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Messages - Hedgetrimmer

Pages: 1 ... 227 228 [229] 230
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Anything Happening?
« on: 09 June 2013, 09:24:21 pm »
Gonna put this in Events, where I should have put it in the first place...  :rolleyes

General / Re: Poxy speed vigilante jobsworths
« on: 09 June 2013, 09:18:45 pm »
That'll be the kebab then, eh?  :lol

General / Re: FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 09 June 2013, 09:17:38 pm »
I'm sure I can see some suspiciously fresh-looking blood on rustyrider's tyre though... ;)
Does he get extra points for actually creating the road kill?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fazer 1000 for sale
« on: 09 June 2013, 07:56:29 pm »
Drool, drool, gimme, gimme!!
I'd have no problems over it being Cat D. I've known dealers who sell 'em from their showrooms. As long as it's all up front and in the open. It's up to the buyer to say whether or not he's happy. I agree that the main worry for a buyer is what was done to it - if you know that, make your decision. If not, walk away. I don't recall hearing of any major insurance hikes for Cat D bikes, but I could be wrong. If anyone knows ABSOLUTELY FOR CERTAIN, please tell us, it'd be useful info to have... :book

For Sale & Wanted / Re: fzs fazer 1000 for sale now with a pic
« on: 09 June 2013, 07:37:00 pm »
I'm sure you've already edited that price down. When it gets to £500 I'll be on it like white on rice!! :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Almost Finished
« on: 09 June 2013, 05:09:06 pm »
Yep, I'd be more than happy with that - she's a beauty.

General / Re: Furthest Ever
« on: 09 June 2013, 05:04:05 pm »
Brilliant links, Kosmic. Thoroughly enjoyed reading those. And an epic trip. I can't imagine doing that return journey the day after the ride up! I'd have needed to sleep for a week after that. Anything on the American trip?

General / Re: bike stolen
« on: 09 June 2013, 10:44:33 am »
I feel your pain mate, I had a Fazer nicked from the Broxbourne area a few years ago. But life goes on, plenty more Fazers in the sea...go catch yourself one :)

General / Re: Furthest Ever
« on: 09 June 2013, 10:41:19 am »
Yeah, I read somewhere about certain tyres giving a more "springy" effect - funnily enough, it was Michelins they were referring to! I run PR2s usually, but not sure if I've really noticed the effect over other tyres.

General / Re: A new Helmet
« on: 09 June 2013, 10:36:58 am »
I had a carbon Laser, weight difference was amazing having never had one before that. It really made a difference, especially on long trips, hardly noticed it was there. I'm now waiting for HJC's RPHA10 Carbon to come in - that's probably going to be my next one. There are also some very light composite helmets around, worth considering if it's light weight you're after.

General / Furthest Ever
« on: 09 June 2013, 12:08:01 am »
What's the furthest anyone's ridden their Fazer in one go then?
Mine was Fort William to London, including a circuit of Ben Lawers. Survived on coffee and painkillers (due to reconstructed shoulder) - not recommended! Can't remember what mileage total that was though. By the time I got home, I was hallucinating police sirens!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Anything Happening?
« on: 08 June 2013, 11:09:06 pm »
(Sigh). I take it that's a no then... :\

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 20 year's, bang! Very lucky
« on: 08 June 2013, 05:56:24 pm »
Jeez, I wish I got paid as much as solicitors for knowing f**k-all about my job!! Although my tale had a fairly happy ending, my solicitor sat back on her fat arse and let me do all the work, never said a word about the 2006 ruling.
If it ever happens again, I'll be looking for someone with bike-specific knowledge to represent my case.

General / Re: Blowout
« on: 08 June 2013, 05:41:35 pm »
Had no problems having plugs done on Michelin PR2s. 10mm is way too big a hole to have repaired cos you're talking about tyre structure being weakened at that size.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 08 June 2013, 05:37:06 pm »
Missed delivery of my new can today. Bugger. That means I won't get time to pick it up til Wednesday, so can't fit it till next weekend now.
Ordered in fairing inner panel damper strips - went to collect them today and they'd only got six in (thought there should be at least ten). So also got to put up with annoying buzz until at least Weds too.
So I thought, sod it, I'm off to burger wagon at Hein Gericke on the A40 for lunch. A40 blocked by car smash up! Fortunately, didn't have to wait too long for police to allow traffic to start slowly filtering through. One of those days, should have stayed in bed  :'(
Filled up with Shell V-Power today, having just run a fuel system treatment through the tank to try to cure stuttering on over-run at about 3k rpm. Still not cured so more serious measures required, but I'd forgotten how the ol' V-Power improves general running on the Gen 1s. Definite improvement noticed.
Still not ready to take it in for full set up and Ivans while the weather's so good though. I can live with it for a while longer...

Vinyl wrapped eh? Sounds a bit kinky  :lol
I'd be real interested to hear a bit more about the process, in all seriousness, though - it's a new one on me.

General / Re: Blowout
« on: 08 June 2013, 11:37:36 am »
Every bike shop I've ever worked in has had a pretty even consensus that even on z rated tyres mushroom plugs are o.k., up to 2 in any one tyre, all other things considered. I'm betting that, even though most people who work in bike workshops have just learnt their trade over time without any "official" qualifications, the tyre manufacturers would include them as experts! Whilst some are more knowledgable than others, I've worked with enough very experienced people to trust the two-plug-per-tyre line.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exup seized solid...HELP!
« on: 08 June 2013, 11:22:32 am »
I would have thought that you might as well replace the bushes anyway while it's all apart?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Anything Happening?
« on: 07 June 2013, 10:20:17 pm »
Anybody doing any Fazering in the Oxfordshire/Gloucestershire area this weekend? What's on?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Photos Hijacked!
« on: 07 June 2013, 09:54:45 pm »
Peculiar! They're all back again! Must have been a glitch at my end...

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Photos Hijacked!
« on: 07 June 2013, 09:50:46 pm »
They were all posted within the last couple of weeks, though. I wonder if the fact that I,ve just set up a new internet line could have anything to do with it? I'll try putting them back on.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Photos Hijacked!
« on: 07 June 2013, 08:40:09 pm »
Anyone know why all my photos have disappeared from the site?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 20 year's, bang! Very lucky
« on: 07 June 2013, 07:46:34 pm »
Bear in mind that the police investigation will not be trying to establish who's to blame - they'll just be interested in finding out if anyone broke the law (traffic regs etc).

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 20 year's, bang! Very lucky
« on: 06 June 2013, 10:33:24 pm »
As to legal precedent, you need to be watchful about what they try to use. My own solicitor sent me case copies of why she thought I would only get 50/50 at best, and I was able to shoot each one down as not applicable in my case. I ended up with 70/30 in my favour, and the argument of undue care was a substantial part of my case. Sometimes, if a driver knows they were wrong, they'll bottle it at the last minute, too.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fuel gauge
« on: 06 June 2013, 08:05:59 pm »
I never run my fuel level to the bottom of the tank if I can help it cos I'm worried about any silt at the bottom getting in the carbs and blocking jets etc. Am I right to be concerned about this?

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