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Messages - positron

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How does Tracer 700 compare to MT09? Everything same except smaller engine?

General / Re: Biker - road rage idiot karma
« on: 07 August 2016, 09:03:27 pm »
There's a guy on an Irish biker forum who went thru something similar (as a biker) and he suffered serious injuries and court battles and he did a very good job post on presenting a very honest view of the events (he said it was entirely his own fault, and how raging does help etc - poor guy). I will see if I can find that thread and link it here.

General / Re: Plugged tire?
« on: 14 July 2016, 10:23:01 am »
This tire is a Dunlop PR3 ..

Did you buy it on Alibaba? Is your Fazer a Honda?  :b

I would keep using that tyre, unless you are pushing yourself in traffic and putting you in danger every other second (that is not a safe rider) it should be more than enough for another while. imho!

For Sale & Wanted / Re: 2008 FZ 6 S2 For sale
« on: 05 July 2016, 10:39:37 am »
Beautiful bike, looks great with full fairings. And your location is amazing too - will make a great ride out for the buyer. I would have if it wasn't for poxy visa issues (non-EU passport holder). Best of luck with the sale!

For Sale & Wanted / Re: For sale Fz1s 57 plate
« on: 03 July 2016, 09:39:29 pm »
Cheers, nice bike alright. Definitely a keeper.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: For sale Fz1s 57 plate
« on: 01 July 2016, 02:17:48 pm »
Sorry for bumping up old threads, but did you sell this?

General / Re: EU!
« on: 25 June 2016, 10:03:42 pm »
I know understand exactly how you feel, the last time I rang to report my faulty phone line , I had to ask to speak to someone who actually spoke english properly  :lol as I had absolutely no idea what the person was saying nor they I, even asked where the call centre was, to be told Dublin :rolleyes to which I replied "seriously"
Becaus of this many work advertisements now state "must have fluent english"
My son lives and works in Wales and he was one of four who applied for his permanent job, when it was advertised, not one UK person applied for it even though it was advertised and readvertised for over 6 months.

Unfazed, nothing to contribute but just as story time.. I was the other side of that call once. I moved to Ireland from India, and while I was working in Castlebar (of all places!) as a Software Engineer, and went out of my way to support a project with RCH (because I love what they do) and got on the phone with them, and they were dead certain I am in a call center in Delhi (never been to Delhi myself) and generally went on about it for way too long. I was p1ssed, but meh, you learn to cope with this stuff after a while.

I now work for another IT firm in Dublin, and I've moved up enough ranks over the years and I have been involved in recruiting over 20 of current engineers. Since 2010 or so, everytime we put an add out it's .. crickets.. Naada. Then we get the usual recruitment agents pushing Polish or Spanish CVs. In fairness almost all Polish engineers we have taken in have been exceptional. Italian/Spanish engineers also generally good, but some bad ones. Over these years the amount of Irish CVs are truly negligible. I am not talking about poorly paid jobs either - my company is a very large multi-national and pays average market rates. Right now we are losing people left right and center. And the company response is to make teams in Easter Europe and Asia bigger than ever. That's just how it is, unfortunately.

General / Re: London has a new Mayor
« on: 10 May 2016, 01:20:57 pm »
+1. If you are eating at KFC you are other things to worry about. :D

General / Re: London has a new Mayor
« on: 10 May 2016, 10:39:58 am »
The other problem I have is that they wash there arses with their bare hand thus getting shit under their fingernails then serve the general public food.

I don't know why I read this thread and why I am responding to this... wait I know.. someone is WRONG ON THE INTERNET..

I am not a muslim, but I grew up in India where people wash rather than wipe. And then I moved to Ireland and got used to wiping. Believe me when I say this, washing is a million times cleaner than wiping. You wash with plenty of water (not scrape, so it doesn't go on under your nails), and then you wash your hand VERY WELL with soap. This way you will have clean arse and clean hand. Wiping is totally disgusting, and Indians visiting Europe who have no choice but to wipe, will immediately follow it with a full shower. just to fell clean. It's like showering - I don't think many would wipe themselves down and leave it at that.

