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Author Topic: 2001 front suspension adjusting ?  (Read 1922 times)


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2001 front suspension adjusting ?
« on: 08 June 2012, 08:02:19 pm »
is there any way i can adjust my front suspension on my 2001 600 fazer ?
feels rock hard and makes my arms really tired after a while.
never adjusted suspension before (except rear) so not sure if it's possible

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  • CBT Wobbler
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Re: 2001 front suspension adjusting ?
« Reply #1 on: 09 June 2012, 10:20:49 am »
You should have preload adjusters which'll be in the top fork cap, is a round head with two flats for (10mm?) spanner to adjust preload, wound in gives more, out gives less, tho' I'd say the FZS is rather softly sprung the forks aren't too bad really.

How heavy are you/pillion/luggage as my first thought is weight of load is using all/too much suspension travel?

Try this to ascertain travel, with bike on sidestand attach a cable tie to one fork so's it grips but can slide up the fork tube put it down touching the dust cap of the slider, idea is go for a ride and see how far up the tube it's gone, some way over half way between dust cap at bottom on bottom yolk would be about right for travel, much less would mean the front's too hard cos' of some mechanical issue, like there's way too much oil or there's something making the spring too hard, someone's added washers to increase preload for instance!

Before you go out tho' just sit on the bike in riding gear off the stand and see how much travel's used just in static sag, should be about 25mm or so, which'll be evident when you get off again and the suspension settles back to unladen the cable tie'll be a little way up the fork tube, much more than that 25mm and the preload probably isn't enough, much less, like 10mm prehaps, then the preload is too great. Think I'm right in saying about 1/3 of travel's taken with static sag, tho' that includes bike weight, not just rider, imagine the bike weighs about 190k and you 60k at very least with gear on so you're a pretty large part of the overall weight.

Wouldn't suggest changing oil or anything if you're not too sure of things, leave brakes and suspension alone if you don't know exactly what you're doing, but this cable tie test should point one way or other.


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Re: 2001 front suspension adjusting ?
« Reply #2 on: 09 June 2012, 11:35:48 am »
thanks for the reply
i'm about 10 stone, so not really that heavy
having looked at the top yoke, it looks like the screws / nuts are all the way in (can see hardly any thread)
i'll give the cable tie trick a go (great idea btw!) and see what the travel is.

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  • CBT Wobbler
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Re: 2001 front suspension adjusting ?
« Reply #3 on: 09 June 2012, 01:31:43 pm »
Hi mate, yep 10 stone's not heavy, you shouldn't be giving the suspension a hard time, I'm less than that mind you, light is good as I can get more speed outta anything! The preload adjusters have not got thread visible as they move inside the fork leg cap, there are horizontal graduation lines on them, maybe 8 or so tho' without looking I can't say exactly, is like the chain adjusters' marks on the swingarm, and wound out they'd protrude prehaps 30-40mm from the fork cap top, can't be fully removed as there's a split pin inside to stop that, if preload's wound all the way in then I'd say wind it out maybe so 4 lines are showing, like I said they're not oversprung by any means, the preload doesn't do a great deal in reality on a softish spring.

See what happens with the cable tie, I'd say by what you've just said that it might be the oil's old, could be original, so like water, no damping left in that, so may well be just new oil required.