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Messages - AyJay

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For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS1000 Radiator wanted 5LV124610000
« on: 04 August 2016, 10:50:31 pm »
Or there is the China option but you will have to wait and I have no idea what they are like or if will fit ?

I bought that one and it's been on the bike for a good few thousand miles now with no problems at all. It is not as well made, the brackets especially are quite thin, but for 80 quid, what the hell, it works. I gave it several extra coats of paint before I fitted it, so it might last.

The question is, can you get the fan assembly off the old one without destroying it... I had to get a second hand one off eBay.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fork Oil Change
« on: 16 July 2016, 02:39:36 pm »
Yes sadlonelygit, agreed, and I know that many of Yamaha and other manufacturer's bikes even have the rebound in one fork and compression in the other so there are different configurations that work, but on this bike, they're supposed to be a matched pair. I would not want to ride with different amounts of oil and air gaps given what I experienced with different rebound and compression settings.

Having said all that, when a fork seal goes, you get the same effect. But that's an MOT failure, and not just because you might get oil on the brakes.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fork Oil Change
« on: 16 July 2016, 10:35:59 am »
It's very important. The handling is destroyed if the forks aren't set up identically. Not quite the same thing, but I once rebuilt mine and I was in a hurry to get down to the dealers and pick up some parts so hadn't reset the compression and rebound and jeezuz, hitting bumps mid corner kicked the bike way out of line. Really dangerous....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Hardware USB charging lead for Iphone6
« on: 14 July 2016, 08:21:26 pm »
I bought one of these. Works very well and I can charge the phone and run a camera at the same time

All sorts of clever things for mobile tech on the site.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: AIS removal kit
« on: 04 July 2016, 11:01:23 pm »
Cheers Steve. Received mine a couple of days ago. Looks great!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Nope, Not Tempted
« on: 23 June 2016, 09:51:13 pm »
The Versus surprised me. Very good bike indeed.
But why on earth would you think your Fazer is ever going to let you down?

150978 miles
150978 miles

And it still did 130 on the way into work yesterday morning...

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Nope, Not Tempted
« on: 19 June 2016, 02:21:31 pm »
Apologies, BlackCabbie.

I can't fookin' read....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Nope, Not Tempted
« on: 19 June 2016, 12:11:01 pm »
When I saw my first Gen 1 I saw on the road, I thought it looked great. I love that big ol' engine canted forward. It looked modern back then. It is a bit anonymous now though, and you're dead right, from some angles it looks great, others, not so much.

As for FI, you can't say carb smoothness can't be replicated and then say you haven't ridden any... kind of destroys your argument. Some FI bikes are rotten, without doubt, but a lot of them are easily as good as carb'd bikes. And I have a ridden a lot of FI bikes.

What gets me about the Fazer, is that you can trickle it down to 15/20mph in 6th and still pull away. It's like an automatic when you're tired and on a tour, you just twist and go. Try that on a Multistrada and the engine will jump clean out of the chassis...

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Nope, Not Tempted
« on: 18 June 2016, 03:55:42 pm »
With all the talk about the new MT10, and folks "moving on" from here to ZX10s, MT09s etc, here's a list of bikes I'm not tempted to replace my Fazer with:

BMW S1000R
Speed Triple
CB1000R (don't make me laugh!)
CBF1000 (now you're just taking the piss!)
Triumph Tiger 1050 (in any guise)

I'm sure somebody'll get there one day.

So why not then? Well, the Fazer (Ivanised, Full Monty) has plenty of power for me. I don't find the weight to be an issue. Handles beautifully and predictably with the mods it has, and no more need be spent on this. Tank range is pretty good, never feel the need for more. Fuel consumption seems reasonable when not caned. I don't feel the need for gadgets, having not experienced most of them (ABS, TC etc). Easy to pile on the luggage for touring, and still the bike handles well and performance barely affected. Comfortable over long distances - I don't even find the standard seat much of an issue on longer rides, and it seems to suit my 6' 2'' frame well.

So is it still the best all-rounder ever, bearing in mind whatever else you buy, you'll likely do some mods to? And if you are one of those who has moved on but still lingers around here, what were you looking for when you traded your Fazer for a new shiny thing? Did you find it?

Or maybe I'm more easily satisfied these days. I bought the Striple because I felt the need to try something newer, and there were so many people raving about how good they are. The idea was to have it for a year or so, then trade it for something else again, but I really don't know that I can be bothered now I have it. I find myself more inclined to just jump on the Fazer, although when my mood is right, the Triumph is still fun. But I can always get along with Old Faithful. And there's still no doubt, if I could only keep one of them, it'd be bye bye Street Triple!

Perhaps I've just got boring, and the Fazer makes for a comfortable "pipe and slippers" solution? Although I find it anything but boring to ride. Still puts a smile on my face every time I go out on it, be it a blast to a local cafe, a day in the hills or a tour taking in 1000s of miles and varied roads.

