Date: 15-06-24  Time: 23:54 pm

Author Topic: Plea for Sponsorship for Macmillan Cancer Support and Alzheimer's Society  (Read 671 times)


  • WSB Pack Hound
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This year see's the 10th anniversary of my father's passing away, after living with (rather than "dying from") terminal cancer and being cared for by the fantastic Macmillan Cancer Nurses. Since then, my wife has also lost her father to cancer and we have seen many people that we know across the range of our contacts and lives, being impacted by the loss of someone close, to cancer.[/size]More recently, both of our mother's have been suffering with Dementia/Alzheimer's, such that they both need 24 hr care and since experiencing this ourselves, we have become acutely aware of the growing scale of this problem. The Alzheimer's Society provide support and research in the care and treatment of those who suffer and they need our help !Since 2008, Liz and I have organised a fully supported, annual 150 mile Cycle Challenge Ride, engaging over 250 riders to take part (and complete) and have so far raised well over £25,000 for these fantastic charities. As this year is the final time that we will be running this event, I thought I'd make a final plea to our fellow Fazer lovers, for your continued help and assistance in raising as much as we can to help, by simply making a donation in support of our efforts, however small or large (anything is greatly appreciated) - using the Just Giving sponsorship links below.So - many thanks for your previous, and current help and please Ride Safe and Live Long.Just Giving Link to sponsor our group and raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society Giving Link to sponsor our group and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support