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Messages - johnnymnemonic

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Re: Hello from Austria
« on: 29 August 2015, 09:20:44 pm »
that's the best the tiny camera on my mobile could do ... but one gets the idea.

the last panorama shot and the pic in this post show the tallest mountain in my country - "Grossglockner"(well, it's more "giving a hint" than really "show", because the actual summit is hidden in the clouds)

Introduction / Re: Hello from Austria
« on: 29 August 2015, 09:14:42 pm »
Nice bike and pics :)
Show us some more panoramic ones, make the rest of us foccers even more jealous of your location :lol

well, since you asked for it ;)

Introduction / Hello from Austria
« on: 28 August 2015, 06:43:46 pm »
Hi guys,

I'm a native inhabitant of Austria, currently living in the largest city we can come up with around here - Vienna.
I have received some great technical help and advises here already when i realized, I haven't even properly introduced myself yet.

Having the license to ride motorbikes for 20 years now I never really found time and/or money to actually exercise my right to ride. Until last year that was where I suddenly felt the urge to try whether i could still do it (midlife crisis was knockin', i assume). So I rented a small inazuma for a week and that's when the infection started ...
A few other rental-rides later, I decided to finally get one of my own ... "cheap, universal, reliable" was what I was looking for, so I picked a trusty and well cared for old  (99) FZS 600 as my first own bike. She had 33t km on the counter and I am the 3rd owner now.

After some really useful and educational trainings I chose to take on my first longer trip during summer vacation. I decided to go just a bit further down south and cruise some mountain passes in northern italy. Great weather, perfect conditions and evaded much of the summer heat we had during that time in the city ... looking forward to many more such travels to come.

Added two pics of my trusty steed. First one was taken when I bought it, the second one is from the tour in the dolomites (taken at Passo di Gardena ... but more bike, less mountain/panorama-shot ... i'd have chosen some more panoramic ones, but they dont feature the bike)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: oil light?
« on: 28 August 2015, 05:39:45 pm »
I own a 99 boxeyed since earlier this year and I'm really happy with it so far. The only thing I came across was exactly the incident described here.

I was riding through the dolomites a few days and the oil light suddenly started to come alive when going uphills and revs above ~6000. It was not even just a flicker but a steady light unless i released the throttle (i only tried for 1 or two seconds though). I was very anxious since i only have basic mechanical knowledge. At the same time I was confused, knowing it was a oil-level - not pressure - indicator on that bike so I'd never expected that thing to come on while driving in the first place (no idea how a "oil level" can be indicated/measured while the sludge in there is tossed around at ridiculous speed).
I always try to keep an eye on the basic maintenance indicators - like the oil glass - and the level visible was about half way between min and max at that time - so i was worried that this wouldnt be the problem but something else (worse?).
I payed the next available bike mechanics a visit and the first thing he told me was, that this is a known yamaha thing - the oil lvl indicators are rather sensitive and tend to warn you rather early if the oil level is not near the max lvl ... he then just filled her up again (probably about the amount of 1 or two eggcups ... metric ones in my case, i assume :) ) and sent me off into the mountains again.
No red lights anymore since, so i guess that was really it.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: ignition lock about to die?
« on: 25 August 2015, 09:47:54 am »
I think the bike logo is a bit of a mash up of a few Fazers.

right. now that you mention it, actually only the front part looks like the old FZS600 ... silly me

FZS600 Fazer / Re: ignition lock about to die?
« on: 24 August 2015, 07:53:44 pm »
I figured that removal would be not that hard (as long as the lock is in the open position) - but if that stuff keeps me from going all amateur-bike-mechanics on the locking mechanism, I'm even happier :)
I'll order some of that stuff and in the meantime will make some flushing attempts with the WD40 I have.

thanks very much for your input guys.

@off  topic: that blue fazer in the foc-logo on top of the page ... where's its end-pipe gone? is there really an exhaust that is that ... aehm ... subtle?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: ignition lock about to die?
« on: 24 August 2015, 05:09:30 pm »
For the "washing/flushing" to be effective I assume i'll have to take the lock out, right? I guess trying to flush it in the mounted position will (aside from the mess on surrounding parts) never get as much of the crap out (or does it have some sort of drainage channels)?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: ignition lock about to die?
« on: 24 August 2015, 04:54:08 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply!

I did try good old WD40, but not really "flushing" it ... read somewhere that too much of that stuff can damage the lock too (but what's "too much" anyway really). Will give it another try.
The 3in1 oil then should also go into the lock or only externally in the area of the locking mechanism?

FZS600 Fazer / ignition lock about to die?
« on: 24 August 2015, 04:21:32 pm »
Hi guys,

I own a 99 boxeye for a couple of months now and right from the start the "lock"-position of the ignition/key has never been easy-in/out. But it is getting worse - in the meantime I have a very hard time getting it into or out of the locking position without serious rattling and fiddling on keys and handlebars.
Looks like I'll have to do something about it rather sooner than later.

I'm wondering what I'll have to switch out in order to get rid of the problem and since I assume I'm not the first one to face that, I wanted to ask for ideas/experiences/advice with that sort of problems.
Is it more likely to be a problem with the actual ignition lock or rather the locking mechanism (the bolt that locks the fork in place) itself ... or will i end up swap out both anyway (are they even separate units)?
I saw sets of locks (probably aftermarket ones) for around 60-100€ on eday ... are they any good? (I guess new ones, even aftermarket, are still better than used units, since these definitely wear out over time).

thanks in advance

FZS600 Fazer / Re: DROPPED BIKE - Any one got some naked pics
« on: 21 August 2015, 08:57:49 pm »
Hi guys, I also own the silver version from 98 and thought about doing a naked conversion for a while.
I first thought about classic single- or double-headlight style but then i stumbled across a really intriguing post (it's in german, sorry):

@Yamazer-92: This guy also found some cover-pieces to hide the "untidy areas on the front corners of the frame above the engine"

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