Nope, not tempted to trade in for a newer model yet  :)

It's not a pipe and slippers solution, Hedgetrimmer, it is still the best all rounder. If you test ride newer bikes you can feel the advances, some are much better handling, some have better engines, but I can't think of anything which has the reliability, simplicity of maintenance, comfort, speed and mile eating ability of the Gen 1. If only it didn't have an EXUP (!) and USD forks from new, it would be perfect.

Having said all that, sit on an MT-10 and you'll find the riding position is identical to the Gen 1... funny old world ... but then again, it is a Yamaha.

As far as riding aids go, get into the 20th century, grandad! Have you never locked up a front wheel when braking in the wet? Have you never had the rear wheel let go in the wet? Why on earth would not want a system that stabilised the bike for you in those situations? Certainly, the earlier ABS and traction control systems were crap, and I think a lot of the moaning about the new technology was because they were crap, but they're bloody excellent these days. It's just not an issue any more.

I just bought another Gen 1 because the current bike is 150k old and there's nothing out there that gets close. I'm keeping both for ever. I'm considering selling the ZZR because although it is light years ahead in certain ways (speed for one, rigidity for another) it isn't as rideable as the Gen 1. That'll leave room for the MT-10....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Motorbike degreasing / Cleaning
« on: 17 June 2016, 08:00:02 pm »
I haven't used every degreaser, but I've used a lot and the one I'm using at the moment is the sDoc cleaners. It is the only one I've come across which you can spray on chain lube, wait 5 minutes and hose off and get a clean swingarm and back wheel without having to scrub. By far the best I've used so far.

A jet wash always helps, obviously. I have a low pressure job and it doesn't take the paint off as some of the Karchers can.

To be honest, if you're going to clean a bike properly, you have to start taking it apart and do it piece by piece. Do each wheel separately, so start. Then get a bit braver and take the swingarm out. Then whip the exhaust system off....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Mt10 test ride
« on: 15 June 2016, 09:53:09 pm »
I'd imagine Yamaha are dribbling them out to keep the prices up

It's probably more to do with ramping up production. I worked at Nissan and it always took time to ramp up when a new model came out. You have to learn how to make them efficiently and it takes time. Having said that, all the manufacturers have a better grip of supply chain management these days, and they all know that over supply kills the value of bikes, which isn't good for them or us.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Mt10 test ride
« on: 15 June 2016, 09:47:19 pm »
Agreed, I won't mention the EU, even in jest as some people can't seem to tell when I'm jesting.

I told you not to mention the EU !

Ordered one today in black due in end of July and they've waivered their commission on a finance deal so it's all good.


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Mt10 test ride
« on: 13 June 2016, 09:47:04 pm »

Can I have some of your popcorn while we wait?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Mt10 test ride
« on: 13 June 2016, 07:52:29 pm »
Meanwhile, back on topic....

People already moaning about poor tank range, reports of 85 to 90 miles till reserve  :eek
Maybe keeping hold of the gen 1 is a sensible option

I'm one of them. I said to the Yamaha guys at the NEC show that it needs a bigger tank, because the one thing you can't change with any ease is the tank size.

It incenses me that you can buy any after market add-on from rear sets to screens, from radiator guards to full luggage, all of which are two seconds to fit, but no, the one thing that makes a colossal difference to some of us is tank range.

The VFR1200 hasn't sold anything like as much as Honda would like, and who would buy a sports tourer that can't manage 130 to a tank. It's idiotically short sighted and I will not be buying a bike I've been waiting years for if it can't manage even 100 miles.

Utterly senseless.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Chain & Sprocket
« on: 13 June 2016, 07:43:33 pm »
OE C & S + Scottoiler = 35k miles.

I have a pattern chain and sprockets from Demon Tweaks (can't remember the make) on at the moment and I don't think they're going to get that far, but the've done 24k.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: rear shocker
« on: 11 June 2016, 09:29:11 pm »
Good on you, Merv.

It's amazing the difference a good shock makes. I bought a basic Ohlins after my rear shock lost its damping and the difference was like night and day.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Mt10 test ride
« on: 10 June 2016, 08:12:50 pm »
I'm already on the MT-10 forum, just for info. Lots of gossip..

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Smoke on start up
« on: 10 June 2016, 08:08:35 pm »
I had that after refitting the carbs once. I was inside the garage and absolutely shat myself with the noise. I had to go and wipe...

Just a backfire, I think. Bike's done 80k miles since then.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: AIS removal kit
« on: 08 June 2016, 10:23:08 pm »
I'm interested! Give me a shout and I might order 2 kits...

Nice! Very sophisticated look there.

General / Re: Mt 10
« on: 02 June 2016, 10:37:50 pm »
Yeah, the looks are a bit....

It's over-designed. Everything is a million and one shapes. Look at the tank, does it really need so many angles and shapes and bits of plastic? Look at the footpegs on the exhaust side, there are 8 bolts and rivets. And why are there two separate lumps of plastic bolted onto the exhaust system? The radiator has triangular shrouds and yet there are side pods bolted to the side of the engine as well. The back of the bike has two parallelogram shapes and a wedge. It's all a bit too much. I'm sure CAD programs make it much easier to over-design, maybe they just went nuts because they could.

