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Messages - BlondeBiker

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Re: Hey
« on: 18 October 2011, 12:19:34 am »
Thank you :]

Thanks for the advice, the couple I brought it from warned me of that before i set off on my 162 mile ride home haha. I'm always easy on the brakes, the front brakes on my last bike were quite sharp so had to be gentle :p

And its fine its a refreshing change to 'ooo thats a big bike for you/a girl'.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Spares.
« on: 17 October 2011, 01:10:03 pm »
Oh thats excellent. Its payday friday so will let you no.

Just had a look on google maps and huntingdon is 90 miles from where i am so i think the postage is gonna be cheaper :P

Thanks x

FZS600 Fazer / Spares.
« on: 17 October 2011, 12:55:47 am »
Can anyone suggest anywhere (other than ebay) I can try to get a new key/ignition barrel and a set of rear footpegs relatively cheap?

I brought the bike with no rear footpegs cheering that it meant I couldn't take pillions anymore and in the two weeks I've owned it needed to take a pillion more times than a have in the last two years -.-
Suppose I was asking for that one though.

Cheers :]

Introduction / Hey
« on: 17 October 2011, 12:41:00 am »
Hey, I'm Jozi.
I'm quite new to forum so not really sure what i'm doing  :\
Brought myself a beaut of a fazer 600 two weeks ago (exactly  :) ) and thought it would be useful to join a forum to find out a bit more about them.

Pages: [1]