Anyway, the only thing better than washing own arse is the japanese / TOTO washlets. I am going to get one of them installed when I can afford to build my own house.

alright then, back to the discussion...   :evil

For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs 1000 fazer 2005 for sale
« on: 09 May 2016, 09:28:11 pm »
loads for sale for 2000 with 40000 on :) id probably drop a bit on price but not a lot :)

I love it too, but can't get over to UK for another while.. unless you fancy a quick weekend trip to Ireland perhaps? ;)

On the first photo, fifth link of the chain looks different  - isn't that where the clip should be?

PS: never mind, master link, rivet.. google is my friend...

For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs 1000 fazer 2005 for sale
« on: 09 May 2016, 01:06:28 pm »
Beautiful bike, love that colour & black engine.

PS:.. but isn't it a tiny bit overpriced?

General / Re: new tracer 700
« on: 28 April 2016, 09:24:33 am »
I was waiting for Tesla (or someone else) to make a decent yet affordable electric bike to be my first ever new bike.. but this Tracer 700 is very tempting.

General / Re: Can't decide what to get next..!
« on: 27 February 2016, 04:18:36 pm »
Thanks for all the suggestions - lol @ Bus. Work location is awkward for public transport but doable. Which got me thinking, I also have the option to car pool (guy in my team lives two cul-de-sacs away and drives in every day). But I still bike. And when I think why, it's because I enjoy it. I enjoy the rapid acceleration, sense of speed and agility... Hmm.. so perhaps NC750 isn't the right bike. I am not a mindless commuter zombie... not yet anyway.

FZS1000, FZ1, CBF1000F, BMW F800 ST, VFR 800F or 1200F are all back on picture now. And Fazer 8 even. I don't think naked bikes would work on the motorway - and NC is very naked - another negative about it. The only plus on NC is the frunk and that can be achieved on any bike with y a decent tank or tail-bag.

Okay, search is on! Sterling slightly down against Euro, and that might be bad news for most of yous, but it's absolute music to my ears! :D :D

General / Re: EU in or out ?
« on: 24 February 2016, 10:20:53 pm »
Why do all these countries want to give up their individual identities? Is that they only way they can see of avoiding future wars? Here in the UK, we're all for devolving national government so that local needs are better catered for, and I think the same is even more pertinent on international scales. What do Brussels or Berlin know of what we need in Cumbria, or care for that matter?

This is an EXCELLENT point. There is clearly is a large gap between what EU is doing and what UK is doing.

Having said that if UK - EU relationship turns sour (not saying that OUT means that), here in Ireland things might get tricky as UK is by far the largest trading partner..! Interesting times that we live in!

General / Re: Can't decide what to get next..!
« on: 24 February 2016, 02:31:57 pm »

Thanks for the thoughts so far..! Apart from commuting, I might have two or three weekend trips a year with pillion. That's about it really. No plans for any serious Europe road trips yet (we have very young kids).

I know of CBF600 and CBF1000.. they great bikes, looks as practical as FZS600 and 1000 but.. less exciting than Fazers.

I hadn't looked into Z1000SX and after spending an extended lunch hour reading reviews, it looked great but I did suspect Kawazakis have a bit of bad rep about their build quality, especially compared to Honda & Yamaha. Z1000SX looks amazing though - I didn't realise the riding position is so similar to Fazer, you couldn't tell by its' super-sporty looks.

I got slightly excited when I read Yamaha is working on a MT-07 based Tracer.. but then I read it has been pushed out to 2017. I love the look of tracer, but the bars are definitely too wide for filtering and lane splitting.

Reflecting on good build quality comments about Honda, I am still thinking may be the NC750S (not X - S is more Fazer like in I think, at least in my head.. and the frunk will be ideal for work laptop). And hold onto Fazer 600 as well. Anyone here know how NC750S compares to FZS600?

I would have loved if there's a decent electric bike with enough range and power to cover my commute - but shame, there's no such thing yet.

Thanks again!

General / Can't decide what to get next..!
« on: 23 February 2016, 10:48:41 pm »
My trust old FZS600 has over 100k miles and while it's still a great bike, it has had a rough past, and I am itching for a change.
I have been trawling For Sale section here, and googling rest of the interwebs so much that Google is now throwing CAPTCHAs at me!  :rolleyes

My main use is to commute - 70 kms each way - half of it fast motorway and other half still mostly motorway but filtering / lane splitting. I have been reading up on NC750X/S (+frunk, +frugal, -fairing, -gutless?), FZ1S (+fun, -range, -mpg), FZS1000 (+great in everyway, -heavy, -ABS), VFR1200 (+quality, -cost, -issues), Tracer (+new, +great, -cost, -bars too wide for filtering) etc etc.

