Date: 01-06-24  Time: 11:55 am

Author Topic: Bennett fracture  (Read 4826 times)


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Re: Bennett fracture
« Reply #25 on: 11 June 2016, 01:33:37 pm »
Hello Steve,
               I hope that you had an enjoyable holiday and that your arm didn't spoil it too much. Another three weeks, and hopefully the surgeon, with the new scans, will be able to sort things out.
As for me, I had the scan looking for blood clots, and fortunately none were found. Last Wednesday, I went to see the surgeon, and she removed the K-wires and sent me to occupational therapy. They made me a splint, gave me some gentle exercises to do, and I go back on Wednesday.
  The following Wednesday it's back to see the surgeon.
My left leg and knee are still swollen and painful and I can't bend it. I think that the quadriceps tendon is damaged, so something else to be looked at.
 I have Dupuytren's disease, which causes the fingers to gradually bend back until they are touching the palm. Before the accident, my little finger on the damaged hand was bent but I could get my gloves on. Now, it is so bent that I can't get a glove on. The only thing that I can wear is an over mitt which isn't ideal. I have a six month wait to see a specialist and then another long wait for a procedure. I have been trying to find someone who can do something with my existing gloves otherwise I wont be able to ride even if my hand recovers enough to be able to grip the bar.
  Anyway, such is life, and thank-you for asking, Steve.
