Date: 03-06-24  Time: 22:27 pm

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Messages - pilgrim

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I used to have an RF900. One of the main reasons I got rid of it was that it was total crap in winter. Carbs used to ice up at anything under 5c even with carb heaters :eek and it could be seen visibly rotting away at the first whiff of salt. Bought a Gen 1 instead and been using it all year round for the last 9 years :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exhaust collars
« on: 10 April 2014, 11:58:11 pm »
Yes. They are that bad :eek

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Exhaust collars
« on: 05 April 2014, 09:46:29 pm »
Ok, I've not seen this pop up on here before so may be a new issue for older  Gen 1 Fazer |Thous.
The exhaust collars on pots 2 and 3 on my bike are in what can only be described as shit state. Pots 1 and 4 are fine, look almost new, but the middle two are in such a bad way that harsh language would probably make them  crumble away to dust. Other than that the rest of the downpipe area is fine, exup valve free of stickiness, downpipes nice and shiney etc.
But, as the collars are designed so that they just don't come off, has anyone seen, or have a solution to replacing totally goosed ones without forking out for a new set of downpipes, whole exhaust system blah blah.
I have visions of crappy exhaust sealing and that irritating ticitty ticcitty ticitty tick noise when the poor old things become too weak to do their job properly.
Suggestions/ advice please.

That's a bit clean isn't it!

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 27 January 2014, 10:51:10 pm »
Serviced my Exup valve (15 mins :) ) Made and fitted a new exhaust strap out of a strip of 20mm by 2mm stainless I 'found' at work.
Then did some stripping with the wife while the Lamb Balti was in the oven.
And yes. That sort of stripping :sex

General / Re: New Helmet - Legal Advice Required
« on: 22 December 2013, 03:17:14 pm »
Buy a Shark!
Had a problem with mine a few months ago (S900) Side pod flipped off and took the visor with it on the way to work, then a van drove over it :eek
Emailed Shark who said contact the seller, which I did. They said no worries send it back to use and we'll send it to Shark in France for assessment as you have a 5 year warranty. Sent it back towards the end of November, got it back 3 weeks later, new side pod and visor :) Total cost to me was £7.50 for postage from here, and it needed a new visor anyway as I had scratched the old one. Ooops. Not bad for a lid that only cost £115 off ebay. How much are visors? More than 7 and a half quid.

General / Re: Can they not read good old-fashioned maps anymore?
« on: 07 December 2013, 03:13:08 pm »
Citylink have always been a bit pants like that. I used to be a courier in Manchester in the 80's and they would often ring us up to deliver stuff in the afternoon for them. Was almost always stuff that there drivers couldn't be arsed trying to find in the mornings because the addresses were a bit ropey. Used to end up delivering stuff in the afternoon to very irate people who had wanted it by 9am. Used to tell them to get in touch with Citylink with any complaints, hop on my bike and bugger off :)
We stopped doing stuff for them eventually because their cock ups reflected badly on us and folk thought we were the ones who were crap.

General / Re: Answer me this...
« on: 05 November 2013, 11:46:16 pm »
Also take into account the lower elevation of the suns trajectory across the sky during the winter months means that the suns radiative energy is shining through a greater thickness of atmosphere and associated crud/dust etc. Therefore more heat/ light is dissipated and its colder. This is also why the moon looks larger but darker in colour when it has first risen due to the magnifying effect of thicker atmosphere, just like looking at something under water from above the surface. Taking all of this into account leads us to the conclusion that somewhere over the rainbow, weigh a pie. ;)

General / Re: She's moving on!
« on: 09 October 2013, 12:15:25 am »
Is that the 750? Mate of mine had the 550 years ago and said it was a gutless nightmare, and the 1100 is a big old bus. Got to admit I kind of like the style of them as well. I'd have the 750 for a work horse :)

I may be interested in attending this event, seeing as how I'm only 10 miles from Manc and therefore have no excuse for not turning up :lol
But I absolutely refuse to involve myself in any event that might involve a trip to Canal Street, some think its a 'cool' thing to do, but I just think its weird :eek

