Date: 15-06-24  Time: 17:37 pm

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Messages - dazmorland

Pages: [1]
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Battery not charging :(
« on: 16 March 2016, 07:49:20 am »
Thanks guys will do :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Battery not charging :(
« on: 14 March 2016, 07:40:04 pm »
Hey guys new to this, so pardon me if I have posted this in the incorrect area!
I have a 2008 FZ1 Fazer standard and has 26,000 miles on the clock.
Like many others my bike has been stored away over the winter period and yesterday I attempted to go out on it since 3-4 months ago.
I trickle charged the battery up to 14.5v's and tried to start it. This voltage is usually more than enough to start the engine, but the engine refused to fire up and made a buzz buzzing sound from the rear of the bike (Where the battery is located underneath the seat)

Anyway I bump started it and rode for 40 miles in an attempt to charge the battery up. After stopping for some fuel, I was unable to start the bike up again and it just made the buzzing sound again and refused to fire up!
To me this meant the battery wasn't being recharged during travelling.
My first though was the battery has come to the end of its natural maintainable life so I should really just replace it.......however the battery is actually 'charging' when plugged into the main, but wont start when fully charged.
So now I'm thinking the starter motor might be seized, but this is uncommon for this model and age of bike so I'm really not sure.

I'm wondering whether me leaving the bike still for 3-4 months may have had something to do with it? Before I throw it into a dealers to get repaired, has anyone else suffered the same issues, and what is the likely problem?

Thank you in advance

Introduction / Hello from Frodsham, England
« on: 14 March 2016, 07:31:30 pm »
Hi peeps its Daz from Frodsham! I've had my standard FZ1 since 2012 and I absolutely love her! Her name is Yazzy M (after my nickname Dazzy M) and I have ridden the socks off her around the Isle of Mann TT course last year! My best ever riding experience it was, especially keeping up with the sportier superbikes across the mountain section of the course! (easy peasy ha ha ha)
Anyway just thought I would pop and say hi, and look forward to being a member of this community :)

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