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Messages - pilgrim

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General / Re: Tips for car drivers
« on: 19 January 2013, 01:35:32 pm »
And windows arent ashtrays, ashtrays are GRRRRRRRRRRR!
A smoker
But not when I'm driving.

General / Re: Keeping Fit?
« on: 16 January 2013, 12:33:47 am »
Wednesdays workout  ( D )
200 sit ups ( sort of ) 80 +70 + 50
Incline bench press 66Kg 3 x 10 reps
standing military press 42kg 3 x 10 reps
Reverse triceps bench press 42Kg 3 x 10 reps
One arm dumbell preacher curls 20kg 3 x10 reps each side
Standing palms in dumbell press 2 x 18kg 3 x10 reps
Stiff leg bar bell deadlift 44kg 3 x 10 reps ( wonky left knee so taking it easy on leg area )
Back flyes with dumbells 2 x 13kg 3 x 10 reps
Tricep dumbell kickbacks 12kg 3 x 10 reps each side
And finally elbow snappers 2 x 12kg 3 x 10 reps  ( stand up with a dumbell in each hand arms straight out palms up then curl in to shoulder, too much weight and you find out why I call them elbow snappers  :eek :eek )
Cardio. On my feet all day at work, thats enough!
Food. Eat whatever I want, love it.
Usually train 3 times a week, but been down to 2 recently due to family commitments and having the big toe nail on my right foot removed forever
2 weeks ago ( nice! )
5' 9", 12 and a half stone, 32 inch waist, 48 years young, full head of ( lots of ) hair.

General / Re: Shafties
« on: 15 January 2013, 11:46:51 pm »
Courierd in the 80's on,amongst other things,  a Yam XJ 750 Seca. Never really noticed any big problems with lifting/squatting, but always wondered
how much more ooommph it lost through not being chain drive. Bought it with 9k on the clock and part exed it for an FJ1100 two years later when I
stopped DR ing with just over 90k on the clock :eek  Vaguely remember changing the diff :lol
Used to murder head race bearings every 10k though, never found out why, and no, not through pulling wheelies!
PS. Pomchi.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: R6 Shock Shock !
« on: 03 January 2013, 01:26:32 pm »
Ok, can see where you are all coming from. Its just that the note in the manual ( which incidentaly is also in the Fazer thou manual) says that the actual number of clicks or turns always represents the entire adjustment range. This would seem to imply that, for example, on the low speed comp screw, 1 click is max and 35 (on mine anyway!) is minimum.
It does seem a bit odd that there are that many turns, and I did wonder if it was like Mike says, beyond a certain point its just turning for turnings sake.
Anyway, on the settings its on now, my ride to work was ok, and it wasnt like a zeberdee, but did feel softer and more compliant. Unfortunately I cant do any more testing at the moment cos I'm sitting here with no big toe nail on my right foot, the anesthetic is wearing off, and its throbbing like a cartoon thumb/hammer incident.
Bugger! :'(
Still, when I'm back on the road, might turn them all the way down just see what happens :crazy

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: R6 Shock Shock !
« on: 01 January 2013, 10:57:35 pm »
Jesus H Christ! Dont want to be doing that, cant ride a pogo stick :rollin
Anyway, its only a slow trundle to work, mostly 30mph roads, but after tomorrow I wont be able to do any more indepth testing for an unspecified number of days. Having the big toenail on my right foot removed forever on Thusday ( ingrowing like an upside down Nike Swoosh, 20 years :( ) so  no chance of getting bike boots on for a while.  :thumbdown

