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Messages - Hogi

Pages: [1]
For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted - RHS Fairing Infill Panel - Gen 1
« on: 24 May 2016, 10:28:52 pm »
Got my infill panel yesterday - 2 weeks to get here, I'm ok with that. Good service and panel looks the job.

There was a note attached saying import duty to be paid before delivery, but it got here ok so am assuming that's been sorted by deliver company? Guess I'll find out if they follow up ;)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted - RHS Fairing Infill Panel - Gen 1
« on: 11 May 2016, 12:37:36 am »
I've just placed my order for an infill panel based on your recommendations guys, thanks  :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fzs1000 parts ,lots more than listed
« on: 10 May 2016, 11:44:12 pm »
PM left

General / Re: How long have you been riding
« on: 16 October 2015, 08:45:02 pm »
Started on mates and brothers bikes in the early seventies but it was easier to pull birds with a car!

Came back to biking during a mid life crisis, age 40. Fazer 600 to start as it was the best middleweight there was (is?). But it had to be spanked to keep up with my mates and after a few years traded up to Fazer 1000 which has over 35k showing but still polishes up like a good'un. Although I've got money saved to chop her in, after hundreds of hours fancying this that and the other, I can't think of anything that would give me the same all round capability as mine.

I've heard that older boys than me are returning to the 600. Lighter, nippy and does what it says on the tin. Maybe that's me in a few more years, when arthritis kicks in!!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZS 1000
« on: 27 January 2015, 07:17:05 pm »
I wonder if Andy bought a Fazer in the end. His original post was approx. 18 months ago...

still had it up to September 14, have you sold it mate?,14679.msg167612.html#msg167612

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer Parade - What you got
« on: 06 November 2013, 11:16:15 pm »
Had her for over 4 years and 20,000 happy miles. She does it all and has had a little attention from Mike plus trinkets like Pazzo's, Rack, grips, double bubble, hugger, fender extenda and rad cover. But she won't be out again until Spring 14 because I'd like the silver paint to stay on the casings. And I'm a wimp  :rolleyes   

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Maybe its time for a change - but to what??
« on: 27 October 2013, 11:52:16 pm »
Sorry for the late reply, I was just mooching around the site again and came across your posts.

I'm 54 and there's nothing wrong with the old skool attitude of your CB (and the Gen 1), yours is looking good by the way - as is the Busa!! Hope you sold it ok - a mate had one and had to sell, I think he saw where it was all going to end up. I know the throttle goes both ways but we're only human.

Still fancy the 1050, I will arrange a demo I think and see if the less comfy, shorter range, lack of space to bungy, wind blasted approach settles a few things. Its the lure of the new. :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Pazzo Levers anyone using them ?
« on: 27 October 2013, 09:02:53 pm »
Great, I've had mine for a coupla years and find them spot on.

Anyone who suffers from wrist ache should consider adjust the levers because they are probably too high, forcing your wrists to over-stretch. Rotate the lever mechanism round (downwards around the bars) so that your hands fall naturally down onto the levers.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Maybe its time for a change - but to what??
« on: 08 September 2013, 02:05:56 am »
Ah, Mr Boxer you are the moral of the story, the example of where I fear to tread. Having made mine so she fits the bill, what's the point in ditch n switch?

The Full Monty option scares the beejasus out of me but braided lines and sussies might be the way forward. Certainly a cheaper option particularly as I've had to spend my available cash on a new car instead. I'll keep trawling eBay for inspiration, thanks for your help guys.

 Thanks for the considered responses guys - and the not so  :b

I'm beginning to think I shouldn't go down the FZ1 route - its not gonna fit the bill, too sport focused and with different characteristics to what I'm looking for. However the prices being asked for low mileage examples are tempting when compared to same year Speed Triples - Ebay dealers have them with 5-6k miles for up to £1500 less  :eek   and that's hard to resist, the savings could be channeled into add ons like gel seat etc
 Just want to avoid moving on only to return to Fazer ownership - but with a bike that needs all the things I've had done to mine that gets me back to where I am now. That's a long way round simply to stand still - but the grass is always greener.
 I'm liking the thought of 2 bikes (I did have an old Sprint as well for a while) and invest in upgrades for the old girl. But I'm already running two cars and am sure the DVLA would be more than happy to increase its tax rake. The nephew may be coming back to biking so maybe we could invest in something other than the R6 he was after (over 6 feet & looking at a pocket rocket ffs  :thumbdown ) maybe a Street triple. If I can make him see sense that might be the way forward.   

