Date: 02-06-24  Time: 22:00 pm

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Messages - mybad

Pages: [1]
FZS600 / Re: Lost your front sprocket and washer???
« on: 06 May 2014, 05:56:09 pm »
Hi guys /girls. I am new to the site and this is my first post. I found this thread while searching google as it also relates to myself , I found the topic interesting and just thought I would ask a few questions on the matter due to a few uncertainties . the time had come to change the front sprocket so out with the socket set and set about it , a few good pressure pulls with extended bar on socket and the nut wouldn't budge , so anyway to cut it short I had to resort to the hammer and chisel to get it off there was just no other way to do it. So the nut is off ummm at first it looked like someone had crossed threaded it until I came across this post with the problem of nuts striping,  so this is where the crux of the matter is , the threads on the shaft, I cannot decide if the threads are damaged or just full of the material from the threads off the nut , I would imagine the threads on the shaft would be case hardened ? ( anyone confirm this ) my next plan is to use a thread file to clean the threads on the shaft , BUT what I don't know is is the thread size so I can use the correct part of the thread file .My bike is a 1987 fzx so no kind of warranty or modification awaits me.

Introduction / Newbie
« on: 06 May 2014, 05:24:11 pm »

 Hi guys  /  girls   :)

 Mybad here, just thought I better say Hi before I get into the forum threads and get lost .   :)

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