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Messages - Dudeofrude

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Brake Pad recomendation:
« on: 18 April 2021, 02:13:10 pm »
I recently bought new pads for the Kawasaki and couldn't see SBS anywhere. My last lot I bought from the NEC bike show and were really good but none of the main online bike stores seemed to sell them these days. I wonder why 🤔
Main options are always EBC, Brembo or Goldfren, Although I've never wanted to trust Goldfren as they are stupidly cheap (I think less that £30 for a full set of front and back!)
I've just gone with sintered EBC as I thought they were the best for fast road riding 🤔🤷‍♂️

General / Re: The FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 18 April 2021, 11:36:39 am »
Well here my attempt. I appreciate that you can't actually see the tracks in the picture but it was as close as I could legally get haha
I'll leave it to the judges

It's green  :eek  what is that  :lol :lol :lol ;)

Don't... I wanted a red one but this one was newer, better spec'd and had the matching panniers for £200 more so made sense. Tbh it's grown on me haha

Anyways back to the topic at hand
If mine counts then the next one is


Preferably a traditional one but I'll accept a modern white thing if that's all that's going 👍🏻

General / Re: The FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 18 April 2021, 09:52:30 am »
Well here my attempt. I appreciate that you can't actually see the tracks in the picture but it was as close as I could legally get haha
I'll leave it to the judges

General / Re: The FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 17 April 2021, 09:09:50 am »
Just to refresh my memory is this only for Fazers or are those of us that have jumped ship still allowed to join in 😅

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Nice little upgrade
« on: 15 April 2021, 10:53:44 pm »

Worth a watch if anyone's interested on this subject

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Nice little upgrade
« on: 15 April 2021, 01:47:57 pm »
There's no need to tell them about shocks or fork upgrades, you can't ride the bike without either of them they aren't additions.   They don't enhance performance, albeit, you be able to ride slightly faster over any given stretch of road, but power isn't increased.

Even additions that don't enhance power like legle end cans (providing they cost no more the a standard system) most companies aren't interested.  Things like screens, heated grips, tail tidy, luggage systems, rearsets, air filter changes, huggers, steering damper, crash bungs/bars, brake hoses.   ;)


That's true of some companies but not all. Bennets for example don't want to know about any of that kind of stuff (there's a list on their site of changes you don't need to delcare) where as Bikesure used to make me list every single change I had on the bike regardless of how small and if there were more than 7 then it went over to a custom vehicle policy 🙄
And more recently while looking for Insurance on the Kawasaki I found a good price with a small company I'd not heard of before but when I spoke to them on the phone they refused to insure me for any changes whatsoever. They actually refused to insure me due to the fact I have Aftermarket heated grips!! 🤯🤯

I tend to find bike specific insurance companies are more sensible with changes than the mainly car focused ones

Cheers guys,

Yeah, I do need to take panniers and a pillion and camping stuff strapped down onto the top plate.

I also do some bloodrunning and for that I need to be able to strap down two big boxes. On the FZS one goes on the top plate and the other on the pillion seat so I'd need something similar on the FZ1.

The idea of using the rear light built in to the top box is a great idea, thanks, robbo. But I don't use a top box. I guess I'll have to look at other bikes. Such a shame.


Does sound like a different bike might be better for your needs.
Having recently spent loads of time looking for a new bike I would suggest taking a look at a Triumph Sprint GT. They are marginally cheaper than the Fz1, look great and come with matching solid panniers. Should be more than good enough for touring and your blood bike work.
Either way I hope you get sorted 👍🏻

General / Re: Wavey discs
« on: 13 April 2021, 09:16:10 pm »
I stuck some on my FZ1 but if I'm honest they didn't feel or stop any different to standard discs, they just looked fancier haha

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Few Gen 2 Bits for sale
« on: 05 April 2021, 01:58:33 pm »
Stuck it all on ebay 👍🏻

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 05 April 2021, 10:06:30 am »
If anyone is even remotely concerned about the apparent chance of blood clotting with the AZ vaccine, why not cover the bases and take a course of Omega 3 capsules for a month or so to put the mind, and body, at rest?
A very small dose of Aspirin is an alternative for the vegans out there BUT be warned that Aspirin can have side effects as i found out myself, so you'd need a doctor to give you the go ahead on that one. 
I'm not suggesting either are necessary, it's just that some people worry more than others, especially with the media making a meal of things, so why not do something about it to counteract any miniscule possibility of a blood clot?

