed any of the other points I raised in my last post?

Lol! Oh deary me, Rusty, I think you might find I've been using terms such as Straw Man, False Dilemma, Ad Hominem and many others for a *LONG* time now  :lol

Look, here's one from the old Foc-U Yuku forums back in 2007 and if I could be bothered to find a link to let me search for the old Common Room echo of the Fidonet Bulletin boards on Usenet from 20 years ago, I could show you an example from that too.

So should all people be considered guilty until they are proven innocent Grahamm? As you said here. See I do read your posts. :)

But, yet again, you fail to comprehend.

The Right of Presumption of Innocence (you could try searching on that term linked to my name too, BTW, and find that it's a Right I strongly support) is to do with Criminal Law, it has nothing to do with the *privilege* (it's not a Right) of being allowed to be in control of a vehicle on the road.

Do you know THIS word Grahamm?  :)

Do you know the Political Compass site, Rusty? FYI on that site I score -0.3 on the Left Wing/ Right Wing scale, but -7.75 on the Authoritarian/ Libertarian scale.

I am entirely willing to stand up for Rights, but I always remember that there are also Responsibilities to consider too. If you are going to be in control of a vehicle, you have the *responsibility* to control that vehicle in a way that does not risk harm to others. As such it is, similarly, your responsibility to ensure that your skills are adequate to doing so. Unfortunately not everyone considers this and thus it becomes necessary to enforce those responsibilities.

We already have such enforcement, for example when someone is banned from driving and then has to take another test to prove(!) that they can act responsibly on the roads again. Do you disagree with this? Do you think that they should not be required to take another test because "well, they've passed one already"?

If not then it is only a matter of degree that we are arguing about.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #58 on: 05 October 2012, 08:06:57 pm »
its all well and good some euro mp demanding that we all take a re-test (because if it does ever happen thats who will make uk do it )(i see on news tonight the uk is facing blackouts in a couple of years time because we got to shut down so many power stations to keep BRUSSELS happy)but what happens if like me who does a 70 mile commute to work ,has to do a re-test ....and fails !!! :'(
goodbye job,goodbye home ,and family ,thanks a lot eec
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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #59 on: 05 October 2012, 08:19:28 pm »
which part of having a driving license make it a privilege rather than a right to you Grahamm?


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #60 on: 05 October 2012, 09:16:23 pm »

which part of having a driving license make it a privilege rather than a right to you Grahamm?

Perhaps the part that likes to uses Should a lot when it ought to be ought. :)

And yet still you fail to comprehend.

Oh but I do comprehend, only too well. You have once again thrown up a barrage of repetition, restating the very same things you claim answered my original question. They didn't then, and they din't now, and should you reiterate them for a third time they still won't. I have not once asked you what are your views on relative urban impact speeds, or driving within prevailing conditions.  I asked you should all motor vehicles be governed to a maximum speed of 70 mph Grahamm? Not anything else. If yes then say so, and if no say why not when speeding is a major factor in driving accidents and our maximum limit is 70mph?

I fully understand the balance of rights and responsibilities, but what you are advocating is the trampling of the rights of those who have paid good heed to their responsibilities. You are hailing a one size fits all solution to a problem that relates to a minority, albeit a growing one. I would therefore like to periodically search the homes of all Muslims as it is up to them to prove they are not terrorists - is that how it works?

Again it's not the safety aspect I disagree with you on, it's the premise. What you have said makes a nonesense of no claims bonuses, for the position is that no matter how long you've been driving - who knows what you'll do tomorrow.  Answer = Nobody! So stop trying to legislate for it.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #61 on: 05 October 2012, 09:32:58 pm »
Folk are just dicks, thats the main problem, dicks to you on the phone,dicks to you in the supermarket and dicks to you on the road,

The only thing that changes is number of dicks increasing all the time,

I was waiting behind 2 cars earlier at a 2 lane standard roundabout, a bike filtered through the middle of the 2 leading cars and stopped which i felt was fair enough, the 2 dicks in the cars started creeping forward to try intimidate him almost in unison even though they didnt know each other, he obviously wasnt intimidated by the 2 massive dicks either side of him and fair play even though it was pouring with rain and he was surrounded by wet angry dicks he smoked them off the lights without holding anyone up despite their frantic attempts to knock him over,

I dont know if what the bike did was legal, i dont even care because what the car drivers did was just typical of the dickish behaviour we all see every day.

