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Messages - packie

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Having a BBQue again!
« on: 05 April 2013, 07:17:40 pm »
did you use primer or sandpaper for any of it? or did you just paint it? looks good!

Straight on out of the can.  I just give it a going over when things get manky over the winter. Simple to maintain and it keeps it surprisingly neat looking all year round. It wouldn't be everyones cuppa tea.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oh shite....
« on: 05 April 2013, 07:12:58 pm »
Tidy job Padraig and the price wasn't too bad. Hope your cuz isn't watching in or your scam will be blown!!

But it was money that cud have gone into yer own bike, so learn from it, dude!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oh shite....
« on: 05 April 2013, 07:11:00 pm »
You know what you need over there..........M.O.T's
They can be a pain sometimes but they do tend to keep you on your toes with looking after your bike, and it's for your own benefit in reality.

Bollocks to that....I'm well capable and responsible at looking after my bike. It's only another scam to make money for the government in the long run.

Ha ha...It would be a joke over here if they were so worried that our machines are safe and sound for our own benefit, yet they leave our roads in a chronic and trecherous condition with potholes all over the place. Don't even start. If they are so worried about our safety, then it be more in their line to fix our freakin roads and potholes first.

On top of that, any cop over here can pull you in and do you for lights, exhausts, small number plates ect ect along with a host of other what's the point? You still need to make sure your bike is in some way in order, anyway. 

FZS600 Fazer / Re: eBay Part Clarification
« on: 05 April 2013, 06:54:52 pm »
Tefer...I wudn't give him the steam off my p**s for that rusty part.

Go for Darrsi's link there for Fazer Spares....they are sound to deal with. Dunno why they are closed until April 13th, though...must be renovating.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: how long should chain and sprockets last ?
« on: 05 April 2013, 06:49:30 pm »
Fit a scott oiler once you've done the chain/sprockets. Once fitted and correctly set up you can expect 30k plus for a chain I kid you not!  8)

Yep! close to that on my Bandit 1200. On only my 2nd chain & sprockets in 10 years and 40,000 miles.

FZS600 Fazer / Having a BBQue again!
« on: 05 April 2013, 06:36:17 pm »
....paint on my Fazer...that is!!

As the Fazer is my all year round hack, I decided (like my last Bandit 600) that I couldn't be bothered to keep on top of all the shiney bits from rusting or getting pitted during winter. So my solution as always, is to sort of "half rat it" and paint all my shiney bits black!!

I also lost a bit of weight and halfed my end can too!!

Thanks for Looking!!!  8)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oh shite....
« on: 05 April 2013, 12:27:43 pm »
Thanks dude, gona need luck with this, it is very thin indeed, might just have to cut it of and weld a short new bit of pipe in its place, hope its easy job, don't want handing out a fortune for something that wasn't my fault. Also packie yes my own bike is flying, apart from the little splutter from 1k to 5k( which I have yet to investigate) (maybe new plug caps) it's running sweet, just Ur man has his street fightered ( horrible in my opinion.  And he wanted to show it of on the parade, that's all, otherwise I would have brought mine. (Would have been more reliable

Personally, I have to agree. The streetfighter look on that bike is horrible. Actually, I wouldn't even call it a streetfighter. Ditching a fairing and putting a set of twin headlights in NOT a's what it is....just a bike that someone turned from a faired bike to a semi-naked one.

If you are going to do a REALLY need to just do it and not do a half baked effort. The lights work as a starting point, but I would have taken a big leap and ditched the clocks for something else...they look gammy stuck up there with that half baked bikini fairing. I would have gone for a one off hand made "feck off" stainless pipe with a one off wild paint paint job just for starters too....then it would be on the way on becoming in some way a REAL streetfighter.

But if I was doing a jobby on an old model fazer, I wouldn't go the streetfigher look at all. I just would have picked up a foxeye cone which looks real aggressive and angry and I would have modified that onto the old model bike and got a wild agressive paint job to suit, and then got a stubby type can and taken it from there.

