Date: 15-06-24  Time: 21:21 pm

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Messages - bikernurse

Pages: [1]
For Sale & Wanted / Re: WANTED fuel tank
« on: 12 April 2015, 05:28:38 pm »
We have had a go at repairing but have done it once before. Giving it one last shot. Fingers crossed

Introduction / Re: Newbie Fazer lover
« on: 10 April 2015, 07:54:54 am »
Just worked out how to send a pic . Here's me!

For Sale & Wanted / Re: WANTED fuel tank
« on: 10 April 2015, 07:49:53 am »
Will do thanks. One on ebay but £130

Introduction / Re: Newbie Fazer lover
« on: 10 April 2015, 07:44:54 am »
Hiya everyone.  Yeah I am really a nurse but Im not on duty so no medical advice to be given sorry lol 

For Sale & Wanted / Re: WANTED fuel tank
« on: 09 April 2015, 07:10:28 pm »
It's a 600 fzs

For Sale & Wanted / WANTED fuel tank
« on: 09 April 2015, 07:09:29 pm »
HI I'm looking for a good fuel tank for a 99 gold fazer. Mine has a hole in it! 
Thanks in advance

Introduction / Re: Newbie Fazer lover
« on: 09 April 2015, 07:06:21 pm »
We are always about around Wales . Was over the horse shoe pass a few weeks ago!

Introduction / Newbie Fazer lover
« on: 09 April 2015, 06:34:24 pm »
Hi everybody. I'm new to this site and thought I'd say Hello.
I've got a 99 600 cc gold fazer that I've owned 2 years (1st big bike).
It's done me proud and I love it!
I'm located in the Staffordshire area and like to get out and about with my other half as much as possible.
Roll on sunny times

Pages: [1]