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Messages - expatmanxman

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General / Re: Recommend a decent Sat Nav?
« on: 07 January 2012, 11:24:03 pm »
Garmin sometimes have reconditioned units for sale but you have to ring them to find out.
I traded in my 550 which was quite battered for a recon 600 series with lots of extra bits that I never had for the older unit (car mount, adaptor etc) for £111, I had to send them the unit only (so sold the other bits I had on ebay to get some money back) and they sent me the spangly newer one with all the extra kit. The units they take in in p ex such as my 550 get reconditioned and put back for sale.

General / Re: Photography competition - January
« on: 07 January 2012, 11:19:24 pm »
Thanks for that, because I very rarely post images I never remember, I thought the forum code was the one but it didn't work, will try preview next time (if I remember, at my age things tend to slip my mind)
Anyway this is my self portrait for my new safety campaign, don't read and ride

General / Re: Photography competition - January
« on: 07 January 2012, 04:14:10 pm »

General / Re: Photography competition - January
« on: 07 January 2012, 04:10:58 pm »
How about this new safety advice, 'DON'T READ AND RIDE'


General / Re: First Euro trip - Pointers / Advice
« on: 28 December 2011, 11:15:20 pm »
For good roads look at
IF you're going thru Switzerland look for a route that doesn't use motorways, you need a special permit and you'll be spending so little time on the Mway there it's not worth it.
Don't be too ambitious about mileage, if you try to do too much day after day it'll become a chore.
Why bother camping, Formula 1 hotels and similar budget chains are so cheap it isn't worth the trouble of lugging all your camping gear round, it'll ruin the handling of the bike and take up time packing and setting up each day. If you have a satnav the chain hotels will already be in it so finding them is easy. Book ahead on the web so there's no worries if you are running a bit late.
Don't assume all roads in Europe are better than ours, I suggest planning your route rather than making it up as you go along. Once into Europe go for 250/300 miles tops each day, your average speed for each day will probably only work out at about 30mph including all stops etc so that's a full day at 300 miles.
Pack as lightly as you can, a heavy bike is a tiring bike.
I've got several 3000 mile week long trips to France on Garmin, PM me if you want a couple sending to you, they use some of the best roads in France and you're welcome to have copies (of course you'll need a Garmin or Garmin software to look at them)
So far I've organised and run something like 15 dealer trips to Europe, got another one going this year for a Triumph dealership, if there's anything I can help you with PM me.

General / Re: Thought the only nice thing about England was football
« on: 19 December 2011, 02:37:22 pm »
It means that there are 30 and 40 mph limits in towns but once you pass the end of speed limit sign there is no overall speed limit, you can go as fast as you like. However lunacy in traffic will be dealt with as dangerous riding. If you go out when the traffic is light and do 165mph/260kph (the best I've  managed over there) you are not breaking the law. Unless you are doing silly speeds with other traffic about the Police will not chase you.

General / Re: Thought the only nice thing about England was football
« on: 18 December 2011, 10:53:12 pm »
And of course something nobody has mentioned yet, there's no overall speed limit. Follow a cop car through a 30mph limit, pass the black and white and zap him, great feeling.

General / Re: Photography competition - December
« on: 18 December 2011, 10:49:51 pm »

Uploaded with

try the blonde haired bitch thing again

General / Re: Photography competition - December
« on: 18 December 2011, 10:48:51 pm »
I'll have a blonde haired bitch like this one[/URL][/img]

General / Re: Thought the only nice thing about England was football
« on: 11 December 2011, 10:11:50 pm »
I don't know where you went to school slaninar but the geography teacher didn't do a very good job, the Isle of Man is NOT in England. The Manx people are very keen on that fact!!!
It's a brilliant film, really captures the essence of the TT, what a star Guy Martin is too.
My memories of the TT go back to the classic Hailwood/Agostini battles but my most memorable moment was Bill Ivy doing the first ever 100mph lap on a 125, I was a boy scout on the scoreboard that year so was a close as you can possibly get to the bikes as he crossed the finishing line.
The island is well worth a visit, if you can't get to teh TT go to the MGP in September or even the little known but fantastic to watch Southern 100 which is on in July.
The Isle of Man IS the road racing capital of the world, but IT IS NOT IN ENGLAND.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: zumo mount for sale
« on: 11 December 2011, 05:06:57 pm »
Sold, thanks for looking