It's very manga. Which explains this...

What a hoot eh? Your bike's very own cartoon series.

I think the biggest problem with the design is with how difficult it will be to keep all those shapes, nooks and crannies clean. I had a very good look at it in the shop the other day, and my god, it's going to be a toothbrush job every time you clean the engine. There a hundred tiny little spaces between all the pipes, cables and engine parts.

Anyway, the design won't put me off buying one cos let's face it, it isn't ugly like the VFR 1200, one of the most hideous bikes every built, and I like the ultra technical look of it, even if it's not beautiful like a Ducati or an early R1.

All I need are a set of leathers with LED running lights.

General / Re: Mt 10
« on: 27 May 2016, 07:59:33 pm »
It might be the aerodynamics, Noggy, but the gearing and revs probably set it too.

It's interesting to note that the stroke is the same as the R1 50.9mm which means it's max piston speed is very conservative (20.4 metres per second @ 12000rpm versus 22.2 m/s @ 11500 for the FZS. The R1 is 23.8 which still isn't that fast).

It could certainly rev much higher if Yamaha needed it to but being Yamaha they've made it into a road bike and brought the power and torque lower down in the rev range

That is exactly what they did with the FZS, heavier crank, different valve timing, less revs and by the press reports a much more road oriented chassis than the Aprilia Tuono 1100 or the Super Duke.

It is the new FZS1000 if you ask me. I might buy some Fazer decals for mine when I buy one!

The other interesting thing in the press reports is how Yamaha have managed to give the rider enough wind protection for motorway speeds. The Tuono I test rode was atrocious at 80mph which is a proper naked bike, but the MT-07 was really not bad at all at that speed and it's even smaller. I remember being amazed by the FZS at how the radiator guards were as good as the full fairing on my old ZX9-R for keeping the wind off my legs, too.

Yamaha have some cunning aerodynamicists working for them.

Dude - I've rebuilt my forks 4 times. You don't need the tool, or at least I didn't.
Ok, but then how do you stop the cartridge tube from spinning, when doing the allen bolt up?

Fair question. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure it's even necessary to have the tool.

I know I must sound like I'm talking bollocks, but I've done this four times now, it's just not an issue. If it was spinning, you certainly couldn't torque them up correctly either, but I am talking about a bike that's done 149600 miles, 4 trips up the Alps and passed 14 MOTs with not even an advisory, so I must have done something right! I can't imagine I've just got lucky....

For getting them undone, an impact driver is very handy, by the way. You don't even need a clutch puller to take the flywheel off an engine with one of those. Brrrrr, click, and it's off... simple.

Edit: I probably am talking bollocks.Did I just use a spanner... I honestly can't remember...

General / Re: Mt 10
« on: 26 May 2016, 08:40:33 pm »
Yup. I'll be getting one. Not this year (never buy version 1 of anything!) but I will get one. The press reports are pretty ecstatic and at 10k, it's a great buy.

In fact, wasn't the FZS 1000 £8200 back in 2001? So, in 15 years, Yamaha have only added £1800 quid to their top of the range naked bike. That's quite something.

I've been waiting for this bike for years because I like bent engines (V twins and especially V4s) for the perfect primary balance and engine note but they're usually more expensive than straight fours and a twat to work on, but with a cross plane crank, you get the best of both worlds. Cheap and characterful. I'd have bought a cross plane R1 but I can't tolerate the ultra sporty riding position these days. Too fat!

I'm a bit baffled at the claimed top speed though. 153mph. I know it's not a big deal, but doesn't the FZS do 155... ? I saw 170 on the clock chasing 12 Ferraris past Modena in Italy once... man, that was a fabulous day. I saw them coming up behind me at speed and watched as 355s, 550 Maranellos and a couple of 458s came past, so I pulled out and nailed it, looked in the mirrors and there was another half dozen Ferraris behind... I was sat in a very expensive queue and once past 150 fully loaded with luggage, the old girl started a gentle weave, but I kept it pinned...

Ahh.... summer holidays. I can recommend the hotel opposite the Ferrari factory gates, if anyone's interested. They do a mean steak in balsamic vinegar sauce and Modena's a very pretty town...

  • Yeah I figured, I just don't have a tool to hold the catridge while I do up the allen bolt at the bottom - does Pats site demonstrate an work around for this..?

Dude - I've rebuilt my forks 4 times. You don't need the tool, or at least I didn't. Before doing anything, whack them in a vice (with soft jaws) and crack the nut off before disassembling the top half. They'll be f. tight, so if you don't have a proper socket set and snug fitting allen bits, get some. Those right angled allen keys that you'll find in the toolkit will be of zero use.

The bushes will be worn out, so get some ahead of time. They wear out really quickly. Also, don't forget to remove the circlip from the oil seal before extracting the stanchion. Like I did once. (embarrassed blush)

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