General / Re: Controversial Topic
« on: 13 September 2013, 09:32:18 pm »
MT 09. It just catches my eye, ticks all my boxes for the kind of riding I do now, and its different to the last few bikes I've owned. And a good price for a brand new bike. And looks like it might be quite nuts.  :b

General / Re: Longest Recreational Distance
« on: 01 September 2013, 01:16:54 am »
Seem to remember on the North West Foccers Scottish raids a few years back (2007/2008) clocking up about 430ish miles in a day. Good rides, nice scenery over the border, chippy at Moffat is pretty good :)
But I'm an ex courier who has done many 500+ mile days, so my parameters are slightly skewed :D

General / Re: Worst bike you have ever riden?
« on: 01 September 2013, 01:07:58 am »
I rode a scooter once.
Just once. Think it was a Vespa 150.
Most dangerous pile of unwieldy crap I have ever had the (dis)pleasure to throw a leg over. It was like it knew I was a proper motorcyclist and therefore wanted to kill me. :b
Full respect to people who ride these things and enjoy it. Very brave.
Scared me shitless :eek

 :b I've had 2 cam chain tensioner springs let go on me, and when you take the bastard thing off and wind it out to its full extent, you can push the piston back in quite easily.
Believe me, when it goes, it goes. BOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
I am getting seriously irked with this whole thing now, so I am going to say my final word on it, and never speak of it again, Ever.
The Gen 1 Yamaha Fazer 1000 has a shitty little spring in the cam chain tensioner which, if it snaps, and this is a rare condition which might or might not happen to you, can fuck your engines top end in no time flat. Period. No warning rattles, no ratchets to hold all hell unleashed back, just gone.
Take it apart and you can quite easily push the tensioner piston back in, I know this, I have done this. Your cam chain will do this in the blink of an eye, and laugh while it bends the shit out of your inlet valves :eek  9 of them the first time :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
I will now be relying on a manual cam chain tensioner, and a sharp ear for rattles from that area of the engine.
And no stupid thinner-than-cheese-wire spring will hold my fate in its scrawny little coils again, the bast.
I'm off now, take it easy folks, and pray you're not as unlucky as me :b :b

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Sick bike
« on: 28 August 2013, 09:43:46 pm »
Its not your cam chain going west and bending valves because you wouldn't even be able to attempt to bump due to engine lock from bent valves.
I speak from painful experience. Twice  :o
If it is a major engine malfunction that's gonna cost mega bucks, you could  always do what I did and get replacement to swap in. I picked up an 03 with 16k on it for 500 quid and swapped it over in a weekend. Not a job for the faint hearted but not quite as bad as you would think if you are half way spanner handy, or have mate who is. TBH the trickiest bits are getting the Exup cables routed in the right place, and getting the sodding carbs back in. Full respect to the man above who does that a lot!   

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: cooling?
« on: 27 August 2013, 12:44:50 am »
The fan on the Gen 1 always comes on if left to tick over for a bit after first starting. Its to show that its working or something.
In other words, they all do that sir. Don't worry about it. The only other time mines ever come on is when balancing the carbs. 8)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Not again!! Cam Chain Tensioner Spring
« on: 25 August 2013, 01:08:38 am »
Simon. Pieman. Sorry to piss on your chips here, but I'm afraid to say that the Gen 1 Fazer Thou cam chain tensioner doesn't have the ratchet system to which you are referring. I've seen those on many bikes in the past, and if it had one it would have saved me an awful lot of time/trouble/money :'(
Simple fact is, when the spring lets go all pressure is taken off the tensioner piston instantly, no gradual rattles, no warning signs, just clonk dead! This most recent time it happened to me, the bike was ticking over on the drive sweet as a nut, and then it just stopped. Dead.
Nature takes its course, the cam chain instantly starts to flail around because the blade has no way of retaining tension, and it gets expensive. :\
Trust me on this, the cam chain tensioners on these have a serious design flaw, and if you are unlucky enough to have it rear its ugly head, which is a rare occurrence, I'll grant you, you will wish it was ratcheted, or some other method by which a tiny little shitty spring made out of the thinnest wire you have ever seen can suddenly wreck you're engine.
It wont happen to me again, because I have now eliminated the spring from the equation. Think I'll be sticking with my manual one, and wary ear :)
Don't say I didn't warn you :b

