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Messages - pitternator

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General / Re: That missing plane
« on: 15 March 2014, 02:41:55 pm »
latest Is it carried on flying for a few hours with its comms deliberately turned off, in opposite direction to intended. Maybe it was in the hold of an alien mother ship....or a hijacking attempt went wrong , ie maybe the crew tried to overpower hijackers, it went tits up and plane then crashed. :eek

Rivetting though aint it !   :lol

I did think aliens straight away though...anyone who is up to speed with " ancient aliens" must know its time they came back....this could be a good showpiece return........nick a plane, then a week later let it go back in the sky ...that wud be a story and a half. :D

General / Re: New grid girl for Crutchlow !
« on: 24 February 2014, 07:17:18 am »
somebody must love her !    :lol

don't know about camel a feckin big camels toe !  :lol

General / Re: Well we are on the move again
« on: 24 February 2014, 07:15:15 am »
outside toilet = hole in ground !   :lol

what a lovely place to live ever the best places are remote, so few of us could live there and work as we do. :\

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: french fuel
« on: 17 February 2014, 01:42:45 pm »
E10 is getting more prevalent as its a bit cheaper. I always try to put super in my bikes abroad as it does make it run better .Especially at any altitude.

General / Re: Excel M/C show
« on: 17 February 2014, 01:36:39 pm »
Its dear for what it was. I went with some mates so it was also a day out ...but can think of many better ways to spend cash these days. Food was horrendously expensive too. You Londoners must be rolling in it to pay such.
On the plus side there were lots of really interesting custom bikes , not just jazzy choppers but some real oddballs too. Had a chance to look and sit on a S1000R...sorry it looks pants full stop. Might be 160 bhp, but it just looks wrong. Its very Z1000 alike at the front too.Not noticed that before

Was impressed by zx1000SX...gorgeous green . Its pretty much a modern fazer alternative now its sorted suspension wise and has almost enough power . Like the panniers . Am very interested, must admit. Abs, power modes...yup its a gud one.

saw lots of TT stars there, got several autographs, they were all very approachable, and got me picky taken with stalker. Lovely chap, I wish him well.  :)

General / Re: foccin conservative
« on: 14 February 2014, 07:36:03 am »
Has there been any war worth commemorating ? answer that we should look to reasons if any the war broke out , and what the outcome meant for the victor. WW1 was a pure folly destined to happen if you study the way the great nations postured and allianced in the lead up to 1914. As such I tend to agree we should somberly remember the millions of innocents whose lives were casually thrown away by the idiots leading us.
WW2 is completely different . That was fought for freedom of the world from dictatorial/ imperialist oppression.More people died, but there are firm grounds to argue it was for the betterment of mankind.Ironically we tripped  into this war through our alliance with Poland, but its hard to argue Hitler would not have consumed us had we tried to stay out of it , as so many countries found to their cost.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: My Winter Ride Out
« on: 10 February 2014, 05:28:34 pm »
lucky foccer indeed !

have a great trip and do report with photys please ! :)

General / Re: Savings advice
« on: 07 February 2014, 07:50:17 am »
whenever anyone considers investing in a company , do remember it isn't risk free. Don't invest any money you cant afford to lose. A 9k lump sum isn't big TBH , but is maybe a persons life savings, so protecting it is key. Isa is a good safe bet for slow growth with 100% protection.

Isa can be set up online. I have a Tesco one which was reasonable interest last year , like kartman says its been reduced this year ...come march there will be better deals as the scramble for cash increases, so probably will switch it somewhere else.... We wont get good interest rates anywhere as so much investment cash goes unused ...

As the fazer gets older and cheaper it does have the keeper effect , because you don't get much back if you sell it these days. Mods done years ago at some cost now have little value. So it tends to focus one on the hobby aspect of keeping the bike. My fazer has been a second bike since I bought it in 2008 for £3500. I bet I wud be lucky to get £2k for it now.So I am keeping it.The performance and versatility for such daft money is incredible.
BUT must keep an economic head on, since its folly to spend big bucks on expensive engine repairs when indeed engines and whole bikes are so relatively cheap. Keep the bike going by all means, but not at any cost.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Ivanising in May - Who is interested?
« on: 04 February 2014, 07:29:27 am »
Dek is probably the foccer to PM...done almost everything you can to a gen2.Since 2006.  :)

he could be turning to the dark side though....and no I don't mean a gen1 !! :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: MCN looking for Thou owners!
« on: 04 February 2014, 07:26:39 am »
I am so truly last a fazer in worse condition than mine !     :lol

General / Re: Bike delivery
« on: 04 February 2014, 07:15:57 am »
Twice I have bought bikes and had them delivered by firms own vans. Always well strapped in and proper ramps.( DK motorcycles; Geo White Swindon)
When I broke down last august I was rescued by a independent firm with a dedicated bike transport van who were working for BMW on contract .Driver said he works constantly ferrying bikes from shop to shop, shop to customer and of course breakdown recovery.
A lot goes on under our noses !

General / Re: A night out with the Stars
« on: 04 February 2014, 07:11:17 am »
racers are excellent on the track...don't mean they are any fun speaking at expensive dinners...
probably most who go aint actually bikers , maybe corporate tickets etc.