Anyway man....your bike is YOUR pride and joy, so that is the bike you should be riding in the parade....not his. If he wants to show off his half baked effort....then he should have rode it himself. So there is a goal to set yourself ride your own bike next year and to get it tidied up and spotless for the parade instead of putting your hard earned cash into someone elses bike!!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: how long should chain and sprockets last ?
« on: 05 April 2013, 08:55:50 am »
I went to assen in a similar position, thinking "it'll be fine for this trip".

It wasn't! Don't gamble, get the bike in good condition before heading off on a trip - it could get very expensive and ruin your holiday.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Solid advice here. And just to add  another point....... even if things did work out, the thoughts of "will it, won't it be alright" would be constantly popping in and out of your brain and not allowing you to enjoy your holiday to the max. One of the purposes of a holiday is to chill out from the little stresses and problems of life, but here you will be taking one along with you for the holiday.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oh shite....
« on: 05 April 2013, 08:48:33 am »
Well give the bike back ASAP, dude. The exhaust fiasco was just another sign for you to do that.

Also, that metal looks very thin and exhausted. I had similiar type of problems on one of my old pipes and from my experience is that it will go again which i'm sure your welder will tell you also. So warn him of the possibility so he can keep an eye on it if he chooses. Also, don't be a bit surprised if it can't be welded at all. The metal is so thin that the welder might keep blowing holes through it in trying to fix it. Best of luck, anyway.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fuel light
« on: 05 April 2013, 12:08:00 am »
'tis an '03  :)

Well I have a '02 (same model as yours - 22ltr) and it did 195 miles to light on which worked out about 47mpg of mostly town riding. I did another 25 in reserve before I filled up at 220 miles and there was still a bit left. That is an impressive range IMO.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fuel light
« on: 04 April 2013, 04:06:39 pm »
Cheers guys. I've had a look under the tank and nowt seems loose. Next time I run it down I'll chuck a couple of litres in a can and take it with, peace of mind like. Much as I love my new bike I REALLY don't fancy shoving it miles up the A59...

What year was your bike...btw?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oh shite....
« on: 04 April 2013, 04:05:07 pm »
To be honest I'd probably give it back to him and tell him to f*ck off, if someone's bike fell apart whilst I was riding it I'd be livid.
he does sound s bit of a muppet from what you're saying though, has no idea how to look after a bike and still rides it like a nobber?

I know the story why you ended up with the bike, but I would have told him to sod off in riding it in the parade in the first place. That is my point. What if you had an accident at the parade?? What if the engine just happened to blow up in the parade??

Sorry my man, but even after the parade you still choose to ride it despite knowing you were on a dodgy sort of bike. First the modified lights went on the bike while riding it. Thank God it didn't happen turning into a bend dead at night or you could have been killed. Then you posted here about the handling was like a sausage and (i think) that the guy had only half the tire pressure in his tyres. How many wake up calls do you actually need!!! 

Also, while he wanted you to ride it until the good weather, he didn't twist your arm or put a gun to your head. You had a choice, my friend. That is what would be said if anything legal came out of this if something more serious happened.

Rather than taking Joe's approach to tell him to sod off and risk ruining a friendship, I would ask him to meet you at least half way on the cost and let him know that you are not happy either about the incident. He also has to be practical and realise that it didn't rot away since March 17th. This happened over a few years in which he was mostly riding it. But this is the sort of thing that can get messy. Live and learn, dude!!

btw....why aren't you riding yer own one? it still off the road?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Why do people do this!!!!!
« on: 04 April 2013, 03:34:51 pm »
Sorry for your troubles, bud.

I find it hard to believe that the wind did it too. But I also find it hard to believe a woman with a bin or anybody else bumping into it accidently could have done that too. I don't even think a drunk stumbling into your 30st bike will do it, and he probably would come off the worse with the bike still upright. This was malicious IMO.

