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Messages - arieljt

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Tachometer jumps to 5K, couldn't find any info on error
« on: 24 September 2014, 05:38:27 pm »
nope, soz, still here mate. if I get that pissed off I normally sign off with "un-notified, good luck!"

in this case it is simply too amusing too let go. I mean the guys has been advised / told several times. he wants the help but isnt acting on it. there can only be  surely 4 root cause failure modes here, in order of my evaluation (based on likelyhood, cost and complexity to diagnose...)

1. TPS
2. ICU
3. Clocks
4. wiring

1. TPS adjusts voltage fed to the ICU so the return volts to the clocks can and will vary if there is a problem; without knowing every single failure mode of a TPS/ICU combination and the corresponding voltage routed to the clocks, one cannot assert with confidence that the 5K problem is not the TPS, even if it is disconnected and the clock still reads 5K, you dont know what the TPS/ICU has caused, that in turn has led to the anomalous error if indeed the error is anomalous? I suspect however that the ICU is a simple CDI unit ?? but have not seen a diagram of the fazer 600 ICU internals
So all can be done simply and relatively cheaply using a breaker part or something , is to replace the TPS and reset the system. This is the easiest and quickest fix, and has worked before on  a 5K error I was working on.

2. If the TPS fix doesnt work then a simple swap out of the ICU is called for; you can pick one up off fleabay cheap as chips:
The OP may wish to try this first (than the TPS) but I've never heard of an ICU fail - for sure they do - I just never heard of one since 1989 hence the TPS suggestion from me. So then the OP has to sell the ICU and I dont hear much call for ICUs but plenty of demand for TPSs !!

3. If the TPS nor ICU fix solve the problem, then we're looking at the clocks or wiring; clocks may be providing erroneous values. The clocks can be tested on a bench with a power supply with a selectable voltage output; the tacho works on volts and this can easily be driven; however, the OP would need to remove the tacho, get a selectable power supply, and do some bench testing. Even then, if the clocks are in error, then he'd still have to buy a replacement. Hence the TPS and ICU fixes came first above; cheaper and easier to diagnose.

3. If the TPS, ICU and clocks hasnt fixed the issue, then its down to wiring. To strip the bike and trace the wiring through all the looms and check all wires. Good luck!

so there you are, an explanation as requested.

I do listen and do act according to your advice and I do value it greatly, I'm sorry if it seemed otherwise  ;)

I'll answer each diasgnosis:
1 - TPS - The TPS was disconnected and the battery of the bike was removed and replaced. The bike was fired up and the tacho still shows 5K regardless of TPS connected/disconnected.
2 - ICU(/+TPS) - The ICU unit of the bike was replaced with a working ICU from another costumer's fazer of the same model and year, the tacho still showed 5K (also regardless of disconnecting - connecting the TPS).
3 - Clocks - The clocks was blamed to be faulty by the Yamaha garage, they said that it's likely that the previous owner connected a car to jumpstart the motorcycle which fried the clocks. I didn't replaced them as it was way too expensive for me at the moment.
4 - Wiring - I mentioned before that I checked the wiring between the ICU and the TPS and they were good. I didn't check the wiring between the ICU and the clocks though, but i believe that they are good since they rest of the clock's light functions correctly.

I would like to thank you all for helping a new fazer owner with his troubles! it's not for granted to have such a great community supporting  :thumbup

I think the next time I update this thread will be when I get my hands on a new set of clocks or when I found out the problem ultimately (A-men).

for now, I have problems with the carbs flooding and i'm on a new adventure with it, and i'll open another thread when I gather my thoughts.
Once again, Cheers mates!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Tachometer jumps to 5K, couldn't find any info on error
« on: 22 September 2014, 03:10:06 pm »
I wanted to do it but there's one thing that's holding me back - how am I going to tune the TPS correctly if my tacho is (indeed) messed up?
Then i'll be stuck with two problems  :wall

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Tachometer jumps to 5K, couldn't find any info on error
« on: 19 September 2014, 07:26:14 pm »
to the OP: just fixed my mates Fizzy which had the same prob. a new TPS sorted it. where are you upto with this?

Sorry for the late response.
This is very interesting! Did he have the 5K-0 problem exactly like I did?  :eek
What happened since my last post:
I went to a Yamaha shop and they brought another fazer, took his ICU and connected it to my fazer. Nothing changed! They had no idea what is it but they insisted that it has nothing to do with the TPS and they showed me what happens when they disconnected the TPS from the other guy's fazer (not the same problem like I have).

I'm still stuck with the bad tacho and i'm still searching for one, having a bit tight budget at the moment i'll get back to it later.

Where does the needle go when you unplug the TPS with the ignition switched on (not with engine running)?

It doesn't change a thing if the TPS is connected or not, still moves from 0-5K.
With everything plugged in and you turn on the ignition switch the rev counter goes to 5000 and then slowly returns to 0? Yes
With the TPS disconnected it does the same thing? Yes

With everything connected, Start the engine and leave it running for 5 minutes. What happens with the rev counter? Only 0-5K as always

Post the result/s as it could be an issue with the clocks????? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the TPS is faulty

Just to satisfy me and to absolutely sure you are performing the test correctly.

1. Disconnect the TPS - Check
2. Attach the meter leads to the 2 outer pins of the TPS unit on the Carburettor? What is the reading? Around 20Mohm - 26Mohm
3. Now Attach the meter to the lower and centre pins of the TPS. What is the reading? 23Mohm
4. Now with the meter still attached to the lower pin and middle pin, twist the throttle slowly to fully throttle. What is the result on the meter as you twist the throttle and when it is at full throttle?  It reacts to the throttle twist and it moves from ~23Mohm to 1.5 Kohm

I just got back from a Yamaha garage, told them about the 0-5K and they say they are not sure what it is. They set me an appointment for the 14th of August for 25Minutes (lol so precise Germans) of testing of the electrical system and the TPS. They are pretty damn expensive so I would like to buy the TPS myself - Original and give it to them to install, Can someone please link me to a original yamaha TPS for my fazer 600 99'? looked over ebay with no success.. 