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Maybe its time for a change - but to what??
« on: 06 August 2013, 12:04:18 am »
As thread says, I've been a happy Fazer FZS1000 owner for 5 years, put 20,000 miles on her all round N-E and Scotland. The good bits - she's quick enough, fast enough (there's a difference) and stage 1 Ivanised. She tours and scratches, I get over 200 miles to a tank, all day comfortable for me anyway, takes panniers and soft baggage no problem.  She has heated grips, double bubble, pazzo's and is sooo reliable. I've made her my own over the years with sensible add ons and nothing extreme.
But we all get a bit bored now and then and am thinking of a change. however I really want to avoid instantly regretting getting rid of the old girl as I could very easily stay with her for a while yet.
I've always had respect for the 1050 engined Speed triple and am lured by the promise of oceans of torque. I used to have a 885 Sprint until the nephew binned it last year, so I have an idea of what triples deliver. I'm assuming the Speed 1050 just gives a lot more! I've even come to prefer the Dame Edna version over the round headlights. But wind protection is a concern as is economy and I would have to aim for a low slung exhaust.
 If money were no object I think the Tiger Sport is the straight replacement for the Fazer - but then I'd be looking at more exotic machinery anyway and its a bit tall. I've got a budget of around £6k inc trade in but am in no hurry. I can easily wait until next Feb when the market is flat to do a deal.
 I would really appreciate any comments on gains and losses going the 1050 way - especially from someone who moved to/from a FZS1000 from a Speed. Alternatively I often see FZ1's under 10k miles that are £2k cheaper than the 1050, saving dosh and keeping things in the family. In both cases I'm thinking the trade off is poorer range/comfort but sportier and better suspended.

Or do I simply throw better suspension on FZS, a zaust and braided lines and keep the difference? 8)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Sad time
« on: 11 December 2012, 10:14:32 pm »
Agree with all the above, give up the riding through the winter if you must (and I fail to see the attraction of that tbh) but keep her for the return of Spring.

Not long now - the shortest day is just over a week away and the days will start to get brighter and warmer....well brighter anyway! :)

General / Smidsy - now you know why
« on: 16 November 2012, 11:14:39 pm »
Found this to be a bit of an eye opener ;) gives you an idea of why cagers look but don't see.

General / Re: secret santa suggestions please.
« on: 16 November 2012, 11:04:08 pm »
He is a bit of a knob and a know-it-all. as such i need some help with what to get him and possibly bring him down a peg.

Buy him a whistle for when he's on the bog - so he knows which end to wipe

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 13 October 2012, 12:54:39 am »
if I knew the King of England was a fiddler I would be shouting about it until someone heard me (as an adult, not a frightened child).

Which is why a number of people are asking why the alleged victims didn't speak up when they became adults and when he was alive..and when there was a chance to hold him to account?. Or their parents, or family, siblings, friends, etc etc - no one?

And while the focus is currently on the BBC's conduct, what about the rest of the media? I find it hard to believe the unlamented News of the World among others were intimidated into silence. Pretty sure they'd have had a field day on this.

Not defending him but just asking - where was the shouting?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZS 1000
« on: 12 October 2012, 10:50:49 pm »
F*ck the dealer and the test ride then, just go out and buy the Fazer thou and bite the bullit. There are pleny for sale and being this time of year the prices are lower than normal, but take your time to find a nice one.


I think you can see from all the responses that the FZS series Fazers are remarkably good bikes, so be reassured that you won't go wrong provided its been looked after. You've got to weigh up the seller as much as the bike, more so in fact. Your dealer sounds a bit of a knob.

Ive had both and agree with ZiggyCol's sound advice, either model is good but you wouldn't go back...especially with a pillion. My thou has 24K and its a keeper, thats what you're looking for right?

Get one. End of. ;)


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Numb Arse - 2001 Fazer 1000
« on: 01 October 2012, 08:09:03 pm »
Up to 200 miles and all is ok with one fuel stop but shortly after that the ache starts to kick in.

Using cycling shorts is a good tip so I must give that a try but I'm guessing it will feel fecking strange at first. I'm hoping to get down to France next May so that could be the answer to get me from Durham to Dover in one hit.