From what I read it's a smaller chance of blit clot than women get from taking the contraception pill 🤷‍♂️ probably more risk in taking the omega 3 haha

Doesn't put people off flying either.

Probably because most people don't realise there is a risk from flying. If a bunch of numpty idiots started an online campaign warning against it and spreading overhyped reports with skewed views then I'm sure there would be a lot more people that wouldnt fly and would be blaming Bill Gates or the government for making air travel unsafe deliberately. Saying its all one big conspiracy to control the population blah blah blah
That's the problem with the modern technological age, the village idiots have learnt to use the Internet 🙈

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 04 April 2021, 08:25:17 am »
If anyone is even remotely concerned about the apparent chance of blood clotting with the AZ vaccine, why not cover the bases and take a course of Omega 3 capsules for a month or so to put the mind, and body, at rest?
A very small dose of Aspirin is an alternative for the vegans out there BUT be warned that Aspirin can have side effects as i found out myself, so you'd need a doctor to give you the go ahead on that one. 
I'm not suggesting either are necessary, it's just that some people worry more than others, especially with the media making a meal of things, so why not do something about it to counteract any miniscule possibility of a blood clot?

From what I read it's a smaller chance of blit clot than women get from taking the contraception pill 🤷‍♂️ probably more risk in taking the omega 3 haha

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Few Gen 2 Bits for sale
« on: 01 April 2021, 04:25:41 pm »
A few more pics as I still don't know how to embed them in the post 🙈

For Sale & Wanted / Few Gen 2 Bits for sale
« on: 01 April 2021, 04:24:03 pm »
Right seeing as my Fz1 has gone I have a few bits knocking about that I need rid of. Hopefully useful to someone here

A power commander 3 loaded with a custom map
£100 ± P&P

Pillion Seat for the Naked model (different seat to the Fazer model) these are very hard to find for some reason 🤷‍♂️
£50 + P&P

A black exhuast hanger
£10 + P&P

Original Levers
£10 + P&P

Abba Stand Adapters
£10 + P&P

I also have an original tail light lens. That can go for free if anyone needs one? Just P+P

And last of all I have a set of Oxford Saturn LED indicators. I have the full set of 4 but in all honesty 1 of them is a bit crap (it's usable but would need glueing) so I would be selling them as a set of 2 but throwing in the other 2 for nothing. They would also come with some resistors if wanted.
£15 +P&P

So if any good for anyone just drop me a message 👍🏻

General / Re: Farewell Fazer
« on: 01 April 2021, 12:59:29 pm »
I recently bought a new machine too, the triumph tiger 1050 sport.
I still have my fazer thou but it needs a bit of tic and i’m not sure I can be arsed.
It’s a great bike though is the mighty fazer and I will miss it if I sell it, ahh what to do.

Well the way I see it, if it needs work and you already have something new that does work then there's not going to be much incentive to get it sorted. So personally I would rather see it on to someone else who would enjoy it rather that letting it fester in the garage getting worse 🤷‍♂️ but that just my 2c

General / Re: Farewell Fazer
« on: 01 April 2021, 12:57:36 pm »
Well I've just said Goodbye to mine not 15 minutes ago...... but my z1000sx came off the van straight after so helped with the sting.

