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Messages - andy f

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Farting and spluttering and backfiring
« on: 08 January 2020, 07:30:00 pm »
Thanks for the replies, good to know I was on the right track :)


FZS600 Fazer / Farting and spluttering and backfiring
« on: 08 January 2020, 05:11:47 pm »
No, not me the bike  :D

Afternoon all, after a bit of help diagnosing something please.

I have a 02 plate FZS 600, had it for a good few years and it has never...never let me down. We moved house middle of last year and now no longer have a garage, as I got made redundant at the same time i haven't been using the bike so have now decided to sell her. 

Went to start her the other week and she fired up but farting and spluttering, thought it was just where she isn't garaged anymore and damp had got in.
Pulled all the plugs, cleaned and checked the gaps, and checked the leads, before tightening them all back in checked to see they were all sparking nicely on the engine casing. All looked good. Still farting and spluttering though, By holding the down pipes .....carefully, I decided it was just No 3 cylinder not firing ( as the down pipe wasn't getting hot . Took the plug out again swapped the plug for No 1 tested against the housing all good , Still farting and spluttering.

Now while the bike has been outside I had it on it's side stand so No 3 and 4 side of the engine would have been more open to the elements

So now I'm thinking fuel / carbs. Changed the fuel filter, got some aerosol Carb cleaner and emptied about half a tin into the air intake all good, running niceley. took the bike out for a blast down thee motorway, ,little be stuttery when opening up but after a few miles seemed ok, did about 5 miles on the motorway and came off at the next junction, got down to the roundabout and it stalled, a real pig to start again, popping and back firing, pulling away back onto the motorway was a mare on the way back home on side roads would easily stall as i pulled up at lights etc. got home and No 3 and No 4 down pipes were not hot. Again checked all the plugs and leads and am confident they are fine.

So a bit miffed now I left it until the next weekend, Started up ok, all downpipes warmed up nicely but then again N0 3 stopped heating up, out with the carb cleaner again, and again after after a while she's running nicely again, but the after a quick run spluttering again !!!

SO Sunday i put a load of carb cleaner in...loads, took out for a ride, all good, started her up Monday and out for a ride...all good, left it tuesday and started her up today and she is spluttering again , took her out and she's still not running right. Defo No 3 and 4 cylingers, 1 and 2 are fine which make sense as when it was on the side stand 3 and 4 are open to the elements.

So what's next ? I'm thinking it must be fuel ? I drained the float chamber of No 4 and although it looked ok as it drained it did look a bit cloudy when it was in the plastic tray i emptied it into but i'm thinking was it just the plastic tray I emptied it into. So do I drain the tank and lines, drain the float chambers and put fresh fuel in ?

Any advice much appreciated :) I think I'm on the right lines :rolleyes


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Low Rev Stuttering.
« on: 14 May 2012, 11:32:14 am »
Allthough I had a stutter at high revs months ago I got that sorted, But mine has just started doing the same as yours.  :rolleyes
One thing I have realised is that when pulling off form standstill if I rev it to about 3k revs first it's fine, only below 3K
It can run rough on tick over so i got a bit of water and after a few seconds of the engine running dripped some water onto each downpipe one at a time and it is No 2 cylinder not firing the water didn't fizzle as you'd expext on a hot down pipe ( does that make sense ) :D
So for me I know it is something to do with No 2......maybe worth a try see if it's one cylinder playing up?  I just gotta get time to balance the carbs to see if that sorts it .

FZS600 Fazer / Re: stuttering fzs 600
« on: 08 May 2012, 10:59:59 am »
Hey, I had the same sort of thing a few months back, I dicked about with loads of things and the one day I replaced the air filter ( which wasn't that old, hence I hadn't changed it earlier ) but also I looked at this bit,2849.0.html
Item 24, mine was blocked . Cleaned the tubes out etc and it was sorted.
Now it may have been just down to the air filter needing replacement and the other bit had jack **** to do with it but maybe worth a look it's a 5 min job !

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What's the bit called.....
« on: 04 May 2012, 02:11:07 pm »
Cheers people   :)
Yep no 24 that's it.
First aid Kit.....hahahaha, yeah I need one most times I work on the bike, I should just have one attched to the toolbox  ;)

FZS600 Fazer / What's the bit called.....
« on: 04 May 2012, 12:09:34 pm » front of the airbox ( between the airbox and engine ) there are rubber tubes coming out of the airbox ( drain tubes ? ) that join togther and then there is a small box with a gauze type bit of stuff in it. What's the tech term for the small box with the gauze in it ?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Speedo has stopped working
« on: 22 February 2012, 02:13:52 pm »
And it gets the power from......?  A unit under the tank?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Speedo has stopped working
« on: 22 February 2012, 09:43:30 am »
Ahh interesting on the rev counter red line info...oops  :D
I guess I will have to take a chance and replace the sensor ( from the wheel ) and see what happens.
Out if curiosity, I have removed the sensor from the wheel in the past and i know it has the 2 lugs that spin in the wheel... so what does the bit that the lugs are on spin or turn at the back of the sensor? Could it just be crap in there stopping it working?
Thanks for the replys so far  :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Speedo has stopped working
« on: 21 February 2012, 11:49:28 am »
hmmm interesting, the thing that made me thought that was ok and it may be something else was the fact that the trip stopped working ages ago and the fact that the speedo popped all over the place a few times last year and the rev counter thing the other day  :\

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Speedo has stopped working
« on: 21 February 2012, 11:23:58 am »
Hey, thanks for the reply. When you say sensor do you mean the bit that goes in the front wheel or the bit that that then connects to ( Under the tank ?) ?

FZS600 Fazer / Speedo has stopped working
« on: 21 February 2012, 10:43:36 am »
Hey all, after a bit of help   :)
My speedo has stopped working and after reading a bit in the haynes manual not quite sure if it's the speedo or some other electrical part.
The Trip ( that you can reset ) has for months, only worked when riding, as soon as you turn the engine off it resets to zero. not a big problem.
Then last week the speedo and mileage stopped working.  I had planned to look at it at the weekend but a couple of days later I was coming home from work and missed a gear when accelerating hard, whacked the throttle open and the rev counter jumped up to 11 or 12 K then after that all the way home the rev counter was jumping from 0 to 3k to 7k ( which I beleive is something doing a self test ).
So the question you think the speedo is at fault or something else. I personally am thinking something else because of the way the rev counter jumped.....But I don't know what.
I have to admit, last year there were a few occasions when the Speedo would just jump around all over the shop for a few minutes and then settle down again.
Have done a search on here but couldn't find the answer. Sensor...speedo....bit in the front wheel ...?

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