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Messages - Captain Haddock

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If it's not leaking and the level isn't dropping it's just a bleeding problem, try cracking the banjo at the top of the master cylinder and squeezing some fluid from there as air can get caught at the top, I had that problem with mine not bleeding properly.
Wrap some rag around it though to catch the fluid.

100 bhp vs 143 bhp as standard, says it all... :lol
My gen 1 fzs 1000 with ivans 'slip on' jet kit and simmi end can will happily drop down to 20mph in top gear and still be rideable and smooth, it will pickup nicely from there all the way through albeit nowhere near as quickly as a good play with gears and revs but it is still very smooth all the way through.
Give the tacho some excercise and the grin factor is damn good, I also have R6 rear shock fitted but am a fairly crap rider in twisties so don't gain full advantage but each time I hit the wuss button it's me giving up not the bike.
I have never ridden a B12 so can't do a comparison but I doubt you'd be dissappointed.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: my fazer
« on: 15 September 2014, 06:53:31 pm »
Good to see a proper silver bike and not one of those slow blue ones, the tailpipe has to go though...... :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 4 degree ignition advancer
« on: 10 September 2014, 07:45:25 pm »
The gasket split on mine and I just put a smear of gasket sealant on the split bit and it has never leaked, had a new gasket since last xmas and still not got round to fitting it.
Remember silicon is great in the right place but a destruction waiting to happen once excess stringy bits get into oil ways, use very sparingly, better still a non-setting sealant but still sparingly. It's only ptfe tape that stands for 'put the foccer everywhere'! :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: high mileage
« on: 03 August 2014, 06:14:13 pm »
and I'm suspicious of anything with less than 3000 miles/year. WTF have the owners been doing with them?
I bet I struggle to do 1000 miles/year, 500 would surprise me, I live 3 mins walk from work so firing the bike up would rot the internals with condensation, I spend weekends boating and drinking so that rules out biking, it's just an expensive toy realy, years ago I'd be embarrased by such an admission but thats how life turns out.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 12 July 2014, 01:21:54 am »
That is the gps I have fuzzbomb, powered from the cl8 point shown in the documents provided and seems good, I've only powered it briefly but seems good.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 11 July 2014, 08:21:02 pm »
The gear indicator is indeed speed/rpm and seems to work very well, clutch in it doesn't know but as soon as it's out it's spot on.
My gps module(VK16HX @ £7 inc postage) arrived today, fitted in the clock housing well and setup dead easily, won't be able to play anymore for 2 weeks as going on holiday. :D

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: know nowt about bikes but...
« on: 08 July 2014, 06:48:09 pm »
Forget the rad covers and stuff, go ivanised, R6 shocked, and multiguage first for toys, I'd recomend all three mods.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: What make/model is this CNC lever?
« on: 08 July 2014, 06:44:42 pm »
I got mine from this place they look good and fit well, about £37 inc. postage, from the land of egg fried rice IIRC.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 07 July 2014, 08:16:24 pm »
Multiguage arrived and fitted, awesome!!!! Just got to wait for my gps module to turn up now.
Thats a cracking bit of kit Christian, a foccing genius indeed.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: know nowt about bikes but...
« on: 07 July 2014, 12:09:01 am »
Frostman this is a great story......what a good are honest and dont give a foc about the bravado and you're enjoying your first bike....whats not to like.
I'll go along with that.

Ive been scared by my thou but I'm not afraid to open it up
I'll admit to that too but it is fun.  :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: know nowt about bikes but...
« on: 06 July 2014, 07:13:38 pm »
And have to admit it to the insurance co. I don't think so.... :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: know nowt about bikes but...
« on: 04 July 2014, 07:48:00 am »
but the power is unreal, it doesn't dip and just keeps ruddy going,
Wait till you get it up to 11,000rpm, they just keep pulling all the way through, especially if ivanised.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Smooth gear change at last!
« on: 03 July 2014, 06:48:53 pm »
Must admit I'm tempted to try this sometime but then my bike is just a toy and if were to go bang it wouldn't be a major headache for me, just a cost, I walk to work and the Mrs. has a perfectly good car for load shifting.
I could do with as smooth a clutch as possible as I currently have a communication issue with my left hand due to a nerve problem and finding clutch control a bit tricky at the moment.
Would have thought small holes drilled in opposite pairs wouldn't do any harm strength or balance wise.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: What do you think its worth?
« on: 29 June 2014, 06:35:01 pm »
I've had two wives, wouldn't want of my own.....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 29 June 2014, 12:26:54 pm »
Is the 12v output by the gps connections upto the load of a 7805 or similar regulator for gps module? Also is it a nice clean supply or straight from the bikes electrics?

Edit: Just spotted the bit about where to get a nice 5v from the clocks themselves, top work Christian!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 28 June 2014, 02:26:58 pm »
With the gps input connected could the 3rd button be used to auto set the speedohealer factor? Obviously it would have to be done at a steady speed on straight road for gps to keep up, would be a useful feature.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 26 June 2014, 07:48:57 pm »
Email sent, can't wait....It's a new toy thing. :lol Do we ever grow up?

Would I be right in thinking the speedo healer option can be used and a correction figure of 1 would keep original readings without any problems? (FZS1000 gen 1 2003)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted: Large Ultrasonic cleaner
« on: 17 June 2014, 11:04:43 pm »
Be careful what cleaning fluid you use, some make the casting go black, I think it's the alloy used on jap carbs.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Jumpy gauge
« on: 17 June 2014, 11:02:41 pm »
Probably just the fuel sloshing around, mine moves a lot under acceleration and braking.

Good luck with ya hunt, don't chop their hands off, chop their foccing heads off.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 15 June 2014, 06:58:59 pm »
You wouldn't make much..nobody has bought one.  ;)
Only cos they're not ready yet....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: IXIL Exhausts....
« on: 10 June 2014, 06:45:53 pm »
Nice looking pipes indeed, don't leave it out in the rain though or they'll fill up.....  :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Damage to headers
« on: 09 June 2014, 06:41:13 pm »
If it did that after being flicked up I'd check that front wheel very closely for signs of cracking.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Multi-gauge Multi-buy?
« on: 08 June 2014, 09:45:52 pm »
At 6 euros it's probaby as easy to do individual orders rather than messing about with distribution and payments, let us know when you have some ready to go, I definately want one.

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