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Messages - Bluecray

Pages: [1] 2
General / dinosaur on CH5 now
« on: 30 November 2015, 09:56:44 pm »
Tell me somehow how is there a real dinosaur on the operating table?

General / Re: Filtering on Motorway
« on: 30 June 2014, 09:31:31 pm »
It was me that started all this !!! having read comments, and have decided its illegal to use the hazards when filtering and also others have bunked my idea of using high beam when filtering , I would guess then the best idea is to leave a indicator on ......... but wait that means your changing lane and I wouldn't be oh hum.............oh hum ..... oh hum !!!!

General / Filtering on Motorway
« on: 26 June 2014, 09:30:20 pm »
I was returning home on the M25 which was almost at a standstill (as per usual on a Sunday evening !!) and I always ride with my beam on when filtering to try and make car drivers aware.......

then another biker came up behind me saw him instantly as he had his hazard flashers on, and I thought wow thats a great idea......he was spotted straight away some distance behind me.

Thought it was much safer so I stuck mine on too, and I'm sure more car drivers moved out of the way, as they could SEE me !!!

Now I feel that doing that isn't strictly legal as hazards are really only for emergency hard shoulder usage.

Your thoughts please.................................................

General / Re: MT-09 Just arrived in my local Stealer
« on: 09 November 2013, 03:01:38 pm »
If it is  a 14 litre tank, most reserves are 4 litres. 10 litres at 9 miles /litre ( 45 mpg average) = 90 miles.!!   :'(
That would fook me off, when my m8 on a street is getting 130 miles range before reserve light comes on .... :)

Reviews are estimating it at 48 mpg so you're not too wide of the mark, I'd be filling up every  2 days.  :\

My Honda NC700 has a 14 litre tank under rear seat! And does 200 miles a tank!!

General / Re: MT-09 Just arrived in my local Stealer
« on: 09 November 2013, 02:59:25 pm »
Quote from: pitternator linktonepic=10008.msg103803#msg103803 date=1380091023
If it is  a 14 litre tank, most reserves are 4 litres. 10 litres at 9 miles /litre ( 45 mpg average) = 90 miles.!!   :'(
That would fook me off, when my m8 on a street is getting 130 miles range before reserve light comes on .... :)

My Honda NC700 has 14 litres (under rear seat! ) and does 200 miles on a tank!

General / Polish people and their cars, question pls
« on: 09 November 2013, 02:53:36 pm »
I have Polish people living two doors away from me, I'm sure they've been there more than a year.

Their car is still Polish registered does that mean they can blast past speed cameras without being caught????

Or any other traffic offences??

How does the law stand on this, anyone know?

General / Re: Opening the hard shoulder on motorway..........
« on: 02 November 2013, 07:36:36 pm »
Yup has a weather shield and electronic ignition too,  but as I said in my original posting I know why it's prone to cutting out in wet, I've a removable steel front end, and the inner arches have been cut away thus allowing more water ingress.

General / Opening the hard shoulder on motorway..........
« on: 31 October 2013, 08:20:23 pm »
I was going back from a mini show in my classic mini a few weeks ago, and there was torrential rain on the motorway.

My mini is prone to cutting out in the wet (I know why so please dont go there !!)  above Northampton it cut out, pulled on hard shoulder and a quick squirt of WD40 I was off again.

Continuing down the M way in this awful weather, it was dangerous to go above 50, there was a fair amount of traffic.

They then opened the hard shoulder to ease congestion so there's me gripping steering wheel hoping the mini doesn't cut out again.

The very thought of having to stop on the hard shoulder with a lorry baring down on me is unthinkable. yes, people say they have cameras so thus if someone breaks down they close the hard shoulder.

But surely no system will be quick enough to stop traffic in time........I think its mighty dangerous especially  when its really wet out there, and vision is limited,

your views welcomed please..........

General / Re: Confessions of a Newbie Rider
« on: 05 October 2013, 05:52:35 pm »
I remember going from my 125 to my newly brought CB500 and God the power I could not believe how QUICK it was!!!

General / A point to ponder ……………
« on: 09 September 2013, 06:10:29 pm »
The recent Steppley crash where cars piled into one another made me think

Why don't motorbikes have fog lamps?????