Here's my new stead.... what a beaut 🤩🤩

General / Farewell Fazer
« on: 29 March 2021, 10:31:40 pm »
Well I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a Kawasaki Z1000sx today, which sadly means my time with the Fz1 has come to an end.
I will be sad to see it go, its been an immensely fun (and expensive) 5 years but it's just time for something slightly more practicality and a lot less "look at me" haha

I plan on sticking around (if you'll have me 😝) as 80% of my interactions on here have nothing to do with Fazers haha but also I'd like to hope that I've molded and messed about with enough parts of a gen2 that I'd still be able to offer some helpful advice to others 🙂

I think Ive got about 4 days until the Kwak comes so in the meantime I'm going to rummage through the garage and see which originals parts I have left to swap out so I may have some stuff in the for sale section soon

Anyway I look forward to enjoying the new stead 😌

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 28 March 2021, 10:02:54 pm »
What I can't work out is from what I've read there are astrazeneca manufacturers here in the UK as well as in Europe, we are getting vaccines sent in from the Europe plant and the EU are demanding we export some out to them..... so unless I'm missing something, why don't we primarily use the stuff made here and they use the batches made there??

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Clutch cover alignment help
« on: 24 March 2021, 05:11:52 pm »
Has anyone got any tips for getting the clutch cover on a gen2 back on properly?
I had a small leak coming from mine so I whipped it off earlier and installed a new gasket but now there is too much play in the cable 🙁 I hadn't adjusted or undone the cable at all so I know the problem has to be with the way I've put it back together.
I've checked the workshop manual, plus tried to find info on Google but nothing that's helped.
I've aligned all the marks like I was supposed too and have now had the cover off a further 4 times but to no avail.
I read online before had that it was meant to be a pain but this is just taking the piss 😤
I've had to give up for the day before I took a hammer to it, so I will be trying again tomorrow or Friday
Any advice would be greatly appreciated please

Here's a few pics, I couldn't upload a video as the files were too big.
It's not a great advert for the tail light as that looks better/brighter in real life but you can see how good those indicators are at least

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 24 March 2021, 11:49:57 am »
BBrown did have a point. It could of took off. Try and keep the politics relevant please.
 I am NO fan of the government - or the other lot - or ANY lot. But I find jibes about getting eyesight tested at a castle completely boring and nothing to do with the conversation.
For clarity I do not think he should of quit --no unelected adviser/sage/guru should of been there in the first place.
 Back on subject - news today headlines of vaxing 6 year olds  :eek   How many people are comfortable with that.
Well I know would be very reluctant to put my kids forward for it if they do.
I can't really see the point of vaccinating children that young when then very rarely ever catch it and even when they do barely any actually get ill.
I think it would be more obviously to vaccinate secondary school "children" first as they seem to be one of the worst spreaders.
I mentioned it because i wonder how many people who have been saying "its safe you are an anti vaxer" but then when it comes to their 6 year old kids --- hmm--err--- well-- ah.

Yes but let's be fair its a bit of a different scenario.
As an adult I can weigh up any potential risks and any possibility that it may harm me later in life and make a decision.
Where as for my children they have their whole lives ahead of then for any adverse effects to happen.
As a father of a young girl I can't even imagine the anguish if I forced the jab on her now only to find out in 10 years that an unknown side effect is sterility or some other kind of problems that would stop her having kids.
And before you say it... I know the scientists say its safe but they said that about the Thalidomide too and look how that turned out.
I'm just not certain I would be willing to risk something like that for a vaccine against an illness that for the most part isn't going to hurt her. I would rather she waited until she could make that choice herself, by which time the vaccine would have been in circulation for quite a few years and potentially any long term issues (or lack of) will be known

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 24 March 2021, 10:13:46 am »
BBrown did have a point. It could of took off. Try and keep the politics relevant please.
 I am NO fan of the government - or the other lot - or ANY lot. But I find jibes about getting eyesight tested at a castle completely boring and nothing to do with the conversation.
For clarity I do not think he should of quit --no unelected adviser/sage/guru should of been there in the first place.
 Back on subject - news today headlines of vaxing 6 year olds  :eek   How many people are comfortable with that.