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: R6 Shock Shock !
« on: 01 January 2013, 10:35:48 pm »
Fair point matey, and I'm still chuffed to bits with your brilliant idea :D Not trying to piss on your parade or anything,
just shocked ( pardon the pun ) at how far away the amount of adjustment is from what Yamaha have said it is.
Like you said, different bikes, riding styles etc, and I might have just totally goosed it, just thought it might be worth a twiddle just in case. I mean, 35 clicks when theres only supposed to be 20!! Blood nora!
Anyway, keep up the good work, youre a star pal!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / R6 Shock Shock !
« on: 01 January 2013, 10:12:40 pm »
Had mine on for about 18 months now, and although it is a vast improvement over standard, I've always thought it could be a bit better if I fettled it a bit more. I'm currently running the standard settings of 15 clicks out (out of 20) for rebound, 3 full turns out (out of 4) on the high speed compression damping nut and 16 clicks out (out of 20) on the low speed comression damping screw.
After reading the thread about the S1000 shock conversion, I had a look at the R6 owners manual to see what the standard settings were, and this caught my eye:
Although the total number of clicks or turns of a damping force adjusting mechanism may not exactly match the specifications listed due to small differences in production,the actual number of clicks or turns always represents the entire adjustment range. To obtain a precise adjustment, it would be advisable to check the number of clicks or turns of each damping force adjusting mechanism and to modify the specifications as necessary.
So I decided to check mine, just to see if they might be out. I dialled everything all the way in, the out again and this is what i found:
High speed comp nut: 4 and a quarter turns to fully out. ( close enough )
Low speed comp screw: 35 clicks to fully out :eek
Rebound screw: 28 clicks to fully out :eek
So, taking into account what the note above says, and that the standard settings are all technically 3/4 of the way through the range, I've made some adjustments
High speed comp left at 3 turns out
Low speed comp now set at 25 clicks out ( of 35 )
Rebound set at 21 clicks out ( out of 28 )
A bounce test has it feeling softer already, but cant test ride it until tomorrow on my 6 mile round trip to work.
Who knows, I might have just arsed it up completely, but its easy enough to put it back to where it was. Might have to get around to fettling it properly now anyway :lol 
Thoughts, anyone? Has this been discussed before and I've missed it? Or was it something that everyone knew anyway, except me? :o

General / Re: What's the best biking bargain you've ever had?
« on: 10 November 2012, 12:16:55 am »
Carbon Can Co. stainless oval can with removable baffle for Gen 1 Thou. 6 months old, not a mark on it. £16.55 off Ebollocks.
£10 p + p but it was only 10 miles up the road so picked it up. Still going strong 6 years later :D

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gen 1 front axle tool
« on: 09 November 2012, 11:59:22 pm »
 :agree  and even better if you blag them from work. Cost : bugger all :lol

General / Re: Britannia Rescue drop the ball big time
« on: 04 November 2012, 11:20:25 am »
I had a serious mechanical faliure with my bike a couple of years ago. Knew something was big wrong instantly. Kill switch hit, coast to a stop, ring AA.
When the bloke eventually turned up, he wouldnt even entertain the idea of loading it onto the back off his wagon until we had tried to start it.
I told him something serious had gone wrong, thought it might be the cam chain tensioner, and trying to start it might make it worse.
No dice. So turned it over for a couple of secs before it just jammed up solid. On the truck and off we go.
Got home and checked it over, sure enough the spring in the cam chain tensioner had snapped. 9 bent inlet valves :eek
Thing is, it didnt jam up until he made me turn it over, so were the valves already fooked by then or did trying to start it finally do for them?
Guess I'll never know but still pisses me off :grumble
On the flip side, my old FJ 11 got knicked about 20 years ago. Plod rang the next day to say it had been found and recovered about 8 miles away.
Went to the recovery yard to pick it up and they charged me £50 for the recovery. When I asked them where it had been found it was only about 300
yards from their place :eek
AA brought me home for £27 yearly subscription. If the twating Plod had rung me first I would have saved 50 quid. Arseholes. And theres no excuse for getting it off the road asap cos I would have been there within 20 mins.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: strange handling
« on: 07 October 2012, 05:09:14 pm »
Dont play rugby for Warrington do you :eek

General / Re: New helmet time
« on: 15 August 2012, 09:41:02 pm »
Recently replaced my Shoei Raid 2 with a Shark S900. Well happy :)
Flip down sun visor which works from a lever by the left hand visor pivot point, so no noise issues. Not used it much this summer though :rolleyes
Seat belt type buckle which is ratcheted so can always get the right tightness without adjusting the strap
And an anti mist coating on the inside of the visor which actually works :eek (for now)
Best of all, 115 knicker off ebag brand spanking (slightly cheesey Flag design but I'm not arsed :D )
Just one thing though, they are a slightly loose fit so try before you buy in case you need a smaller size than usual.