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Not again!! Cam Chain Tensioner Spring
« on: 23 August 2013, 09:49:37 pm »
B1k3edude, sorry pal, didn't think to take pictures, but if anyone ever needs to do it, its an  easy talk through and pretty obvious when you see the parts in hand :)
ogri48, cheers pal, not the sort of task to be taken on by the faint hearted or spanner inexperienced type, but I've always had a 'give it a go' attitude, its the best way to learn. And cos I'm a tight fisted get. ;)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Engine paint.
« on: 23 August 2013, 09:38:08 pm »
I got a can of Simoniz Aluminium Engine Enamel of Fleabag recently, about 7 quid inc. p&p and a spot on match for my silver Gen 1 engine.

03 engine installed and officially back on the road as of Tuesday last week :)
Came out of work on Wednesday and pissed coolant all over the floor on start up. Lower coolant pipe on oiler cooler from old engine fractured. Got it home and started to undo the jubilee clip, pipe sheared off completely :'(
No Gen 1 oil coolers anywhere to be found, but got one from a 2000 R1 which is supposed to be the same. Turned up Friday am. :)
Its not the same, its shorter. Oil cooler bolt too long by about 15mil. :\
Popped in to work on Sat morn and cut bolt down, then filed a shank in to it, by hand, for the 5 or 6 mil of bolt protruding from oil cooler that wasn't threaded. 2 hours later, job done, fitted, running like a dream :D
Manual cam chain tensioner working luverly. :D :D
Tools used; everything in my tool boxes plus my old skateboard from 30+ years ago in lieu of a trolley jack :eek
Sometimes, weird shit from the past still comes in handy :rollin

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: manual camchain tensioner fitment guide
« on: 30 July 2013, 12:07:37 am »
Captain Cam Chain Tensioner killer here. :evil
Thought I'd just fill in some gaps to help people decide what to do. Bikes a 51 reg registered in Oct 2010. First one went at 25k in August 2010 so nearly 9 years old give or take manufacture date. Could be age related then? Got a replacement head which was apparently quite high mileage ( 80k plus ) That one went on 9th May this year. First time I was doing about 30/35 mph, second time bike was warming up on the drive. Got a replacement engine on Friday, and the fist thing I've done to it is put a manual cam chain tensioner on it. This is mainly because I now have no faith in the standard one, which in my opinion has a design flaw in that if the spring fails, there is no warning or fail safe, and its instant engine death.
I'm not saying that this is going to happen to anyone else ( twice FFS! ) but now I know it wont happen to me again, and I'm happy with that. I've not heard of it happening to any other Gen 1, but I have heard a rumour of it happening on early R1's, but that's not verified.
Still, there you go. I'm a bit older, a bit wiser, 500 quid out of pocket and nearly 3 months bikeless. In that weather we've just had. Talk about salt in the wound :(

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: manual camchain tensioner fitment guide
« on: 16 July 2013, 11:30:56 pm »
I'm the guy who's had 2 failures, one at about 25k in August 2010, 9 bent inlet valves :eek second hand head put on, then this one failed at the beginning of May this year. The head was quite high mileage so it was probably due to go. Typically, I'd just seen manual tensioners and was thinking about getting one, then pop. Fuck.
Bikes in the shed with the cam cover off, more bent valves. Cant be arsed doing it all again, so when finances permit at the end of the month, I'll be getting another engine, AND A BLOODY MANUAL CAMCHAIN TENSIONER!! :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Well shit happens and today was my turn
« on: 02 June 2013, 09:37:54 pm »
Already had mine re-welded by one of the guys at work about 2 years ago, and now is going again on the other side :rolleyes I 'd taken it off so I wouldn't be tempted to use it until I get it done again, but I've had to put it back on cos the engine needs to come out again. 2001 Gen 1 so its had some pain ;)

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