Well I know would be very reluctant to put my kids forward for it if they do.
I can't really see the point of vaccinating children that young when then very rarely ever catch it and even when they do barely any actually get ill.
I think it would be more obviously to vaccinate secondary school "children" first as they seem to be one of the worst spreaders.

The indicators are great but you would have to have a work with your MOT place to see if they would pass them as they are a bit of a grey area. Mine pass as one side still stays red when I indicate and brake and the same time so it's clear I'm stopping. Some of the Chinese units alternate between red and orange which would be a fail here.
If they (assuming the MT indicators are LED) replace the existing indicators then there wont be an issue with the MOT.

Also when you said you replaced all the stock ones with MT, were you referring to these ones?

Yes LED indicators are fine, I was referring to the ones built into my taillight

The ones you linked are what I was after originally but couldn't find any new ones for sale so I went with these ones

I believe they are from the MT07 and pretty sure the R125
Either way they are genuine yamaha and look brilliant

I'll take some photos tomorrow if you like and see if i can remember where it was from 🤔 I know it wasn't expensive either way.
Ah yes please, I forgot about the LED units. I would be interested to see how bright it is, brake light off/on and indicators working.
Got a link to where to buy the one you have?

I will get some pictures/videos tomorrow and send you them. I will have to look back through my receipts to see if I can find out where it was from.
I'm sure it was only about £50, I just made sure it was an E marked one to be technically legal on UK roads buy in reality its not the kind of thing that would ever be checked.
The indicators are great but you would have to have a work with your MOT place to see if they would pass them as they are a bit of a grey area. Mine pass as one side still stays red when I indicate and brake and the same time so it's clear I'm stopping. Some of the Chinese units alternate between red and orange which would be a fail here.

Ok so the indicator side of things isnt so much of an issue, is the wierd brake light behaviour I would like to find a fix or work around for.

Again depends on what your willing to do. I just bought an Aftermarket L.E.D tail light. Super easy to install, exact same shape as original and it just has a plug that fits into the old light bulb socket... job done.
I'll take some photos tomorrow if you like and see if i can remember where it was from 🤔 I know it wasn't expensive either way. I even hooked up the built-in indicators too so currently when I indicate I have the half the tail light as well as the actual indicator flashing. Makes it super clear and obvious that I'm planning on turning

General / Re: The Covid thread incl a poll
« on: 23 March 2021, 11:14:30 am »
Boasting would be improper, but our highly successful vaccination programme is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.Almost 28 million first vaccines adminstered and over 2 million second doses so far.

Of course it isn't to be ashamed of, but:

We should have locked down earlier and tighter
Stopped foreign travel
Created an efficient test and trace system that worked
Not opened up so much in the summer
Not created 'eat out to help out'
Paid workers to self isolate
Listened to the scientists

Then we wouldn't have lost so many

While most of your points are valid the "listened to the scientists one" is just a load of pish
If the scientists are so knowledgeable then why are different ones all over the world offering different advice? Even in the UK the scientists used in Scotland are offering different advice to the ones in Wales and the ones in England.
Why is it the Scottish ones have recommended groups of 8 from 4 households can meet up outside yet the ones in England say groups of 6 from 2 households? Why do Children not count towards the number in Scotland and Ireland but they do in Wales and England?
Why do some European Scientists (like Sweden) say lockdowns are pointless and trusting the public to behave is all we need.
Why are some scientists to be believed and trusted but others not?
All this conflicting information from scientists is whats caused so much anti vax, anti mask and anti corona stuff to gain traction and spread.
I think what we should have done is not just listen to the Scientists but actually gather a diverse group of unbiased experts from all over the world and got clear solid advice that every nation had to follow. Then it wouldn't have been up for debate

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