General / Re: Front tyre wear
« on: 09 August 2012, 11:51:12 pm »
They all do that. Always have done and always will. I've been riding for 27 years now, including 4 years as a courier, and front tyres always wear out on the right first. Been through dozens of them, all types, sizes and makes. It is because of road camber, but the weird thing is that the back tyre does'nt do it. Had you noticed that? Heard an explanation of that once, not quite sure but think it had something to do with countersteering :b
Here's a good idea. Why dont we flog our nearly shot on the right front tyres to the Frenchies or some one? Then they can wear out the other side.

General / Re: Quiet on here today!!
« on: 22 July 2012, 05:42:43 pm »
Was in the garden, on a sun lounger, drinking Sangria and having a barbie 8)
Now stop moaning and get on with that packing! :pokefun

General / Re: Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 09:30:45 pm »
Defo wouldnt have told the missus if it was that spider above :b
Dont suffer from arachnaphobia, but its no consolation knowing that we have a very poisonous spider, which could have been on my todger!!!!!!!!!!
Humm, thinking about the false widow spider, she did look a bit desperate, and was also darn sarf!
PPS. Still no phone call.

General / Re: any gardeners out there
« on: 21 July 2012, 03:34:40 pm »
Police are still trying to weed out the culprits, and soon hope to cultivate a case against them.John Nettles has been enlisted to help out.
A senior officer said ' Thistle soon sort them out. We'll have this case closed in no thyme.'

General / Re: Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 03:24:47 pm »
Oddly enough, I'm not in the habit of taking a camera in the shower with me.
Well, not since I started the medication :)
PS. Still hasnt rung.

General / Re: Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 11:01:24 am »
Wise words. I think towel shaking may well become part of my post shower ritual :)
I suffer from CDO. Its like OCD but the letters are in the correct order, as they should be.

General / Re: Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 09:51:06 am »
Would have been nice to have a couple of drinks first or something!
And it was a lady spider ;) which is actually more frightening.........cos they eat you afterwards :eek :eek :eek

General / Re: Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 12:31:09 am »
Afraid to say the poor chap became even more Private after that.
Counselling may be in order for Post Traumatic Stress disorder :(

General / Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 12:07:28 am »
 :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
Will have to relate this tale on here, cos if I tell the wife she will throw the biggest wobbler since the invention of wobblers!
Here goes.....
Decided to grab a quick shower before tea tonight. Suitably washed and scrubbed, I grabbed the towel off the back of the bathroom door and began to dry off, starting with the upper body and gradually working southwards so to speak.
Wrapped the towel around my waist for a moment as I stepped out of the shower, in order to continue the drying process in a more spacious environment, and when I removed the towel, well.........
Not quite sure how it managed to stay within the confines of the towel during the whole process, but there was this....
Spider. :eek
Now, I'm not generally squeamish about these kind of things, but...
Lets just say it had become intimately acquainted with yours truly without even kissing me first!!!!!!!!! :eek :eek :eek
Could have sworn it even tipped me a sly wink, in a feminine way of course ;)
Suffice to say I may have had a bit of a tizzy fit and done an excellent naked arm flap around the bathroom.
Now I know that may sound a bit of an over reaction, but for some reason I suddenly had this image of little venom dripping fangs far too close to where a chap really does'nt want that kind of thing going on.
So, with that image in my head, toilet 1, arachnid 0. :)
One large glass of wine  and three cigs later, I managed to look back on the event and laugh, nervously, but for some reason its not an experience
I would like to repeat anytime soon.
Or ever.
And SWMBO has a mortal terror of the little eight legged critters, and will never, ever hear about this.
I hope :\

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Be careful when pissed on Ebay.
« on: 19 July 2012, 11:37:31 pm »
And the price was what for that little beauty? :b

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: custom manual cam chain adjuster
« on: 01 July 2012, 03:07:14 pm »
Wish I'd had one of those when the spring in mine let go.
Would have saved me nine bent inlet valves :'(

General / Re: Baron Von Grumble
« on: 30 June 2012, 02:45:52 pm »
But the 'Orc green' tale is a belter. I was crying with laughter :rollin

General / Re: Mixed metaphors
« on: 29 June 2012, 12:38:22 am »
Pillock who works next to me:
 ' Its not a race, its a marathon'

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