Try this yourself. Delicatley and carefully force one of those bins against your bike to get a feel if it is easy to tip over.....I bet it will stay put. It takes me (a 16st male) to apply a reasonable bit of force with my hand pulling on both handlebar and grab rail to start to send my bike tipping at an angle. So I would be thinking that this was an intentional two handed "pull or shove" jobbie, either by mindless drunken louts passing by topping it over for a craic, or somebody who has a grudge against you.

Either way, what's done is done and if the truth be know....nobody knows how it happened so be careful at pointing the finger. All you can do now is figure out ways to improve the safety when parked up.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oh shite....
« on: 04 April 2013, 11:39:23 am »
Ok it definatly looks like the gasket is gone. :'(

I have a brand new exhaust gasket. I'll sell it half price (€8) plus whatever standard post is. Probably easier to send it by that courier for a €6. Let me know if you want it.

Can't tell from your photo, but the if the link pipe sheared/rotted, maybe you can get a sleeve welded over both pipes.

As for your Cousin....That is a quite normal reaction from your cousin which is why I avoid borrowing bikes and loaning bikes myself....too much at stake like property, money, friendship ect.

But when an owner do allows you to use his bike, then he should already have accepted in his heart and in his pocket (and not just from a fleeting thought in his head), that his bike could be robbed, damaged, returned in an unsatisfactory condition, or written off while in the borrower's possession....and without the possibility of a favourable outcome for the owner. If you are really not willing to accept that....then don't loan.

I am blessed to have two bikes, but I wouldn't allow anyone a loan of one of them no matter how desperate they are. I loaned a bike to a good friend of mine to go to a rally a few years ago. He was desperate to go to this rally with his club. I played the Good Samaritan and even went to the trouble of actually having the bike all spick and span for him for the rally.

When he returned the bike after the weekend, it resembled a motorcross bike that did about 12 hours of non-stop scrambling with all the muck on it. He also managed to damage to fuel filler problem there, shit happens. But he drove the bike 180 miles home with filler cap open, spewing petrol all over my tank. He wouldn't pay €5 for a universal cap in a garage....sheez!!

Needless to say it left a sour taste in my mouth and in our friendship for a while. But I have to take some of the blame for loaning the bike, and for foolishly placing expectations on other humans which they may fail to live up to.

Just count yourself lucky that your damage is quite fixable. Imagine if the motor blew?? would your finances and your relationship with your cousin hold up then???

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Head race bearings
« on: 04 April 2013, 10:12:53 am »
packie, are you sure you're forks aren't just bottoming out? Could always try some thicker fork oil's defo a steering stem problem. I had to change a pitted fork a while ago and not alone did I upgrade to 15w oil and measured the correct amount, I also purchased a set of Hagon Progressives springs. If anything, I could have used the standard 10w oil as the forks are stiffer than I like, and I had to dial the dampning a way back as a result. You'd have to drop this bike off a cliff to have it bottom out which is a testament to Hagon Fork Springs.

On the plus side, there is not pitting or rough spots when moving the handlebars from side to side, so it might be they are just loose and need a slight tighen up.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: always hard to start
« on: 03 April 2013, 04:17:44 pm »
That sort of voltage drop while thumbing the starter is to be expected. I don't think that, or the fact that you are having to run the starter for a long time before the engine fires, indicates a duff battery. Quite the opposite in fact.
I'd be more suspicious of the mixture. Are you applying choke before trying to start? My Fazer starts readily without choke in warm weather... in cold conditions it needs it, but it has to be applied first. Weirdly, if it doesn't fire up without and then I apply choke, it just floods.
So, if you've not been doing that, give it a try. If you have been, make sure your choke cable is working i.e. pulling the little bar at the top of the carbs that actuates the four choke plungers.

He's touching 9 volts and you don't think there's a battery issue at all ???  :lol

Well I can see were both Fazerider and yourself are coming from.

