Date: 04-06-24  Time: 01:42 am

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Messages - Chillum

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
General / Re: How high can we count ?
« on: 16 February 2014, 06:33:54 pm »

General / Re: RIP Marchride Aka Tim
« on: 09 January 2014, 09:30:27 pm »
The last time I saw Tim was at the Fox in Finchingfield, blimey it seems like a lifetime ago. If he's up there watching he'll be having a laugh and taking the piss at me crying at my keyboard.

I want to say something to slag him off and make him laugh, but for some reason I can't.

I'll never forget coming out of the Comfort Cafe to find those tassles blu-tacked to the end of my Victory handlebars, and the comparison made with the pearly-queen mustachio'd leather clad Harley rider that was parked up nearby.

The world has just become that little bit sadder and duller without you mate. God bless, and my condolences to Tim's family. If our loss feels like this, I can't imagine what they are going through.

RIP Dude.

PS Does anyone know if Lum knows?

General / Re: Tim Allen (aka MarchRide) Funeral Details
« on: 09 January 2014, 09:22:05 pm »
oh my god, I can't believe I'm reading this :'( I only came on the site for a quick catch up, haven't been on for a while - this is awful news :(

General / Re: This is why we hate traffic wombles
« on: 20 November 2013, 03:13:39 pm »
Who's to say that the retard with the decked out Fazer didn't move his bike a bit so he could get his fat arse on his bike?

After all, the rear tyre looks inside the yellows!

General / Re: How not to apply for a new passport
« on: 18 October 2013, 05:59:12 pm »
As far as I know the only rational reason to expire passports every ten years is to force a new photo, i.e. a more recent likeness. Well played though, that's an excellent argument.

General / Re: caption competition
« on: 13 October 2013, 07:47:51 pm »
Tesco's new 500cc trolley

General / Re: Racing crash last week
« on: 13 October 2013, 12:27:24 pm »
Thanks for putting my mind at rest, that one really upset me when I saw his head clip the barrier.

General / Racing crash last week
« on: 12 October 2013, 09:15:18 pm »
I was watching the BSB etc on Eurosport last Sunday and there was a rider who crashed and hit his head against the barrier.

I'm trying to find out if he's ok, but the recording is deleted and I can't remember the riders name or which race he was in. Can anyone remember?

General / Re: caption competition
« on: 10 October 2013, 09:17:47 pm »
I know my undies have skid marks, but what's that smell of rubber?

General / Re: Was this dickish riding?
« on: 08 October 2013, 09:14:12 pm »
It shouldn't matter if the van driver can see you or not, you should always ride as if they have seen you but are going to try and take you out.

Looks like a clean manoueveueuueuevere to me.

General / Re: caption competition
« on: 08 October 2013, 09:10:06 pm »
Get tanked up with the new Yamaha custom

General / Re: caption competition
« on: 06 October 2013, 04:00:59 pm »
Shit, someone's nicked my bricks!

General / Re: And you are scared of wasps!
« on: 04 October 2013, 08:34:40 pm »
No, I'm not afraid of wasps, but I'm now terrified of Hornets!

General / Re: Range Rover Runs Over Bikers In NYC
« on: 01 October 2013, 06:48:03 pm »
If you run into the back of someone then its your fault.....what he did after that is inexcusable


General / Re: Another hobby of mine
« on: 24 September 2013, 09:13:24 pm »
Tha's no ordinary rabbit!


General / Re: Well for a laugh i thought
« on: 22 September 2013, 11:40:47 pm »
at least you labelled the video accurately :pokefun

General / Re: Youtube clip , a bit mad them Americans
« on: 22 September 2013, 11:39:02 pm »
It's possible to interpret this video either way. If there were a dozen bikers riding round someone and making someone feel intimidated (I mean, there's no reason for the bikers to stick around a car no?) then I can see a situation where someone in a car could start making irrational decisions out of fear.

But then on the other hand the cager tried to ram one of them into a truck.

A bit of each if you ask me. What were the bikers actually doing in the first place?

General / Re: Attention film buffs
« on: 14 September 2013, 09:00:06 pm »
Fallen is his best film, well the best film that he was in at any rate

General / Re: Blackberry play book
« on: 07 September 2013, 10:07:38 pm »
on my blackberry under the 'manage wifi' settings I can configure the wi-fi networks I want to connect to. I'm pretty sure that to connect to a wi-fi (even a BT openzone job) you need to have the SSID configured in this area at least - see if it's there and if it is, delete it.

General / Re: Blackberry play book
« on: 07 September 2013, 06:22:26 pm »
Is your blackberry configured with the open zone login details then?

General / Re: Usernames.
« on: 05 September 2013, 08:35:02 pm »
Hmm, not sure I should say, although it might be linked to my avatar I suppose :)

General / Re: Chicken strips
« on: 05 September 2013, 08:28:34 pm »
Don't worry Slaninar, he knew perfectly well what you meant :)

General / Re: off topic: worth a laugh for the trekkies
« on: 04 September 2013, 06:40:50 am »
awesome, thanks for posting :D

General / Re: Stupid gurls are stupid!
« on: 31 August 2013, 04:55:26 pm »
That looked painful.

Perhaps it was the bloke's fault for not putting it on the center stand? (in the interests of balanced viewpoints :pokefun)

General / Re: If you don't enjoy this, check for a pulse
« on: 28 August 2013, 04:24:52 pm »
I don't know about you, but I think Rossi is a legend just to be able to keep going after Simoncelli died, he was supposed to be like a brother to him, and to actually be involved..I can't imagine how he must have felt. To be getting back up towards podium level after a knock like that takes guts. I had enough trouble getting back on a bike after a small spill - no-one injured.

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