In fact I'll get out next weekend and give it a shot to see if they keep the twins snug. :D

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: How many miles on a tank !!
« on: 01 October 2012, 08:00:25 pm »
I get over 50 mpg 95% of the time, average is 52 on a 2001, Stage 1 Ivan's with 24K on't clock. I'm happy with that and keep up with most of the lads.

One year on tour with the boys this dropped to an average of 42mpg but that was fully laden and uncomfortably swift. :eek

So, when touring Scotland this year and finding the Mallaig garage had closed just 10 minutes before we got there, I managed 220 miles out of the tank before refilling at Fort William. I had 4 litres left so could have got up to a range approaching 260-ish at 58mpg. However the 40 miles to Fort Bill at 60 mph is no way to treat the A830. :lol

My buddies on Viffers rolled into the garage with 1 litre remaining! But the BMW 650 rider was disappointed with only 72 mpg.  Different strokes!

General / Re: Winter gloves
« on: 05 September 2012, 01:04:49 am »
Alpinestars Polar Motorcycle Gloves - a short racer style glove, fully waterproof with knuckle armour. I can vouch for the waterproof-ness after a v.wet Scotland holiday. If interested I'd check Fleabay for bargains, which is where I got mine. Despite not being top of the range gloves they are high enough up there to be too expensive in the shops  :rolleyes

see this review at Revzilla:
Alpinestars Polar Gore-Tex Gloves Review at

The alternative were Dianese Scout Gore-tex, both were around £100. Happy with my final choice.

I've got Oxford heated grips fitted and have read that with them switched on, the gore-tex membrane reverses and lets water in?? I can't say that's ever happened to me mind. A mate has heated gloves and reckons they are the dogs...bit bulky like. :b

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fenda Extenda question
« on: 04 September 2012, 09:57:17 pm »
Ahhh silicon sealant, why didn't I think of that instead of No Feckin Nails :rollin

But 5 years and counting and no screws to be seen  :D :D

« on: 03 September 2012, 12:12:04 am »
I mostly take mine off when filling up as I'm not worried about a couple of minutes extra in the process and if staff are told to enforce it, then it all becomes a bit of an arse-ache and spoils the ride. So I do it and no-one dies as a result :)

BUT - and maybe I'm getting a bit Victor Meldrew about it - the side effect is someone else (usually in a car) has to wait a bit, but that's their problem. What I don't understand is why - when there's a group of us out - do my mates push their bike to the side to let a cager step in? WTF? One one hand we've got riders ball-aching about helmets and another set virtually apologising for taking up a bit of space at the pump.

I've as much right to get served as other road users, if they want helmets off then johnny cager sits there till I'm done. I don't stand there eating a sandwich or owt, I just get ready for the next stretch of road.

Its a bit of a laugh really watching the lads do it though  :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Considering changing mk1 600 for a 1000?
« on: 02 September 2012, 11:42:17 pm »
How did you manage to edit your post Hogi?

There's an icon on the top right of your post named Modify. I think its one that only you can see - as the author of your post. Click and you can change your text!! ;)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Considering changing mk1 600 for a 1000?
« on: 02 September 2012, 09:44:01 am »
I changed from 600 (5 years) to my current Thou (4 years). Have to echo what's been said, although the extra expense isn't huge and is outweighed by the increase in power and torque, resulting in less gear changing and a more flexible drive.

I've had mine Ivanised - stage 1 only - and to me it felt like it brought a bit more mid-range torque that finds you at unexpected speed. The ease with which the engine achieves this is why I think some (non-owners) have commented that its a bit anonymous. Some people aren't impressed unless they are bouncing off the limiter with a big can on, advertising it to the world and his wife. Keen on having their nuts anodised as well  :rollin But if you appreciate stealthy speed, achieved with no fuss, no drama then the Thou is the one for you.

While you shouldn't try to keep up, I found that I had to work the 600 too hard when doing so. Not so with the 1000, I had a week in Scotland with RED riders and for a balls out blast I had no problems. My usual pace is below-red, cruising (comfortably) at 80 and I average 50 mpg but with those red boys, 42.

I wouldn't change back again but if I only wanted a commuter and the odd Sunday run then the 600 is fine. However I like having the extra oomph and think the costs are worth it. You should really get a test ride and see what I mean

Hope this helps.  :)

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