You maybe right in saying that there is a battery problem with only 9 volts....but that might not be 100% given until further tests. He had severed wires, blown fuses and a lot of screwing about done to those electrics. What if in some way that all this skullduggery has in turn damaged the rectifier/regulator?? That would change the game then. The battery could be perfect still, but just not receiving a charge and just dipping down to 9 volts trying to run the fuel pump, dash lights, fuel gauge, digital clocks, TPS, ect ect when he took his reading when the bike was running.

What myself and Fazerider are saying too, is that if the battery is goosed, then he obviously had 9 volts before the incident to begin with, and it was enough to crank the engine and keep the bike going with lights all along. He had no starting incidents prior to the attempted theft.

And even after the incident, he also said that the battery is spinning the motor mad, which suggests that there is still plenty of jizz in the battery to at least crank the engine. That leads to believe that he has other issues than just a battery....if it is a battery at all.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Head race bearings
« on: 03 April 2013, 03:44:03 pm »
Having ridden around for a few months I decided that the head race bearings probably needed doing.  The bike didn't feel very stable in corners and had an odd clunk when braking or riding bumpy roads.  I took it in to get it done as I don't have the right tools or the patience to do it properly.  Turns out the bearings were in the top 3 worst bearings the mechanic has ever seen.  I thought it was just my riding skill!  By the time I reached the end of the road I could hardly believe the difference.  The bike felt like a completely different one, almost like it was on rails!  I'm genuinely shocked at how much of a difference it has made.

I'll be having mine looked at soon too. The stability isn't too bad, but I can get that click or clunk sound that you had...but only under hard breaking. I'm keeping the fingers crossed that all it need is a tighten up....but I'm fearing the worst that I need the head bearings replaced too.  :\

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Some pics from France
« on: 03 April 2013, 10:04:05 am »
I met a Breton in a Pub when I was touring over there a few years ago. He was wearing the full attire at some festival and was very passionate about his roots. Lovely place and enjoyed my visit there very much. I think it was over in the Carmac/Vannes region.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust "Gasket, Muffler" Life?
« on: 03 April 2013, 09:58:10 am »
I have a new and unused one here that I would sell at half price. But unfortunately, I live across the pond and the post would bump it up so you be just as well to get it from over there.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: always hard to start
« on: 03 April 2013, 09:40:56 am »
From your story, I would think that maybe you will find that you may have more problems than just your battery and too much focus is put on there by Darrsi and His Dudness. But plonk a new one in anyway, as you need one if it's not charging properly to spec. But she is spinning enough by the sounds of it to start.

Also, your story indicates that the bike was starting grand (even with a dodgy battery) prior to when she was tipped over. You indicate that you got somebody to fix your bike straigthaway, so if the bike was mechanically sound after being fixed by that guy after the tip over, then the battery and bike should have started away like as it was prior to the tip over IMO.

Even though you might have a dodgy battery,  I also would be looking at things that could have been dislodged after the bike slammed onto its side which now maybe has hindered your fuel supply. I would look at your Fuel Filter to see if any of the crud that was in it got knocked about and settled in a way that is obstructing the flow inside the filter to some degree.

Also it just maybe possible that if there was sedemant in the bottom of the tank or in the carbs bowls, that could have been knocked about and worked its way onto your pilot jets and blocked them. I'd drain the float bowls to see what the state of affairs is there and if the fuel is clean or dirty.

Also another area to consider is this guy who did the work and what he actually did. You said a guy fixed it for you. Who is this guy??....was he a qualified mechanic???....has he worked on Fazers before??? never said what he actually fixed that was broken??....could he have tampered with somethng by accident???....could what he fixed....isn't fixed at all or have made thngs worse??? Did it go down on the TPS side (exhaust) and that the TPS got moved or damaged?? There is so much lack of info here that you need to come back to us with.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fuel light
« on: 03 April 2013, 08:49:33 am »
At what point is the fuel light supposed to come on? Mine comes on briefly when you turn the ignition on then goes out. I went out today and the gauge dipped below slightly below E but still no light. Filled her up anyhow and she took 17 litres so i'm suspecting here was more to be had but didn't fancy running out in the middle of nowhere...
As mentioned, it depends on the bike model and also if your reading is taken on a hill or on a flat as to the operation of the fuel warning light.

