Date: 04-06-24  Time: 06:03 am

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Messages - Dan Gliballs

Pages: [1]
They arrived yet?

General / Re: Spot lights
« on: 12 December 2016, 12:47:58 pm »
That looks decent mate! Not convinced on the white V on the screen though.

These are the cheap 125w ones

Look at this on eBay

Its a mine field eBay at times!

Yeah I saw those when I was looking a while back, but opted for the lower wattage ones, I'm sure they will be really bright but the problem is that you are adding another 250Watt load on the bikes charging system along with all the other lights that you will have on at the time.

Standard 2002-2003 FZS600 power consumption is (I would Imagine) 2 X 55 watt dipped headlights , 2 X 5 watt rear tail lights, 2 X 5 watt front sidelights, plus maybe another 10 watts for the instrument lights.

That's a total of approx 140 watts, with the spots you are proposing you are adding an extra 250 watts load on the generator, I not convinced it would keep up and if it did I would have to ask how long for.

The total lighting load on your generator would be 390 watts, that well over a third of a kilowatt.

My lighting system total load is 200 watts, I have to admit I was a bit concerned about my generator having to work to hard when I first fitted them, but so far all is good.
When I get back from a ride I plug the battery conditioner (Oxford) in straight away and it always goes straight to Maintain Mode, indicating that the battery is fully charged.
On the other hand the Cree spots that you supplied the link for when I was first looking for spots they were between £28 and £32 a pair.

It may well be that the generator would handle the added load of these 250 watt a pair spots. I am sure there is a foccer out there that could throw some light on the subject (Haha no pun intended)

Yes good and valid point, they're bikes, not industrial diesel powered generators  :rollin

General / Re: Spot lights
« on: 11 December 2016, 06:50:17 pm »
That looks decent mate! Not convinced on the white V on the screen though.

These are the cheap 125w ones

Look at this on eBay

Its a mine field eBay at times!

General / Re: Spot lights
« on: 11 December 2016, 05:22:57 pm »
Is "cree" a brand? And between you i have links to 10w and 30w lights but there are some cheaper ones on ebay saying 125w, i take it those are bollocks and you get what you pay for?

General / Re: Spot lights
« on: 11 December 2016, 01:05:29 pm »
Is the effectiveness of the indicators not compromised  by the close proximity and high brightness of the spot lights?

General / Re: Spot lights
« on: 11 December 2016, 12:10:38 am »
Hi thanks for the input will look into this some more

General / Spot lights
« on: 10 December 2016, 09:18:13 pm »
Like them on the gs or other type bikes. has anyone fitted some with any success ? are the cheap ones any good?

still for sale

Photo attached


For Sale & Wanted / WANTED - PANNIER RACK FZS1000
« on: 03 November 2016, 09:43:30 am »
Pannier rack wanted for FZS1000 currently have 2 E35 side cases and a large top box, and the givi rear rack rails and a momokey plate, just need the pannier rack now, any for sale on their own?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Gen 1 Givi luggage + wingrack
« on: 03 November 2016, 09:23:11 am »
Hi I am interested will send you a direct message

Pages: [1]