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Messages - Streetbudgie

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General / Re: Go Pro footage
« on: 13 July 2016, 11:59:06 pm »
Fuck you you asshole ;)

Took it down though didn't you. Fuck you right back twat.

General / Re: Go Pro footage
« on: 13 July 2016, 11:56:22 pm »
I did not give permission for this video to be shared from my youtube channel His Dudeness, do not share my videos without my permission.

If you want to view it on my channel that is public domain, however you may not share anything without my permission.

Admin have been advised and I have PM'd you as well.

This video on it's own is out of context and so what if it is a video of a neighbour? It is a video of some very strange behaviour and there is a history of it.

General / Re: Go Pro footage
« on: 13 July 2016, 11:07:52 pm »

Fazersharp: It's called filtering and at no point did I cut anyone up, I slowed a little to allow Phone User to catch up so I could get a clear picture, I was still in the filtering position so the van behind me simply caught up a little, I could see this but you couldn't possibly see it in the video, yet you seem to know that I 'cut a van up'.

You are right about scumbags on the phone and all that no argument here.
As far as I know filtering is only filtering when the traffic is stationary or VERY slow moving and that traffic on the vid was normal speed - that is when filtering becomes undertaking.
I know those wide angle lenses do not give a true life like picture and it looked like the van was cut up- fair enough you say it wasnt but just suppose the white van man was a typical white van man and took umbridge  of your manoeuvrer - then you find your self a white van man tosser and a git not looking - sandwich.   

I don't really want to explain my road position but it seems you know better than I (who was actually there), the footage starts shortly after a TL controlled junction, the traffic builds up quickly and so I am always in the filtering position, plus there are side roads with vehicles entering the A road, so the inside lane is too risky with vehicles turning into the A road without looking.

Filtering is filtering at any speed within the speed limits, it matters not what speed the other traffic is travelling at as long as it is safe to do so, try a Bike Safe course, it's called 'making progress'.

I'm not here to defend my riding. I've been at it for 36 years with some pretty serious training under my belt including blue light riding and driving. More important than that, I'm still here, which speaks for itself.

General / Re: Go Pro footage
« on: 13 July 2016, 10:59:05 pm »
he must have got the special edition gopro with the free cape and tights

I love people like you who must make light of everything and give glib remarks, even when innocent people are being killed and lives changed by a small minority of people who couldn't give a fuck about anyone.

Some things need to be taken seriously, you will change your attitude if it ever happens to you and I hope it does not.

General / Re: Insults... whats your best?
« on: 13 July 2016, 10:52:54 pm »
I used to call a bloke at my previous job Stumblebum, as he would always wander up to your desk and mumble away about some bollocks that he didn't understand and then expect you to tell him all about it.

Plus he did not understand the concept of being at lunch means do not fucking disturb me.

I hate open plan offices with a passion for this reason alone.

To be honest my favourite insult is the good old fashioned 'Cunt'.

Precise and to the point and you can embellish it with an adjective such as 'fat' or 'stupid' for extra cunting value.

If you enjoy the C word as much as me check out Holy Flaps on Facebook.

General / Re: Go Pro footage
« on: 13 July 2016, 10:32:20 pm »
I don't get on here much these days so I thank certain members for reminding me why, I'll try to keep my answers brief:

Fazersharp: It's called filtering and at no point did I cut anyone up, I slowed a little to allow Phone User to catch up so I could get a clear picture, I was still in the filtering position so the van behind me simply caught up a little, I could see this but you couldn't possibly see it in the video, yet you seem to know that I 'cut a van up'.

Locksmith: speedos are allowed to have a 5% accuracy so 52 in a 50 is permissable and Plod could never get a conviction for it, same reason Gatsos are set 5 mph above the speed limit.

Further to that I don't codone speeding in residential areas but this is an A road, I challenge you to ride at 50mph on it. Unless you enjoy having a car driving up your chuff, you're in for a rough time.

His Dudeness and Exupnit:  Your "Oh it's all pedantry" attitude is because it's never happened to you.  I hope you never have a relative taken out by a texting driver, but if you do, come back and tell me you don't feel passionate about taking these morons to task.  Oh and fuck you both very much, in case you aren't clear about how much I value your opinions.