I can't really make up my mind - I could spend up to 10k euro MAX - ideally 4-5k (that is £7000k max, but prefer to spend around 3-4k sterling as I rack up miles and bikes will melt away with road salt and grime in winter).

I wondered what great wise foc-ers would recommend.. I realise that FZS1000 is a hot favorite here...


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Many things for sale
« on: 09 February 2016, 11:54:55 am »
Do you have that one with everything? How much?

/naah, on second thought, postage would be too much, best of luck with the sale.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Three days on a Tracer
« on: 26 January 2016, 12:36:54 pm »
Great post. Brought back memories of hiring a Fazer 8 from motomercado in Fuengirola. Nice guys to deal with ,and the bike was in great condition despite the clock showing close to 70k kilometers.

We went from Benalmadena, and spend some time on that busy AP7 (motorway I think), and Spanish police stayed behind us for about 20 minutes, luckily we were warned by the motomercado lad that this is usual - everyone speeds there and Police always tries to catch tourists there as they try to keep up with the traffic). We then took off to Ronda (oh my god! epic is not the word! Super road, amazing views and Rhonda itself was amazing!). From there we went across Sierra De las Nieves national park (crap roads, but unbelievable scenery, entire valleys of olive plantations, tiniest of villages etc). It was best thing I have ever done in Spain. I can't wait to go back and to Benalmadena - Ronda - and somehow take the mountain roads to Caminito del Ray and back. Biker's paradise. I might rent out the Tracer this time around!

Thanks for the reminding me of that one good day from years ago!


I would love that.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Dodgy fuel gauge
« on: 25 April 2015, 05:32:13 pm »
Just to add to the variety, my fuel gauge only works when I am doing 5k+ RPM. On idle or low speading, it keeps moving down and down and eventually low fuel warning light comes up, but as soon as I pick up decent speed, needle starts creeping back up again and when it works the reading is correct. Never bothered me too much as I always (and need to) fill up every other day.

Ah screw it, I felt bad for the UPS man who was trying to scam me saying if I were to refuse delivery I would still owe them (UPS) the €54 something as VAT + handling fee. That has to be complete c*ck and bull, but he has been to the door three times already so I decided to take it, it might come handy to someone (or to me when I try to fit the other one I already have).

Looks like in great condition except for the mark, and the caliper hanger is bloody heavy. Could have been cheaper over all if it was just the caliper. I was not thinking clearly. :/

Last day to deal with UPS today. Seller is not responding to emails or even the PayPal dispute I raised.

Can't get a clear Idea of what would happen if I refuse the parcel, between eBay & PayPals terms and conditions and US vs .ie etc. Probably best to reject it then and cut the loses at €100?

Thanks, sounds about right.. but I can't find any on either.. what's German for caliper? There are a few front ones, but no rear calipers.

I still have the option to hold the seller responsible to some degree (although not sure if that will come to anything) because the seller explicitly offered to ship it with USPS (which could have avoided a lot of these charges) and he went on ahead posted it thru UPS. I have a dispute open on PayPal, but not holding my breath...

Really Mick-H? I just searched and, "worldwide" for "Fazer 1000 rear caliper" and I couldn't find any. Last week when I looked there were just two on eBay.

What am I doing wrong? Could you please post a link or two?

PS: And if that is indeed the case, I am probably better off getting UPS to return it to the sender and get a refund on item fee, even if that meant losing the shipping fee....

For Sale & Wanted / Checking interest... Fazer 1000 blue spot caliper
« on: 21 April 2015, 08:57:39 pm »
I bought one of these off eBay USA. And while it was on it's way, I got another one locally. Now UPS is knocking at my door and want even more money (duty, vat, service charge, tip, commission, handing fee, screw-you fee etc etc).

So just wondering if anyone here is looking for one of these - supposedly as rare as rocking horse poo according to a foccer.

Would someone give me £120 for a Fazer 1000 caliper in decent condition (has some scrape marks though) plus the caliper hanger? They came off a 2005 Fazer 1000 over in US of A.

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