Date: 16-06-24  Time: 09:11 am

Author Topic: other road users  (Read 736 times)


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other road users
« on: 15 May 2015, 08:03:47 pm »
Ok 3 weeks ago I started noting near misses on my daily commute to and from work, week 1: 5 near misses, week 2: 3 near misses, week 3: 4 near misses, all this in a 10 mile round trip, are other road users really oblivious to bikers or is a case of ''its ok he'll feel it more than me'' junctions are the worst, with drivers pulling out from behind other traffic when your beside them a close second, then all you get is ''sorry I didn't see you'' I wear hi-viz with lights blaring, I couldn't be more visable if I was lit up like a xmas tree. anyone else noting near misses, it would be nice to know that Hull is'nt the only place that breeds idiot drivers.


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Re: other road users
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2015, 08:56:16 am »
Was reading yesterday about how women won the battle of who was the better car driver, which made me chuckle, but i can't throw stones 'cos i don't personally drive a car, but saying that i do have very observant eyes.

No less than FOUR women drivers pissed me right off on the way home from work last night.

The first just refused point blank to let me out of a side turning, even though it was still traffic, she kept nudging closer and closer to the car in front of her with a look of "I'm going to kill you!" on her face if i ever thought about trying to.
So i waited for her to go past, then the kind person behind her let me out, then i rode around her and planted myself right in front of her motor.  :evil
Now, you know when you're in a room and you can feel someone looking at you from behind, well i felt like i had cross hairs of a sniper rifle on the back of my lid. I could sense the anger, but it didn't phase me. Without getting nervous and scarpering away, i sensibly kept to well under the speed limit, i think i almost hit 15mph at one point.  :rollin
About a mile up the road i got to a busy junction where i simply couldn't decide whether to pull out on the left or the right lane of the road?  :think
So, glancing in my wing mirror, she's now mounted the kerb, machine guns fully loaded, and i thought "That's a bit rude." so i decided to move left a bit to put a stop to that one.
At that moment she decided to play name that tune with her feeble car horn. I thought "I'll have some of that." so responded with my air horn, which unfortunately quickly put an end to that game, as we now had an audience.  :lol
I got bored with her then, so a quick  :finger and i was away and left the miserable bastard to simmer in traffic.

The other three, well, all i can say is they just blatantly pulled out on me, which don't get me wrong, i'm fully in control of, but what bothers me the most is that not only did they not even attempt to see if anyone was coming from their left side, 'cos i was watching their faces, but when i gave them the air horn they still carried on driving, making no attempt to look or stop whatsoever?
That has happened to me several times on a DAILY basis, and if i was in genuine danger they would just run me over, which i find truly shocking.
To me, if i hear a horn sounded over here it means danger and it's time to have a very quick look around you to see what the noise is all about. I do appreciate though that in some other countries the horn is used so damn casually nobody actually gives a feck anymore, which is where i think this blase attitude comes from. I'm finding increasingly that some people seem to drive as if they are wearing toilet roll holders over their eyes. People on their left or right simply don't exist! And manners and patience have long gone, they are a thing of the past, especially in London.
Anyway, gripe over, as long as i can read their movements then it's something that is just part of my daily commute, but i fully believe that if someone does you a dangerous wrong doing then they should be made well aware of it, but without getting yourself into too much trouble, as you still are the vulnerable one.
Whether they really give a shit is entirely another matter though!
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