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Author Topic: Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???  (Read 1452 times)


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Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???
« on: 23 February 2017, 03:29:49 pm »
I bought some of this at Excel last weekend, has anyone used it ? It sounds good ,the demos were pretty interesting and if you get a puncture you don't have to get it repaired, and it's been tested on a punctured tyre to over 150mph and used by plod and the army amongst others for thre protection.
I'm not sure whether to put it in the metzelers already fitted on my bike as I wasn't happy with them but now the suspenders have been done I'm gonna give the tyres another chance before I sport out for T30's but while I'm deliberating I wondered if anyone else has used this product ?


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Re: Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???
« Reply #1 on: 23 February 2017, 07:11:51 pm »
It's got me out of trouble before.
There are different brands of it under different names but it's all similar stuff, it just runs in liquid form inside your tyre then once a puncture occurs it will plug the hole and solidify.

I used it a few years ago when i had a slow leak on a tyre that had a decent amount of tread on it so thought i'd give it a go.

Pro's: Tyre literally stays the same if punctured. I rode a few miles to a tyre place with a nail still in place with the tyre fully inflated, after i'd heard the pop of it going in, then the noise of the nail on the road.
Perfect if you're going touring or somewhere obscure where a puncture could be troublesome.

Con's: Can be tough to get inside the tyre, you'll need a proper airline, and something to poke down the valve as beads of rubber can jam it up. It's certainly not as straightforward as just pouring it in.
Nobody will repair a tyre with this stuff inside, it's way too messy and time consuming to even attempt to fit a plug for example.
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Re: Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???
« Reply #2 on: 23 February 2017, 07:20:18 pm »
It's got me out of trouble before.
There are different brands of it under different names but it's all similar stuff, it just runs in liquid form inside your tyre then once a puncture occurs it will plug the hole and solidify.

I used it a few years ago when i had a slow leak on a tyre that had a decent amount of tread on it so thought i'd give it a go.

Pro's: Tyre literally stays the same if punctured. I rode a few miles to a tyre place with a nail still in place with the tyre fully inflated, after i'd heard the pop of it going in, then the noise of the nail on the road.
Perfect if you're going touring or somewhere obscure where a puncture could be troublesome.

Con's: Can be tough to get inside the tyre, you'll need a proper airline, and something to poke down the valve as beads of rubber can jam it up. It's certainly not as straightforward as just pouring it in.
Nobody will repair a tyre with this stuff inside, it's way too messy and time consuming to even attempt to fit a plug for example.
I asked that about repairing the tyre and was told that there was no need as this stuff seals the tyre as a permanent repair for the life of the tyre with no speed restriction and the tyre they had on demo had 13 holes in it and still air tight.
I must admit I got it as I'm doing some touring this year and thought if can save the trouble of a puncture at 3am going to the Lake District or similar then it'd be worth it .
I was thinking about seeing if a tyre place would put it in if I got new tyres at the same time save me the trouble of putting it in
Thanks Darrsi, at least now I know I've not bought a bottle of snake oil 👍🏻👍🏻


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Re: Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???
« Reply #3 on: 23 February 2017, 07:43:05 pm »
I'm not sure if there is an issue of balancing the wheel with this sort of stuff in. Plenty of people use it without any apparent problem but getting the wheel balanced BEFORE you put the sealer in would seem the sensible thing to do. I imagine when the wheel is spinning at speed the liquid will be evenly distributed, but could be a problem trying to balance the wheel statically or at a low spinning speed.


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Re: Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???
« Reply #4 on: 23 February 2017, 07:48:01 pm »
It also claims to plug holes 15mm wide, so that would obviously be a judgement call to get that sorted as that is one big hole, plus i wouldn't want to going at high speed with tyre damage like that.
I would imagine a tyre fitter would frown at the stuff, but don't see why they wouldn't put it in for you?
Certainly wouldn't hurt for touring purposes though.
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bri h

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Re: Bike seal puncture prevention , anyone got some ???
« Reply #5 on: 25 February 2017, 02:55:23 pm »
I don't know about the sealant stuff but I have just repaired (I hope) a puncture caused by a ruddy great screw by plugging it. Ill let you know in a few days how well it works.
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