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Messages - Carlh

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Clutch slip
« on: 15 August 2017, 06:03:06 am »
Finally got it almost right. Tried the pressure plate again but any way I fitted it it always put pressure onto the plates but I found where it felt most snug. Changed the cable and it's working fine now. No slip at all.

Only trouble I'm having now is how heavy the clutch has become. I'm using ebc hd springs but it's really really heavy. To the point I can only just use 2 fingers. Also, no amount of adjusting can make down changes smooth unless I pull the lever right back to the bar. I've never used all 4 fingers on the clutch and don't want to start either as if I get into that habit I'll be straight off my motocross bike lol.

Stupidly I threw away the ornignal springs, just wondering if anyone knows of any that are similar to standard or where I can find some original ones?

Has anybody ever tried removing 2 springs and running 4? It would work but I'm worried about damaging the pressure plate?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Clutch slip
« on: 10 August 2017, 12:32:24 pm »
Hi guys, currently away on holiday in Wales so can't do anything until Saturday or Sunday when I go home lol. Hopefully my clutch cable will of arrived. I'll try that along with double checking the pressure plate and try again. Thanks for the info on the pressure plate! So I'm right in thinking the correct way is when it sits closest to the plates?

Hopefully get it sorted before Monday or I'll have to use my van for work it'll take me hours to get home lol

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Clutch slip
« on: 06 August 2017, 11:09:36 am »
I've updated my profile with my bike now! Can't believe how helpful you all are here and how quick you've replied!

Whipped the clutch cover off again this morning, tried the pressure plate in a few different ways but it didn't seem to make any difference. Looking at either side of the plate is seems to be symmetrical and I couldn't see any difference in fitting.

I think I may have figured out what's wrong though. The inside of my casing had a tiny rub mark from the clutch. I think that the cable is worn to the point that to get any feel from the lever I'm needed to screw the push rod adjuster too far in, meaning the clutch won't disengage. I think a new cable (which I've ordered) should cure it!

The plates were fairly worn so I'm gonna convince myself it was worth changing them rather than wasting money haha.

I'll update once I've fitted the cable but at the minute I think that's the problem

Thanks for all your help! Carl

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Clutch slip
« on: 06 August 2017, 12:47:50 am »
Thanks for the replies! To answer a few questions yes the plates were soaked in oil and it's a bike specific fully synthetic so shouldn't cause any problems?

I was considering ordering a clutch cable.

I could possibly of fitted the pressure plate wrong. I thought it would go on any way tbh and it clicked straight in the first way I tried. I'll whip the clutch cover off in the morning and turn it a try again.

Yeah I fitted the anti judder ring too. Friction first, then steel then judder then friction so on until I ended on a friction which is the same way it came out so I think that should be right?

Steels didn't have any discolouration at all that I could notice. I didn't pay much attention to whether they were warped or not though

FZS600 Fazer / Clutch slip
« on: 05 August 2017, 06:44:46 pm »
Hi guys, first post here. I've had a search but I can't find the cure for my clutch slip.

When I bough the bike it slipped a bit. Adjusting the cable didn't help much but adjusting the rod on the other end of the engine did. But it would occasionally still slip at high rpm in the higher gears.

I bit the bullet and ordered new springs, friction plates and gasket. Fitted earlier on and it all went to plan until I came to adjust the clutch. I tightened the bottom adjuster then slackened it quarter turn as per the instructions. Then adjusting the lever needed almost all of my adjustment to get it right with a few mm of play. But pulling away it's slipping really bad to the point I could probably keep it in first and hold it still with the clutch released.

I've tried adjusting the bottom adjuster tighter and looser but still can't get it right.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Carl

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