Date: 01-06-24  Time: 16:50 pm

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Messages - esetest

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General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 17 May 2016, 06:02:32 pm »
Washed and chamoised. the Guzzi , then rode it to Bibury via the Mendips , Longleat , Bath , and Corsham .

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 16 May 2016, 07:49:30 pm »
rode it home the via  the  scenic route .

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 10 May 2016, 10:54:16 pm »
Rode it .

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 09 May 2016, 02:10:43 pm »
Went for a  7 mile run  this morning  and up the driving range this afternoon .

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 08 May 2016, 03:55:49 pm »
Last night , went out with the other half for a curry and  a pint of thatchers.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Jeff Mountjoys Big Rideout
« on: 07 May 2016, 05:17:26 pm »
Joined 200 other bikers for a ride in aid of Dorothy house hospice , great day  and the sun came out and the roads were dry .

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 06 May 2016, 08:17:58 pm »
Pics from today .

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Bristol this Sunday?
« on: 06 May 2016, 07:09:00 pm »
My bad , looking forward to this tomorrow .

General / Re: 18 Years old TODAY !!!!
« on: 06 May 2016, 07:06:35 pm »
Happy birthday to your Fazer , looks great.

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 06 May 2016, 07:05:26 pm »
Went to pick up a 48 from Riders today , unfortunately  they didn't have one so i ended up hiring 1200c , same riding position and engine as the 48 , but 10 kgs heavier , the extra 400cc makes all the difference , plenty of torque , handling was fine , much better than i expected , sounds great , did lots of overtakes , filtering is excellent as the cagers hear you coming and get out of the way , i could see myself getting a 48 in a couple of years , rode it to Weymouth , then onto Minehead , then back to Riders of Bristol , 230 miles of sunshine and dry roads , it was fantastic .     

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 06 May 2016, 06:54:30 pm »
Rode it to Riders of Bristol and back .

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 05 May 2016, 09:51:01 pm »
Insured the Guzzi .

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Painting Engine
« on: 03 May 2016, 06:08:15 pm »
I have painted mine and 1 can was plenty .

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 03 May 2016, 06:03:45 pm »
Put some air in the tyres and rode it .

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 01 May 2016, 01:09:49 pm »
Rode it home via the scenic route .

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Bristol this Sunday?
« on: 30 April 2016, 01:04:20 pm »
Sign up with Bristol motorbike riders , they organise loads of ride outs , there is a ride out next Sunday , meeting at Paulton Rovers FC at 11am but it is a charity thing so there is a donation involved , most of there ride outs are free .

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 29 April 2016, 10:44:12 am »
Took  it for its Mot  , it passed , but he had to tighten the front wheel, all ready for 7th may .

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 27 April 2016, 02:43:49 pm »
Took the Guzzi out for a spin , didn't go far , still too cold .

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 26 April 2016, 06:22:03 pm »
Taxed the Guzzi .

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 26 April 2016, 06:21:31 pm »
rode it to work , booked it in for its MOT.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 24 April 2016, 05:19:13 pm »
Took it out for a quick spin , stopped at Cheddar for a coffee .

General / Re: pond vacs
« on: 23 April 2016, 08:58:01 am »
its more of a wildlife pond and they cope but lost a young un the other day which was one for the future in my eyes. just want clear water so I can see them all the time......have you ever tried that sludge buster stuff where you empty a sachet in and 8.5 Million bugs eat the sludge?
I have used it and although it works , the water goes milky looking for about a week, but if it ever warms up ,  it will go green for a few weeks , you could always try the sludge buster then .

General / Re: pond vacs
« on: 23 April 2016, 08:53:54 am »
its more of a wildlife pond and they cope but lost a young un the other day which was one for the future in my eyes. just want clear water so I can see them all the time......have you ever tried that sludge buster stuff where you empty a sachet in and 8.5 Million bugs eat the sludge?

General / Re: pond vacs
« on: 22 April 2016, 11:38:43 pm »
cheers mate

got a fair bit of sludge as I have overhanging vegetation/dog n cat displace soil etc into the pond. Have tried scooping with a net but it just sends the water into meltdown for a few days where I can't see foc all and the fish must get stressed with it, hence the vac idea
If you have an ornamental type pond with koi the dirty water might upset  the fish , and it might spoil the look , but if you  have  a wildlife pond with goldfish or shubunkin  or hybrids  they  can cope with dirty water for  few days , I have the latter which is a lot easier to maintain .

General / Re: pond vacs
« on: 22 April 2016, 11:31:35 pm »
cheers mate

got a fair bit of sludge as I have overhanging vegetation/dog n cat displace soil etc into the pond. Have tried scooping with a net but it just sends the water into meltdown for a few days where I can't see foc all and the fish must get stressed with it, hence the vac idea

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