The moral of the story......these dicks dont need advanced training....they need shot! :D
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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #62 on: 05 October 2012, 09:47:25 pm »
What worries me is the things people do out there to make their or other peoples life harder.  They lack the scope of seeing the bigger picture or the implications of there decisions (of any subject by the looks of things). 


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #63 on: 05 October 2012, 10:35:08 pm »
Folk are just dicks, thats the main problem, dicks to you on the phone,dicks to you in the supermarket and dicks to you on the road,
The only thing that changes is number of dicks increasing all the time The moral of the story......these dicks dont need advanced training....they need shot! :D

 :lol :lol  I was only thinking today how some times I find people inspiring, and other times I could just do without them altogether.... usually both in the same day.  :lol


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #64 on: 06 October 2012, 12:17:04 am »
which part of having a driving license make it a privilege rather than a right to you Grahamm?

You do not have the right to drive a car, you must past a test to be allowed to do it.

You do not have to pass a test to have the right to freedom of expression, a fair trial, the right to go about your lawful business without let or hindrence etc etc etc.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #65 on: 06 October 2012, 12:23:37 am »
Oh but I do comprehend, only too well. You have once again thrown up a barrage of repetition, restating the very same things you claim answered my original question. They didn't then, and they din't now, and should you reiterate them for a third time they still won't.

Oh but Rusty, they *do*, you just don't want to listen to them. Oh and BTW it seems that you *have* swallowed the Government's nonsensical rhetoric because you say "speeding is a major factor in driving accidents"!

Please try to understand the difference between "speeding" (simply going above an arbitrary posted limit) and "inappropriate speed for the conditions" and then you will understand that I have already answered you.

PS I'm still not going to address your Straw Man arguments.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #66 on: 06 October 2012, 12:26:06 am »
I dont know if what the bike did was legal,

Legal? Yes.

Advisable in the conditions you described? Probably not.


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #67 on: 06 October 2012, 04:36:02 am »
"You don't understand"
'No, you don't understand'
"Oh but I do understand, its you that's not understanding"
'Oh, but you don't understand. As I understand it'

To be honest, I'm not sure I understand....

Which one of you can actually get their pee pee the farthest!?!?!?!?!?!
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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #68 on: 06 October 2012, 08:33:55 am »
Noggythenog mentioned roundabouts as a pet hate. I think a lot of road users "blindly" follow the road markings arrows/place names so on a large multilane one they will find themselves in the "wrong"lane & cut across. If you follow the Highway Code re lane positioning,signalling you will be frequently cut-up by the "" types who consider youre doing it wrong! :eek

If you want an example of road users not thinking about their actions look @ the way some of them approach roundabouts(large open view).I often see people drive up to the entry point lines AND STOP! even when its clear of traffic & safe to enter junction. Thought the idea of roundabouts was to speed up/improve traffic flow apart from the ones where theyve had to introduce traffic lights which is a bit self-defeating!

Reading all the posts on this thread its clear that we are never all going to agree-indeed its good to have healthy debate. Seems to me that the government can legislate to its hearts content but in the final analysis its road users attitude that is the important factor in making the roads safer and until I see evidence that things are improving will still assume theyre all out to get me :'(


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #69 on: 06 October 2012, 09:02:11 am »
Yesterday was driving cage locally in 30mph limit along  road very little traffic(late morning), visibility excellent behind an "old" fellow who drove @ 20mph or slower for 1 mile. There were no opportunities for overtaking-bollards etc. As we approached a mini-roundabout he stopped completely before he could have had a clear view of the junction and then shot across without looking right or left. Usually the focus is on speeders but I can see that his driving could be a contributary factor in an accident. But until he is involved in such will continue to drive without realising that going too slowly can be dangerous. If he cant see/react at prevailing speed limit hes a danger but his driving isnt going to be assessed unless he is involved in a serious accident. Dont think the idea of self-reporting medical conditions to DVLA is sufficient. And before anyone says "what about his human rights?" consider it could be you knocked off your bike at a junction by his driving. If I met the required standard to pass the test in 1966 theres no future guarantee that I will still be able to do so 46 years later especially if Ive never been eye-tested! :eek


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #70 on: 06 October 2012, 10:38:51 am »
Ah so you lost your right to drive when they introduced a drivng test in 1935.  So you lost your right in 1935, i dont get how you can loose what was a right? Grahamm can you explain that.  Cheers


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #71 on: 06 October 2012, 03:14:46 pm »

Please try to understand the difference between "speeding" (simply going above an arbitrary posted limit) and "inappropriate speed for the conditions" and then you will understand that I have already answered you.

