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Messages - RobG UK

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General / Re: RIP Marchride Aka Tim
« on: 06 January 2014, 05:52:43 pm »
Tis a sad day.  Had many a good rip up with him.  He'll leave many memories behind, especially of his jumpers.  God help the angels

General / Re: Chain Rusting
« on: 04 January 2014, 05:48:12 am »
To those that fit and forget their scottoilers.  They don't work if the bike isn't moving, so if its stood up for a month or so outside you need to oil it manually.

General / Re: Everyone get paddling
« on: 04 January 2014, 05:44:18 am »
That cos the Romanians have got us roped to france.  Just in case someone thought of this

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 03 January 2014, 05:25:54 pm »
I never flounced.  I just melted into the ether  :D .

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 01 January 2014, 08:07:13 pm »
You didn't lose me I slowed cos the ride was going the wrong way for me, and started waving like a maniac, then parked but no one came back.  So I figured you had seen me, then found out you spent the next hour looking in ditches.
Fun times.

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 01 January 2014, 12:15:32 pm »
don't forget (I think) Dawn from the IAM brigade. 
Makai was the male stripper Fazer riding ghost. (and I was his dad for a while)
Oh yeah I think I remember Iano.
I was bornagain again.  Did the Bourton ride with you guys last year.

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 01 January 2014, 10:34:58 am »

General / You just got to love weathermen
« on: 01 January 2014, 10:29:54 am »
And the forecast from the long range weathermen is it could the longest winter in history with snow sticking around to May.
Thank god someone invented the word COULD, otherwise we would never have any experts to guige us lol

This area used to be the hub of activity till I killed everyone  :eek

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 31 December 2013, 08:54:48 pm »
I came on on a different name at first cos it wouldn't accept mine.  Wasn't till last week I realised I could change the email and start a new account.  I am as dumb about computers as I am about riding technique :)

Buy an insurance write off and get them to drop it off beside a roundabout of your choice.  It'll save you time  :rollin

General / Re: Happy new foccin year 2014 :D
« on: 31 December 2013, 08:48:19 pm »
Happy new year you'all, and may any spills in 2014 be of the liquid variety.

Holy shit dude! It never rains but what it pours in the ChristoT household. Stick with it matey, it'll all come together in the end.
A story in one sentence  :'(

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 31 December 2013, 02:18:06 pm »
Crashing does seem to be a theme.  Although in 'my era' lol it was much different.
Let me see, the guy who tailended a car whilst waving to us, before the rideout had even started.
Jake the Cat, whilst looking for a good place to take pics, forgot to turn off the roundabout and ended in a ditch.
Dinobats famous first (failed) flight attempt with a Fazer thou.  He got nearly 40feet though so nice attempt. And he got a free ride in a helicopter.
Ian, whose attempt to avoid a pothole and pick blackberrys from a ditch was not the best idea that morning.
Me, whos attempt at elbow down on a roundabout may have worked if I hadn't taken the jack up  plates that morning. (well actually it did work just not as planned)
Cant remember who it was, but a 5mph drop pulling out of a car park in front of 40+ Fazers in Wales (was it horseshoe pass or something).  Marks out of 10?
There were more, but those were the ones I was on the ride-outs with when they happened.
Although we did it with more style then lol

General / Re: Next bike?
« on: 30 December 2013, 09:00:56 pm »
Versys is good but very like the SV (BTW my SV kept pace with the Fazers in the Welsh rideout many years ago, if 100mph is running out of puff time god elp us all).  But the bottom end and handling (and sound) gave me the advantage in corners.
I took my Fazer in to a Honda dealer cos I was interested in the v4 thing they have (crossrunner or something).  When I asked about a part exchange, the dealer( who was an old school guy) just said 'WHY?'.  I pissed myself laughing.
Fox eye would be my choice any day.

General / Re: Oh fuck, not again....
« on: 30 December 2013, 05:33:14 pm »
Why change the rear instead of the tyre?
You might get more choice but if you mess a corner the result will always be the same.  Training on how to ride a bike to the limiys of yourself and the road conditions is the only answer.  Either that or a sit down in a dark room a have an honesty session with yourself.
Btw.  If you need a lot more lean angle than you get from a Fazer 600 then something is wrong.  How many times have peeps been on a ride and watched the knee/peg/exhaust scrapers and then thought 'hang on, I'm going the same speed why aren't my pegs ripping up the road'.  Lean angle is for the track, peg etc scraping is for the piss take.

General / Re: Hi agen
« on: 30 December 2013, 05:18:45 pm »
I have an FZS600 01, and just to get the smart arses, an XVS950 Nightstar lol.  Been kicking around the site for a while now just deciding whether to surface(and it wouldn't let me sign in under my proper name for some reason, er read the instructions - not)
Dunno but there's a fair few names on here I recognise.

General / Hi agen
« on: 29 December 2013, 07:08:38 pm »
I'M BACK. :evil

General / Re: Dragon Rally & winter camping
« on: 29 December 2013, 07:07:02 pm »
Get some decent sleeping bag liners.  Ones that wick (is that the word).  They are a lots easier to wash than the bag itself.

General / Re: Keeping the crud away
« on: 29 December 2013, 05:03:47 pm »
Nah, I am a pussycat now lol

General / Re: Oh fuck, not again....
« on: 29 December 2013, 08:19:07 am »
To make you feel better. I have well over 9 crashes.  But then again mine were spread over 30 odd years and, if you are still on a limiter, yours have been over 2.
But take heart, look at the guys in Bike racing.  Many throw it down the road on a regular basis in the beginning. Then they realise they are doing something wrong and adapt and some even go on to be world champions.
So my advice like many others is to look at what you are doing on a bike and why you crash when others don't.(except me of course LOL)

General / Re: Keeping the crud away
« on: 29 December 2013, 08:00:54 am »
Yes the original, one and only

General / Re: Keeping the crud away
« on: 28 December 2013, 09:35:56 pm »
Not 100% sure but acf wont help brakes cos it shouldn't be on the brakes.  Don't they cover them when the spray it on?

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