For Sale & Wanted / zumo mount for sale
« on: 08 December 2011, 06:51:55 pm »
For sale, brand new Zumo bike mount (£49.99 from Garmin) and a shortened and used power cable (£18.99 from Garmin), £35 including postage anywhere in the UK.
Also includes set of new mounting bolts, allen key, two security screwdrivers and even a  scruffy but serviceable carrying case, total price if new in excess of £90

PM me if interested

FZ6 / Fazer / Re: Tyres
« on: 01 December 2011, 09:26:37 pm »
On my last FZ I went through several sets of Maxxis Sports, did track days, mad races round France (3000 miles in a week), toured 2 up with the wife and found them to be excellent although because they're so soft they don't last very long, price you pay for grip, and they do really grip. Nice feel too, predictable, turn in nicely without that falling off the edge feel you get from some tyres.
Lots of people knock Maxxis but they've never tried them. Current FZ (just bought 2010 reg with 2400 miles on) has Bridgestones, suspect when they're worn out there'll be some more Maxxis going on.

General / Re: Photography competition November **VOTE** (take 2)
« on: 29 November 2011, 08:58:10 pm »
Think giving everyone 3 votes OK but ot being able to give all 3 to one person, a single person voting for one picture 3 times would be equal to 3 people each voting for a pic once, a bit of an uneven distribution I think.

Anyway I have voted and not for myself

FZ6 / Fazer / Re: I need to lower my FZ6 S2 2008
« on: 28 November 2011, 02:27:22 pm »
So Manx Fairy, I know it's nothing to do with lowering your seat but where on the Island are you from?
I'm from Castletown originally and my wife is from Laxey, we left to go to university and never went back to live although we visit family there regularly.

General / Re: Photography competition - November
« on: 22 November 2011, 09:43:39 pm »

Uploaded with

General / Re: Photography competition - November
« on: 22 November 2011, 09:42:53 pm »

Uploaded with

General / Re: garmin mount keeps breaking
« on: 22 November 2011, 09:21:08 pm »
not that one, it's this one

On the top (RHS in the picture) there are two pins that lift and lower with the hinged top plate and engage with the holes in the casing of the unit. The two breakages have been a different pin each time, what's really puzzling is that there are lumps of the plastic boss that the pins run through missing too. I'm going to get my friend's Zumo round here and get the vernier on them both, see if there's any difference in dimensions, depth of hole etc. There must be a reason, particularly with the second mount I have been very careful when mounting/dismounting, and I always make sure the screw is so far out it is loose before removing the unit. Confused indeed.  :\

FZ6 / Fazer / Re: De-catting the S2
« on: 21 November 2011, 09:12:05 pm »
S2 cat is not the same as original, which is why I left the decat pipe on when I just traded up to a 2010 FZ last week. Took the screen, rack, power commander, alloy footrests,adjustable  levers, carbon fibre tax disc holder and crash bungs off though.
As I understand it the silencer is interchangeable but not the decat pipe.

General / garmin mount keeps breaking
« on: 21 November 2011, 09:08:29 pm »
Has anyone else had problems with the securing pins breaking on a garmin zumo mount. Twice in the last 6 months I've had one of the pins that go into the back of the unit body snap. Both times it happened while the unit was mounted in the cradle, one left pin and one right so not even the same pin each time. When I emailed Garmin and told them this was turning into an expensive exercise they sent me another mount free as a goodwill gesture which makes me wonder if this is a common problem. I'm reluctant to mount the unit until I've sorted out what's going wrong, the mounts are too dear to just keep buying new ones. An alternative might be to buy a non functioning Zumo and swap the back but I don't know if that's feasible.
Any ideas???

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