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Messages - manuel32

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 CAT
« on: 23 October 2012, 07:02:59 am »
So there is one in each pipe header?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Anyone tried a R6 shock on a 600?
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:55:30 pm »
I am more than 4 times 12 and guess what?

i also have a 4x4

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / FZ1 CAT
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:41:25 pm »
Where is or should my CAT be (not pussy cat) and how do i know if i have one?

General / Re: Good weather !! ooh
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:38:47 pm »
Its a nice trip up the Hill, i have an Auntie who lives up there, its about twenty miles away, just right for a spin and a cup of tea and some home made apple pie.

I had to negotiate a line of tractors, i mean Harleys riding in convoy ;) , they were only doing about 45mph, cars behind them too,, i frightened some of them as i passed them,


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 250+ miles to a tank.....can of worms opened
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:56:17 am »
I zeroed my milo and filled up with shell super, 109 miles on the clock and started it up at a cafe yesterday and the last black mark on fuel gauge started to flash,,109 i thought,not good,,as i rode looking for fuel the flashing bar stayed constant , when i fefuelled it only took 11.45 litres to the spout neck,,

so if the tank is ,what 18 litres?, then the gauge is set a bit high,and there was loads left in the tank,,
whats the capacity of a gen 2 tank?

Yes,my FZ1 scares you a bit early,, still loads of fuel left,,,light comes on early but enough for me to get 150 without worrying, not much goes in then though, so my riding style would run out of fuel at about 175 miles per tank

General / Re: Good weather !! ooh
« on: 21 October 2012, 09:26:23 pm »
Well the sun came out this afternoon so i obliged and got the Fazer out

This is a pic of Clee Hil,Shropshire,

See it in the distance

And this is from up CleeHill

Loads of bike around.

General / Re: Jim'll fiddle it
« on: 21 October 2012, 12:46:50 pm »
Yes  :D

« on: 21 October 2012, 12:45:24 pm »
My train, which i never use,,haha, will cost £17.00, one change, this might be a day out

Parking, £10
Train      £17
Show     £16
Proggrm  £4

Goodies £???

So about £61.00 plus anything i cannot say no to, :lol

« on: 21 October 2012, 07:16:04 am »
Shall we go for a look?  its been years since i went there.

Introduction / Re: New to it all
« on: 21 October 2012, 07:10:22 am »
Sorry , i don't quite understand your post, the grammar is not good enough, pleases try again :lol

As to your request for spare parts, i am sure someone might be able to help you.

General / Re: Good weather !! ooh
« on: 20 October 2012, 12:45:03 pm »
Sounds like the ideal Friday! if Calrsberg did Fridays :lol

General / Good weather !! ooh
« on: 19 October 2012, 09:10:57 pm »
Well us Sunday bikers (dry Sundays) haha :lol  might get a bit more biking done if the forcast is to be believed.

Actually last Sunday i was busy but there were loads of bikes out here making for the Welsh heaven.

I was out at motherinlaws mowing, heard some bikes coming and watched, 4 sit ups in a row, be it Fazers,street triples etc, i am noticing a high percentage of retro style bikes, standard bars, seen alot of them BMW 800 things too, very popular.

You seen anything unusual?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gen 2...which R1 shock?
« on: 18 October 2012, 08:54:27 pm »
Have you got an owners manual to find the recomended settings?

General / Re: Ear plugs/neck
« on: 13 October 2012, 08:48:10 pm »
David i cannot believe you do not wear ear plugs,, thats stupid,,if you hear the noise hat is,,without them its horrific, if they are not in properly then i cant carry on the ride.

« on: 13 October 2012, 08:08:54 pm »
i recon there is some DIRT on your bike ,somewhere

Introduction / Re: Hi! Hants based biker
« on: 13 October 2012, 08:04:51 pm »
That is a gorgeous bike,look after it and have fun.

Introduction / Re: Hi
« on: 13 October 2012, 07:59:46 pm »
whats wrong with golf courses?
i do a bit of them too,,an overdue expence now though,

Introduction / Re: Aye Oop!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 13 October 2012, 07:57:20 pm »
hello smudger.hope the 600 folks can help you, welcome to the site, billy

For Sale & Wanted / Re: any bimota owners on here?
« on: 08 October 2012, 06:51:57 pm »
Why, whats they got to want one?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Lowering
« on: 07 October 2012, 08:55:10 pm »
I too are 5'6 or 7" going downhill, and the bike is perfect for me

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 trouble getting into 2nd gear
« on: 07 October 2012, 08:50:36 pm »
I would agree that the gear box is not the slickest from my experience

General / Re: Ear plugs/neck
« on: 07 October 2012, 08:25:03 pm »
I have just bought a big bag of ear plugs from Jewson builders, they got the lot :lol , long soft conical rubber ones, £3.50

In a quiet room do you ever try to listen to the noise in your ers, or head, mine is quite loud,constant high pitched whine,sometimes changes tone,, i think we all have it but get used to it. Kind of tinitus i guess.

My last ride, last Saturday was totally ruined by ear plugs, they compress to insert but dindnt re expand,slipped out, crap, Hence the Jewson ones to try.

I resorted to crouching behind the screen,, then had back ache for three days :'(

Introduction / Re: intro
« on: 07 October 2012, 08:15:16 pm »
Has it got three wheels and horns?

Introduction / Re: peatyboghorror..
« on: 07 October 2012, 08:14:18 pm »
Eh? what,, err no , not tonight

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Reading between the lines
« on: 05 October 2012, 08:05:11 pm »
So what is the term "cross plane"?

i did not get any clues from above statement

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