I also called they guy that sold me the bike to tell him about my adventure and he was very unpleasant and told me that it's 100% my problem.

Once again, you guys rock, thank you all so much for helping out.

I didn't see you edited it, sorry for that.
I followed your guide and the manual now and its seems that the TPS unit is faulty, the resistance is 20-26 M ohm and it's the same between the black-blue and the black-yellow. I tested numerous times and even tested my fluke multimeter with simple resistors just to make sure its not the fluke fault.
Could it be that it's the TPS? because if I leave it disconnected and start ignition the tachometer still does the same thing as in the video i posted.

Now i'm wondering if I should buy a new TPS unit? (where in Germany?) or I should go to a bike service garage? (and possible have them overcharge and lie to me)

so how is the testing going ??? is it a case of no news = good news

I wish  :rolleyes and no, I wouldn't disappear like that  :)
I just tested the continuity and the cables are good. Even if i move them around there is no problem with them.
Now, for the resistance, I didn't understand where do I test it, can someone please clarify?

btw, you guys rock! thank you all for helping  :D


access the ignitor unit. Its under the rear cowling so you will need to take this off. Take off grab bars. (4 allen bolts). Take off cowling note the screws under the cowling (metal and those plastic type things) underneath on both sides of the cowling. The ignitor unit has several plugs (harness) going into it; one harness has three wires of colour: BLUE, YELLOW, BLACK/BLUE . Remove that harness. Remove the TPS harness  at the TPS sensor end (you've already done that if you have followed my instruction above). TPS Harness has the same colours. You now have two harnesses in your hand which are both ends of the TPS lead (one from TPS, one into Ignitor) Using the meter in CONTINUITY mode, check for continuity across all three wires. ie. touch BLUE on one harness end, touch BLUE on the other harness. "BEEP" ?? If three BEEPS (three colours) come back. If not then check your wiring for breaks/faults - which will be a nightmare as you will need to remove the TPS wiring from the bike so that you are holding these two harnesses on a workbench as one single end to end cable.

If you get three BEEPS, come back - wiring is good and the fault is likely to be the TPS unit which we can check simply and replace simply

As you own a fluke I'm presuming you are not a novice in electrics so am I ok to dispense with the electrical dumbing down - so as not to unduly patronise you and make this post much simpler  :b

I see one unit with two harnesses coming into it, is it this one?:

EDIT: Could it be that this TPS is not original?:

OK. We can test the electrics. My hunch is that the TPS is faulty or the wiring to it is faulty.
Have you got a multimeter that tests for CONTINUITY and RESISTANCE . if not you need to by one. Prices's vary to quality. Mine cost £350 but you can pick a simple one up from an automotive shop for less than £20. Come back when you have one and we run a few tests
I have a good old fluke multimeter! Please guide me through  :D

Thanks! I looked for codes regarding 5K techo, but didn't find, so i'll search for the TPS guide and will report back.

I searched TPS and found the following recent thread...take a slow read through it and there will be useful info for a quick glance it looks like 5K is a good code but that you need to complete the setting up process......but dont quote me on that as i only glanced at the thread and I've never done it

Thank you, I thought about the possibility that the TPS is stuck (?) at the setup mode, but in my case the tacho shows 5K regardless if I plug the TPS cable out and in, I don't know what I can do in that case.
I've tried what keratos suggested - cleaning the contacts but its still the same.
Here's a video:

i Repeat. Try what I suggested and tell us what happens

Will do, tomorrow everything is closed and I don't have any contact cleaning spray, so the day after that i'll report back.
Thank you once again!  :)

Thanks! I looked for codes regarding 5K techo, but didn't find, so i'll search for the TPS guide and will report back.

That's not fuel injection
They didn't do fi in 99 on fazer
I can see the carbs, right side of bike (your 1st pic) and I can see the TPS on the side with a white plug and it's to the left of the cooling fins on side of carbs 15cm before the rubber protector for the fuel tank . All on the first picture

Well, apparently the guy was full of shit I guess, thanks for pointing out. Is this the TPS?:

Sorry for causing misunderstandings, i'm not sure myself of the exact model, its 99 and it's fuel injections.
I recently moved to Germany and bought this bike, here are some pictures I already had:

I can take more pictures tomorrow as it's dark and raining now, and thank you all once again for helping!

sounds like it is the Throttle Position Sensor in setup mode. Unplug the wiring loom from the TPS on the side of the carbs, clean the contacts on both loom and TPS terminal side using Contact Cleaner

Then turn on ignition whilst TPS disconnected, then reconnect TPS still with ignition on then turn ignition off back on and restart

Thank you for helping out, you mentioned carbs, will it work with my fazer even though it is fuel injection and not carburated?
And I need to find a good manual with instructions on where is the TPS located, I never had such an advance bike

FZS600 Fazer / Tachometer jumps to 5K, couldn't find any info on error
« on: 02 August 2014, 07:08:10 pm »
Hello everyone!

I'm new to this community and today I bought my first Yamaha Fazer 600 99' (fuel injection:D
Sadly, I didn't pay much attention to the fact that the tachometer is trying to tell me something and I made the deal.
What happens is that the tacho jumps from 0 to 5K again and again and again regardless if the engine is running or not, besides that everything about the bike is great!

I tried to look for manuals or around the forum but I only found info about 3K and 7K and even 4K errors but nothing on 5K. :(

Please help me out, It really ruined the experience for me and I'm afraid to run the bike before I know whats the error.

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