A workmate said to me a mobile should be switched off in car - no distraction then whatsoever ……………:

General / Re: clutchless gear change
« on: 10 July 2013, 06:19:49 pm »
...on the topic of "smooth" changes, how about "blipping" on downshifts?  I've tried it a few times but can never get it right, I'm sure the missus would appreciate it though.

I always do it makes it so smooth …………………

General / You'd think the police would have powers to do this???
« on: 10 July 2013, 01:54:59 pm »
I was out in my classic mini (1986) Friday night going through a town with speed bumps,  was watching Mr  BMW toss pot behind me, all was well, following me safe over three  speed humps then all of a sudden,  he rear ends me badly caving boot in totally.

From his body language I felt he wasn't being truthful to me he just held his hands up high and said "I Don't know what happened ""

Down at police station I asked if they could investigate his mobile records to which they said no unless I actually saw him!!!

Very poor methinks he could have been done for driving without due care and attention. Though it doesn't really help me insurance wise,  I'd just like to get my own back on him.

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 23 May 2013, 09:10:35 pm »
Had a letter to say they have cancelled the ticket  :)

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 11 May 2013, 05:04:19 pm »
Just for clarification, looking at the op, did you leave the car unattended at all, even for 1 minute?
Were you in the passenger drop off point?

Not stirring, just interested in the facts of how they have ticketed you.

What do you mean by "looking at the op?" 

It is as I stated at the top of this posting, the driver never got out of the car,  we never saw any signs, it was dark, no we weren't in the proper drop off zone, I just left car briefly.

I feel a warning letter would have been a much better option ………………

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 10 May 2013, 08:50:08 pm »
Many thanks ghostbiker about another 6 days to go till 28 days up  then I expect they'll send another letter,  I'll see …………

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 10 May 2013, 07:54:48 pm »
Ta here it is again

PicsArt 1368211937755
PicsArt 1368211937755

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 10 May 2013, 07:21:05 pm »
Sorry for delay ghostbiker herewith is the letter, Hang on

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 04 May 2013, 02:50:30 pm »
scan and post where ghostbiker ?

letter is only one sided does that help~??

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 04 May 2013, 02:12:00 pm »
its now been two weeks since the original letter and my stiff reply.......this is at the point where we could have paid off the fine for half £40 rather than £80.

No reply from them as yet........

I expect I will get a reply when the 28 days is up????

General / Re: Riding 2 up
« on: 23 April 2013, 08:51:59 pm »
I always make sure I am settled on bike, feet planted well out, give a thumbs up for pillion to mount bike......

at end of ride, I plant my feet give a thumbs up meaning its ok to get off and pillion dismounts......

Otherwise same advice as above..........

......its no fun if pillion decides to jump off and you aint ready !!!!!!

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 23 April 2013, 08:47:11 pm »
My Mrs drove me to luton airport for me to pick up my hire car.

We stopped very briefly to drop me off,  it was dark and we were unfamiliar with the airport and it's roads etc ……

Yesterday in post we get a letter, fine of £80 for not parking in the correct zone.

Is it actually a legal parking fine (Penalty Charge Notice, I think) or a "demand for payment" or similar? If the latter, ignore it. See

It's very probably not a legally enforceable but just an invoice that they send you and follow up with various threatening letters, but you most likely have no obligation to pay.

Grahamm is giving good advice, I can recommend reading up on the moneysavingexpert site too:

If it's a private company (which I would think it is):


The letter is a "PARKING CHARGE NOTICE"  how does that effect things? (not quite the words that were quoted above......)

General / Re: grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 20 April 2013, 08:47:40 pm »
Thanks guys, have written a letter to them stating why I felt we weren't in breach of their contract,  sent it special delivery too so they'll have to sign it.  :lol

General / grrr so called parking ticket …………………
« on: 20 April 2013, 07:25:19 am »
My Mrs drove me to luton airport for me to pick up my hire car.

We stopped very briefly to drop me off,  it was dark and we were unfamiliar with the airport and it's roads etc ……

Yesterday in post we get a letter, fine of £80 for not parking in the correct zone.

Well needless to say I'm fuming!

I'm contesting this ………… Yes I've Googled and got more info which I won't go into here.

Anyone else had similar experience??

General / Re: scottoiler e system
« on: 20 April 2013, 07:11:41 am »
Follow on from my post, my replacement one has been fitted, just hoping this time it stays working!!

I've a Honda NC700 and I'm told you cannot fit the older vacuum off the engine type scottoiler to this bike.

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