Fazer99 is spot on.

I have challenged many drivers using mobiles who have nearly taken me out or who are oblivious to themselves swerving across lanes of traffic whilst they text what they want for tea, it has always ended in a shouting match and sometimes actual violence as I have NEVER received a 'sorry mate, my bad' or anything similar.

These arrogant, careless fucktards should have their licences revoked and be forced to retake a driving test after spending some time in A&E tending RTC victims.

To answer the questions about using camera evidence, Plod contacted me about my home CCTV evidence on my Youtube channel and issued a Fixed Penalty Notice for a Public Order Offence (or whatever it's called) for someone who I caught on camera peeing up my garage door.

No need for me to give evidence, make a statement or sign anything, they just asked for my permission to use the clip as evidence and off they went and issued the fixed penalty.

You wanna call me a curtain twitcher? How would you feel if someone was pissing up your garage door on a daily basis? Smells lovely I can assure you, the cameras caught the evidence and Plod dealt with it, so I didn't get myself in trouble.

I don't know if traffic offences caught on camera would require a different approach but if Plod needs me to sign a statement to prosecute a phone using driver then I'm willing to do that, no hesitation.

I've even told my own family if I ever catch any of them using their phone whilst driving, their cars will be sold and their insurance cancelled without any discussion. There are 5 cars and 4 motorcycles in this house and my missus (who also rides her own 125cc scooter) agrees 100%.

I don't give one tiny fuck if you think it's pedantic or curtain twitching, grassing or whatever you want to call it, these people aren't Robin Hood, their crimes are not victimless, they are careless cunts who don't give a fuck if they make your kids orphans.

Plod has been reduced so much by underfunding we have to do something or these morons will carry on maiming and killing people on the roads and getting away with it.

Anyone with the balls to make themselves look stupid with a camera stuck on their head is a fucking hero as far I'm concerned, if my video evidence gets one careless driver convicted and either gets them off the road or stops them doing it again, then it's worth it.

General / Go Pro footage
« on: 12 July 2016, 08:19:33 pm »
So I got myself a Go Pro. I'm still playing with the settings but today on the second day of use, I caught a mobile phone user.

I'm surprised it took two days.

General / Re: Replacement mirrors for 2007 FZ1S
« on: 25 June 2016, 06:59:20 pm »
In case anyone else is looking Wemoto have near perfect copies of FZ1-S mirrors for £31 each made in Spain.

General / Replacement mirrors for 2007 FZ1S
« on: 19 June 2016, 09:24:15 pm »
Anyone know of decent replacement mirrors apart from OEM ones?

Mine are both wobbling and corroded so it's easier to replace them rather than try to repair them.

If anyone's got good secondhand ones I'd be interested?

General / Re: Scooter for my daughter.
« on: 19 June 2016, 09:16:27 pm »
My daughter is trying to rob me of more money but it's for two wheels so I can't complain much.

She's just about to do her CBT and is looking at this,

Anybody know anything about them? Can't find much info on them.
She is going to sit her CBT and test on a bike in case she can get a bike in later years. (She has problems with her bones and would struggle to get her leg over a bike all the time atm)

Lexmoto are shite to be honest.

My missus has a Sym Fiddle 2 125cc auto (they are in version 3 now) and you can get interest free credit over 2 years.

Our one cost about £1700 brand new on the road with a top box and quality lock and chain and hasn't missed a beat in 2 years with one service.

I ride it occasionally and apart from being limited in power (as all 125 bikes are) it's great, easy to ride and quick enough for A roads.

All this 'Chinese bikes are crap' is too much of a generalisation, it wasn't that long ago Honda, Yamaha and Kawasaki were referred to as 'Jap Crap' by many bikers.

In fact those same era Japenese bikes are now demanding big money as classic machines.

I don't think the Sym scooter will reach the same classic status but nothing wrong with them either.

You want style - buy a Vespa 125 for 3 times the price and watch it fall apart.

Check out Sym, they are growing in poularity and have a good dealership spread for servicing and warranties.

For Sale & Wanted / FZ1 footpeg
« on: 21 January 2016, 06:00:40 pm »
I'm looking for a FZ1 footpeg complete with working spring, left side, anyone got one?