I would go if it was in aid of charity and tickets were maybe less than half that ...

but that aint gonna happen. :\

I will try to make this, but it is 70 odd miles each way for me, so will be weather dependant.  :rolleyes

General / Re: Magazine Feature Query
« on: 27 January 2014, 07:45:47 am »
Aye, old john did get around...he featured with me in the 2006 FZ-1 brunters test too!  :)

wonder if he did such on other bike forums too ? ;)

General / Drillers funeral today
« on: 23 January 2014, 05:26:21 pm »
Hi all
Just got back from drillers funeral. Lashed it down all the way to his house ( 75 miles), mini feat of endurance. GS was well up to it though , this is its element. The house was full of family and friends, he knew a lot of folk along his life. Met his son alexander, over from the states, a tall spitting image of John for sure. 5 bikes came, including myself, matty , jase, debs and steve pring , one of the longest serving fazer owner. He travelled from Tunbridge Wells. Amazing .
The service was preceeded by us revving our bikes up while the hearse slowly moved past ,a fitting tribute to John on his final journey. The service itself was very personal, and very moving. We all struggled to stop the eyes leaking I can tell you. We learned so much about John from the eulogy , like he was European Hang gliding champion , before he got into bikes in a big way.It was one of the most apt funeral services I have ever seen, and whilst we all were so sad at his passing , it was very fitting.
The wake was held at the house, and John had always complained about " funeral food" we had a pig roast ! Fantastic food, best wishes to the family for their incredible hospitality.A dear friend , he will always be remembered . RIP

General / Re: Do you know our Olive
« on: 23 January 2014, 05:15:00 pm »
great tip m8 !

R U back on ur feet yet ??

I will put extra virgin oil on mine I think !   :lol

General / Re: Tax Disk Holder
« on: 21 January 2014, 07:21:37 am »
or we all could leave an old tax disc in , just so we can feel we are law breakers !    :lol

General / Re: Frolic 2014
« on: 21 January 2014, 07:16:50 am »
Don't know about the whole weekend, but will try to make it in day time. Great idea after the recent losses.

General / Re: Magazine Feature Query
« on: 20 January 2014, 07:51:22 am »
Hi mark
If you are still reading this, please accept apologies from myself at least for the way this forum has treated what was at the outset a genuine request for help. I read Bike mag right from owning  my first bike in 1976, and well remember the contribution you guys made to ignite my passion for motorbikes which I still have today. I never rode FZS600s, have owned and ridden FZS1000s since 2001. Along the way I have met various journos, contributed to info gathering etc, and always did whatever I could to help.
IF you ever do a piece on the FZS1000, I can assure you of much better attention !
Best wishes for your article.

Jon Pitt

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: She won't start... can anyone help!!!!!!
« on: 15 January 2014, 07:22:03 am »
I would remove alarm Jase, at that age its not worth the aggro, and if problem still continues its one possible cause ticked off at least.

My fazer is now 10 yrs old, and this has made me think its time to give its electrics  a check over. On the plus side for me the bike is parked in a dry integral garage so doesn't sit in damp ,possibly corrosive conditions.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: moved over to the dark side
« on: 15 January 2014, 07:10:49 am »
Am interested actually don't mean I will buy one ! Its more from a perspective of its a bmw and I may be trading my GS in, so its always an easier swop if you keep to bmw. But I do agree, I have read several articles now, and none are " wow" !. The 160 crank bhp will probably be quite close to a modded FZ-1(my 06 was 144 at wheel). To me its not enough !...its way cheaper to buy FZ-1 and modify.Even me 10 yr old trusty FZS has 139 at rear wheel and a very flat torque curve. I am guessing it wont even feel as grunty as that till much higher revs.
And I agree, its all looking  a bit underwhelming .Don't like the headlamp cluster , it looks like it still  has a lower fairing , and the can is absolute pants . It looks to me like a early 00's sportbike with upper fairing removed....was expecting something just a bit different.

If I was going back to super naked, I probably would go speed triple as its engine is probably the gruntiest out there at low revs( apart from ktm 1290, but they is way different budgets), and its firmly in the whacky super naked genre, not just a sportsbike with top fairing ripped off !

as it is, another shite financial year will probably mean I stick where I am. Cant keep raiding the savings pot just to have  a new number plate!  :\

General / Re: PLEASE SIGN
« on: 15 January 2014, 06:57:19 am »
Hated what she really stood for.   :evil

And, no public holiday should be named after a politician per se  tbh.

About the only one I would support is Churchill, and that's not down to his politics, but he maybe more than any individual was responsible for us not capitulating to the Nazis in 1940. If we had done so , the whole western world could have been very very different today.

Leave it as a bank holiday.

Wonder what later history will make of cameroons mob  time in power - saviours or made things worse...I know which one I would pick.!

General / Re: The Two Funeral Services
« on: 13 January 2014, 07:55:47 am »
well I pray for mild weather cos I would like to ride behind drillers funeral car as a last mark of respect.

General / Re: No chance of talking my way out of this one.
« on: 13 January 2014, 07:52:03 am »
surely this incident will now make you check both your speed and the speed limit. more than before ?
We shouldnt need an audible warning . Look at it another way , would you get an audible warning about a ped about to walk in front of you , a car about to pull out.
Not being parsimonious, but to survive and ride we have to be ultra aware of what we are doing on a bike all the time.
Its a shock to get  a ticket , and when its happened to me, initially you think " why me".... but  later on you accept that you just have to be whiter than white to keep a clean licence.I dont think you can just casually speed these days with impunity, my own thought is you have to know and pick yer roads to ride as such.
I feel for folks commuting cos there must be many similar roads where it is all too easy to get caught.
I dont agree that riding a faster bike will help you slow down ! need a bike which needs a bit more effort to make speed, so you have to make  some conscious effort in getting there.
My fazer thou is a bugger for easily drifting up in speed in any gear at almost any road speeds. Constant monitoring and speed awareness is required.  :\

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