The 02/03 foxeye models will do about 18.4 ltrs before reserve light and you have another 3.6 litres in reserve after this. As another member mentioned, these models normal will light up when the needle gauge is halway on the "E" mark roughly.

If your light should come on in a flat road, it might go off again going up a hill as the fuel is sent back towards end of the tank where the sensor is so the level will rise, which your sensor will interpret that it has more fuel than it actually has.

The 01 models had a litre less, so it should still do 17.6 litres before the light comes on too, which would account for your light still not coming on if your fill up only took 17ltrs.

Seems to me you have one of these models and if you had driven another 10-20 miles, you would have activated the warning light and gone into reserve. It is working and the bulb ain't blown because it flashed on in a pre-check when you turned on the ignition.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: hpi check disaster.
« on: 02 April 2013, 08:45:03 am »
Well now, that is a most acceptable proposition. For £100 you will have peace of mind. And as you said, the money balances itself out in the long run....go for it!!

Even if you bought a new can for about £150 to replace the dented Scorpion one, that would still balance itself out too in the long run if you were selling on the bike. If you sell on the bike, I think that you are the kind of chap that would tell the next owner the history of the bike, and the other people might a HPI on the bike anyway, so you will have to sell the bike well below what you paid for it.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: hpi check disaster.
« on: 31 March 2013, 12:51:43 pm »
thanks guys.. some good advice and positive vibes there thanks.  I was seriously pissed off earlier. now i'm only mildly pissed off. :rolleyes 

I might have no choice but to keep it if i can't sell it for close to what i paid.  I've only ridden it round the block (4 miles with some twisties and some straights) a couple of times but it seemed to ride well ( apart from the flattened back tyre affecting the turn in a little (at least i hope it is that)).  The frame is in good nick with no visible dents or marks. there is no play in the bearings anywhere.  I dunno.  maybe i should just get it checked over and keep it. put a few thousand miles on it so i can sell it on with confidence...

Where would i find out what the damage was?

All is not lost.

I have only one bit of advice.....calm down and don't make any rash decisions.

All the facts that you have now is that you were lied too....nothing else. I'm sure you were lied too before, and you got over it?

You have no concrete evidence or professional advice that the bike is dangerous to ride why throw all your energy into believing that your bike is goosed???

Is it possible....just a little bit possible.... that your bike at the moment has just an equal opportunity that it is repaired to a safe and very ridable standard as if it were not crashed at all???...... and that it could bring great joy to your life???

Actually, is it possible that it might even be better than the pre-crashed state because some of the very old parts could have been replaced with longer lasting newer parts....ever think about that possibility??

At the moment what i'm saying is calm down and don't be obsessing that the glass is more than half empty, because that leads to making just as rash decisions like the one you made first day in buying it. Now is your opportunity to check it out and make an informed and rational decision. It might just work out that the glass is more than half full.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Brake disc skimming
« on: 31 March 2013, 03:43:06 am »
Has anyone any idea on how long a new disc would last before it needed replacing - I know they'll be variations like how hard you are on your brakes, conditions they are used in ,summer or winter use  etc but what parameters are we talking given normal road riding in decent conditions and say 10,000 miles a year or is it the case that when it needs changing it needs changing  :lol

Well if its a Cop that I know, his discs would last about 100,000 miles. This guy is an excellent pilot and uses about 95% engine braking. I could be up behind him for 2-3 hours of hard riding, and you'd only see his brake light come on only a handful of times. 

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Brake disc skimming
« on: 30 March 2013, 06:59:56 pm » they'd cost a bit to get done. Every engineering works will have different rates, so you will need to shop around.

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