General / Re: FZ1 footpeg spring
« on: 21 January 2016, 05:58:48 pm »
Cheers for the replies guys, problem I have is that I'd have to lay out for a grinder so I'm thinking it might be easier just to replace the footpeg complete with spring.

I'll see if anyone has one for sale.

General / FZ1 footpeg spring
« on: 20 January 2016, 06:20:52 pm »
The spring in my left hand footpeg broke tonight so the peg just flops up and down now. I had a look and it seems that the peg is held in the bracket by a non removable fixing?

Any ideas if it's possible to replace the spring?

General / Re: Crash bungs or engine bars?
« on: 06 June 2014, 08:28:10 pm »
Had bars on my FZS600 and they served well for the 12 years I had it, no offs but a few drops and 1 theft and recovered which left the fairing looking like they'd dropped it several times.

The bars never stopped the alternator case from getting scratched but seemd to stop any serious damage.

I've got bungs on the FZ1 and have no desire to test them!

General / Re: Anyone know anything about auto Vespas?
« on: 06 June 2014, 08:20:40 pm »
Yeah I thought that as well, I've got a 1963 Lambretta so tried on that forum but they mostly don't consider autos worthy!

General / Anyone know anything about auto Vespas?
« on: 06 June 2014, 07:12:38 pm »
The missus suddenly expressed an interest in riding rather than pillioning a couple of weeks ago so I booked her a days training with a CBT at the end of the day thinking she'd have fun but probably wouldn't want to ride alone afterwards.

So she loved it and now wants a scooter, I'm not keen on Asian scoots so agreed on a Vespa LX auto.

Anyone got any experience of them and have any tips on buying second hand, what to look out for, known faults etc?

General / Re: Westminster Parking - updated Thanks Alan
« on: 23 May 2014, 01:07:18 pm »
Hi Alan,

Thanks for the tip, the Qpark was ideal and access exactly as you said, ta  :thumbup

On another note it is now official that I am a bit deaf.

General / Re: Westminster Parking
« on: 16 May 2014, 12:47:19 pm »
Thank Alan, I'm a one day visitor so won't be a regular Customer!

I have no problem with paying the £1 for a bike bay but I don't understand how you pay it as it seems that you have to open an account and pay by text, I've read the Gov site but that's as clear as mud and I don't fancy giving my account details to them.

Free parking and short walk seems more like it!

General / Westminster Parking
« on: 15 May 2014, 10:34:42 pm »
Need to go to Harley street for a consultation later this month and all the parking has changed since the last time I parked in Westminster.

Can anyone explain how I pay by phone in a bike bay?

General / Re: Footage of a gentle ride out
« on: 13 May 2014, 01:08:15 pm »

They both need locking up.

Messages for Users / Re: Admin
« on: 01 March 2014, 08:14:51 pm »
Any chance I can get mine back as well?

I have traded the 600 for an FZ1 now... :evil

General / CCTV advice
« on: 01 March 2014, 08:11:53 pm »
Hi all,

I've started running the cables for my CCTV by installing a 10 pair external cable (standard copper pairs) to the garage (intention is for at least 3 external cameras around the garage) and I intend to have another 4 or so exetrnal cameras around the house and couple of internal ones.

I need some advice or a point in the direction of a forum where I can get some tips on what sort of cameras and DVR to get.

Any ideas?

General / Re: How much alcohol to use in tank?
« on: 19 December 2013, 07:11:20 pm »
My 2002 foxeye carb iced every winter from new to last year when I part exchanged it.

FST Pro sorted it every time and it was no bother, cap full in the tank after every fill up and no more carb icing, preserves the pistons and rings as well apparently.

General / Re: New / replacement Mobile Phone
« on: 22 October 2013, 01:51:26 pm »
I've done some digging and found out that the network OVIVO use is Vodafone.

On that basis you should have excellent coverage across most of the UK and abroad should you wish to roam.

This really does seem like a very good offer for light users.

General / Re: Waterproof Boots
« on: 16 October 2013, 12:33:14 pm »
18 years for a pair of boots is impressive no matter what!

I have managed to get an older style pair of Vertigo's for £169 from J&S so I'm just waiting for those to arrive.

My commute is all filtering so that adds to the sole wear.

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