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Messages - Bracechenko

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Why do people do this!!!!!
« on: 04 April 2013, 10:15:18 pm »
Crime scene it  :D

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Why do people do this!!!!!
« on: 04 April 2013, 10:14:21 pm »
Ok so, what's a CSI?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Why do people do this!!!!!
« on: 04 April 2013, 01:11:09 pm »
Sorry to see that happen to your pride and joy but a couple of observations....

1. The bins are all up against the wall or each other so if the wind was blowing from behind the direction that the photo was taken then they wouldn't actually go anywhere

2. You've got a cover on in high winds! Basically you've attached a parachute to your bike and believe me, when they catch the wind, they exert a huge force. I know this because I did exactly the same thing and actually SAW my bike get pulled over onto it's side a few years ago in strong winds.

3. The centre stand isn't actually the most stable way to keep the bike especially if on a cross wind. The best way to keep it is on it's side stand with the bike leaning away from the wind direction (ie, the wind pushing it onto the sidestand). The tripod that this creates is wider than the centre stand.

Not having a go (I re-read this and it's seems quite picky soz), just trying to offer up advice for future reference as I know how gutting it is to see your pride and joy on it's side

General / Re: A question of respect (let the flaming begin...)
« on: 02 April 2013, 05:40:54 pm »
Something i've noticed...

English coppers - Power tripping arrogant arseholes who cannot use any level of common sense
Welsh coppers - Generally use a bit of common sense first. If you're in the wrong proper though, you're going to still get a ticket

Never been pulled in Ireland or Scotland - something to add to my life list though  :D

Regarding your post - sounds like you need to let that one incident go, you're harbouring that ill feeling. Right or wrong, you feel cheated by that copper. Put it down to a bad apple and start afresh. Wipe the slate clean and start forming an opinion on your experiences from BikeSafe onwards.

General / Re: gone quite
« on: 24 March 2013, 09:33:14 pm »
Ummm....*quiet*  :pokefun (sorry)

General / Website Title Picture
« on: 23 March 2013, 10:56:13 am »
Well done to the person who photoshopped it but one thing has always bugged me and that's the rear wheel - looks like it's got a flat tyre!

Anyone fancy having a stab at sorting that last bit out? I would offer but i'm shite and only have MS Paint!  :'(

Introduction / Re: My first Fazer..
« on: 23 March 2013, 10:54:25 am »
When you said 'missus growing belly' I thought you were just saying that she's been drinking a few too many pints and larding up lol!  :lol The carry cot made me realise what you meant of course.

Lovely bike and welcome to the site :thumbup

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gear change troubles
« on: 23 March 2013, 07:58:23 am »
I have. FZ1 and wouldnt call it notchy so as above, lube the joints and adjust the gear selector correctly and if its not sorted then get it checked out.

It is a heavir duty box than a r6 of course so expect it to be heavier in that respect

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: did he die then?
« on: 15 March 2013, 11:06:35 pm »
I literally haven't bothered posting this as the whole weekend was the worst biking experience i've ever had. On the Saturday heading up there I got caught out in blizzard conditions, freezing cold and then riding (lost!) with the wrong gear on and I was in real trouble. Hypothemia was definately hitting me as I couldn't do simple maths in my head and I was really starting to panic.
The day itself was in snow! It was freezing ruddy cold and I then had a 6 hr journey home in sub zero temps which was another horrible ordeal that wasn't just bad but actually really dangerous.
One for the books and one to forget! On the plus side though, I was passing track bikes which were wearing full wets and I was blipping past the outside on my road tyres  :D  The amount of twitches and spin ups I had was pretty scary too but I certainly earned some stripes that weekend!
Need to get another one booked in and hopefully the weather wont be so crap!  :(

General / Re: I enjoyed this.
« on: 15 March 2013, 06:51:13 am »
I enjoyed that too  :-)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Is this normal?
« on: 11 March 2013, 05:40:59 pm »
Its normal mate, just water collected in the zorst thats getting evaporated when the engine starts heating it up. It'll be worse in the winter