I fully understand the premise of inappropriate speed for the prevailing conditions Grahamm. You are saying that despite having a maximum speed discretionary considerations need to be made within that maximum. I don't see why you think that is something so difficult for others to grasp?

The point you don't seem to be addressing is the point I'm making. Which is that of record. The government puts any new legislation under the larger umbrella of 'road safety'. That's their justification for the introduction of new intrusions on personal liberty, after all who can argue if it makes the world a safer place? Therefore we must wear seatbelts, observe 70 mph speed limits, undergo  MOT's and a myriad of other things all within that broad road safety justification.

Now you're saying the government are bullshitting, and I'm not going to argue as that's what governments do for a living. You won't address the 70 mph maximum question because both you and I know it is a complete fallacy that 'speed kills' just as it is that 'alcohol kills', - it's all down to when and how you use it.

Driving examiners are charged with training people to a standard that is deemed competent to drive on our roads. If this isn't happening then the standard required needs to be raised before one can drive. That's number one. Someone failing their test must undergo a retest, which means a system is already in place.

Inexperience causes accidents due to youthful over confidence, or lack of the experience in adapting driving to driving conditions. Such accidents result in increased insurance premiums, and/or points on the licence. I dare say a lesson is learned too. The potential for huge additional costs to young drivers go some way to encouraging caution.

Medical examination, eye tests and possibly hearing tests will address natural atrophy of those faculties. I agree that these should be introduced.

Inconsiderate, aggressive, abusive or downright dangerous drivers are out there. It is a character trait. It won't be cured by sitting them down and talking to them, they're just like that  If and when they cause accidents, they get points, bans, dearer insurance and so on. Therefore, as before there is a system in place.

The final two groups consist of uninsured/banned dickwads in a £50 car from the auctions, and those who drive well, don't speed, have lots of experience and are rewarded with cheaper insurance as the assessors consider them to be a low risk.  In the first instance they won't even be turning up to your proposed new re-test scheme.  In the second these are people who are doing everything right, have demonstrated that they have been doing so for a number of years, and just want to go about their business.

So here we have it. The point I am making is this:

You know (although won't openly admit) that the 70mph legislation is bullshit, and that we can (and do) travel at speeds in access of that in complete safety depending on the conditions and situation. Right? But although you or I may be capable of doing so we can't, because we are restricted to 70 mph by law.

What you are proposing then is a similar situation. We know that some people are bad drivers, we know that some are inexperienced, and we know that yet more just don't give a shit. And as mentioned there are already mechanisms in force that deal with this'

So like the blanket 70mph limit that you know is bullshit but won't come out and say so, you would like to see a blanket re-test that applies to all and tests the good with the bad.  So your argument consists of a strange schism in that what you seem to be saying is you know the 70 limit is nonesense and restricts those will the knowledge and ability to safely exceed it, yet you want to introduce retesting system that includes those with the knowledge and proven ability to avoid accidents.

You can't have it both ways mate.

PS I'm still not going to address your Straw Man arguments.
« Last Edit: 06 October 2012, 04:53:40 pm by Rusty »


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #72 on: 06 October 2012, 04:43:11 pm »
Ive had a brainwave  :eek
psychometric testing..........if you're a dick you dont get a licence....but the government can't be in charge.....coz they're all dicks,
the police can make up a new offence......'being a dick'
the penalty...........being sent to the houses of parliament to join all the other dicks! and of course loss of licence.
how to get your licence back......stop being a dick! and complete tests of all things honour and courtesy...and donate money to FOC for shiny bike bits! :b
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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #73 on: 06 October 2012, 04:50:34 pm »
Question to anyone that things compulsary re-tests should be introduced... should it just be for cars or should it be for each category?
From the BBC News website today

The ABI said an 18-year-old was more than three times as likely as a
48-year-old to  be involved in a crash

If they are only 3x more likely to have an accident, why do they pay 10x (or more) the insurance premium???
Their accidents tend to cost more maybe?


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Re: Periodic Driver Retests.
« Reply #74 on: 06 October 2012, 04:51:57 pm »

None.  :lol

[size=78%]To be honest, I'm not sure I understand....[/size]Which one of you can actually get their pee pee the farthest!?!?!?!?!?!

Up a wall? Depends how tall you are in the first place.  ;)