Date: 15-06-24  Time: 23:34 pm

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Messages - pukafaze

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Clutch Pressure Plate Compatibility
« on: 25 November 2019, 10:59:57 am »
Thank you for your replies!

I got lucky this time and managed to pickup a whole clutch assembly from a breaker for 20 quid.

Reading the service manual it isn't really that clear how it lines up - does anyone have any top tips on this as I don't particularly want to break another, should be here by the end of this week but I'm hoping something fixes the clutch slip I had a problem with to begin with - I've heard bad things about the EBC springs but I will check the condition of the 'new' clutch when it comes and if the springs are within tolerance I might just use those.

Anything electrical I'm pretty good with but unfortunately I have very limited understanding of how these bikes work - give me FI to troubleshoot any day of the week!

My bike is on about 40k so I'm hoping it should last a while yet - I've fixed quite a few things on it since I bought it as I got it for a good price but the complexity of it scares me (I know carbs are simple to those who grew up with them but I've no prior experience)

Wish me luck!

FZS600 Fazer / Clutch Pressure Plate Compatibility
« on: 22 November 2019, 06:25:34 pm »

I've joined this forum today as I have recently purchased a Fazer and it seems like a really good resource for such an old model when information is becoming harder and harder to find. I'm Jack - the Fazer is my 6th bike but unfortunately after having a CBR650F and a CBR500R stolen within a week I've been left with no choice but to get something a little older!

I have changed my clutch recently on the Fazer and unfortunately after 5x apart (supplied wrong springs) I have finally been given the right springs.

Unfortunately however I was so excited about my clutch working properly that I have misaligned the pressure plate and it is now broken  :eek

I have looked all over for a new pressure plate but to no avail, my only option seems to be to order one from Fowlers Parts... Does anybody know if the clutch pressure plate is a common type used on any other models or if I'd have to get a Fazer specific one from a parts supplier?

I would really appreciate any help given as I don't particularly want to spend over £70 on something that could be had quite cheap on Ebay were there to be a compatible one for sale!


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