General / Re: Confronting Tailgaters
« on: 10 March 2013, 06:33:19 am »
I had a guy cut me up once when he overtook me quite deliberately blew my horn flashed my lights he stops i stopped he come walking towards me asking me what my fucking problem was replied not as big as yours and laid him out in the middle of the road ..end of story,,yes its all true,mate said all i saw was your shoulder move,game over,went home ... :rollin

Love that! BOOM!! :D

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Mid Wales Riders
« on: 05 March 2013, 09:51:45 pm »
Id be up for it

General / Re: First Trackday - Cadwell Park - 10th March
« on: 03 March 2013, 10:24:04 am » thing that might cause a problem is that my rear has already lived through a 2000 mile trip through Europe and that was last June so has probably covered another 1 - 2k since then.

To be fair, it's stood up quite well as by 3.5k they're usually ready for changing but the Euro trip was more about cruising/touring that 1 day blasts everywhere.

Tyre is more than legal, has tread left but I think the centre will be squared by the end of the day (or halfway through!). May have to be extra gentle on opening her up out of the corners (boo  :( ) or I wonder if there will be a tyre centre open on a Sunday nearby?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What is my annoying noise??? Any ideas?
« on: 03 March 2013, 09:56:42 am »
It'll be the plastics in the fairing i reckon. The engine does have vibes at that rev range and both fzs600's that I've had have developed a buzz from the fairing. If it is that area, likely to be headlight cowl thingy, plastic clippings come loose or those plastic panels that clip onto the inside of the fairing.

I know you said it's coming from the engine area but make sure that you're sure about that first. Diagnosing random noises is never an easy thing!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Motad/Venom Header downpipes
« on: 03 March 2013, 09:51:11 am »
As above, perfect fit and great quality too. Check on Ebay as they sell on there under the seller 'motad1' direct from the warehouse, big discounts if you're lucky

General / Re: First Trackday - Cadwell Park - 10th March
« on: 02 March 2013, 10:35:21 am »
Thanks both, good advice that i will listen to :thumbup

General / Re: First Trackday - Cadwell Park - 10th March
« on: 01 March 2013, 12:40:05 pm »
Might not be so lucky if it's sub zero temp or peeing it down  :rolleyes

Praying for a good weekend, fresh and sunny!

General / First Trackday - Cadwell Park - 10th March
« on: 01 March 2013, 12:20:45 pm »
Yep, all booked and ready to go. Sourced myself some leathers, got new brake pads on the front and gave the FZ1 a service.

I'm excited but nervous too!! Excited at the fact that it's a track day (obvious) but nervous about binning my bike!  :'(

I'm in the intermediate group as I consider myself to be a quick rider and I think the novice would be a bit too slow once i'm all warmed up etc. With trying to calm myself down about binning my bike, I keep telling myself that I haven't binned it yet and that's with lampposts, traffic, pedestrians, other traffic, crappy roads, diesel etc etc

So Foccers - please calm my nerves and tell me everything will be fine and my bike will be coming home in one piece  :\

I have tapatalk installed but dont use it. I am browsing on an android device but im definately not on all not so feel free to kick me off  :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Top speed on a Fazer?
« on: 27 February 2013, 12:49:57 pm »
I've had 2 x FZS600's and they both did 140mph. I hit 145mph once but clearly a wind assisted event!

FZ1 has hit 167mph indicated, would have loved 170 but don't think it'll stretch that far i'm afraid.

Not really a top speed demon anyway, it's all about the corners for me  :D

Some awful riding, only watched 8 mins but most of them were idiot bikers!

General / Re: NASCAR Daytona - accident
« on: 24 February 2013, 01:26:48 pm »
Didn't this race have a death in it last year, the Brit guy?

Think that was the Indy 500 with champ cars (open wheeled)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Post your bike mileage
« on: 24 February 2013, 01:22:38 pm »
FZS600 bought with 22k in 2010, now on 71k

FZ1 bought in 2011 with 10k, now on 23k  :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 100,000 miles on a Fazer 1000. The truth.
« on: 20 February 2013, 10:06:06 pm »
what an excellent post, really enjoyed reading that.

:agree :agree

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