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Messages - AyJay

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer Parade - What you got
« on: 17 February 2013, 07:26:53 pm »
Read thread to look at FAZERS and see a bloody Kwak! EPIC FAIL

Oh dear, you won't like this either then.

99,706 miles so far. I'll write a longer post when it hits 100,000 detailing all the ups and downs of Fazer ownership. It's been a hell of a ride, to coin a phrase. Since I'm commuting 600 miles a week at the moment, Wednesday should be D Day.

And Black8, glad to see another Foccer with the good sense to have a ZZR as well as a Fazer! Although, yours are way younger than mine. How's the 2012 suiting you?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Neutral switch
« on: 13 February 2013, 10:41:56 pm »
It's located right in the middle of the back of the block, behind the swingarm. Impossible to see . . . unless you're underneath the bike.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Neutral switch
« on: 13 February 2013, 08:45:59 pm »
My neutral switch died a few years ago and luckily I had a spare engine ...

I'd be surprised if it isn't the same switch used on loads of Yamaha models - I can't imagine them designing a new one for every bike, but having said that rear brake callipers are unique to the FZS so you never know.

If you do buy one from the dealer, he'll probably tell you that you have to take the swing arm out to fit it. This is not so. You can unbolt the plastic overflow bottle and move it out of the way to get access. It's not an easy job, but 45 minutes of swearing should do it . . .

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Replacement mirrors
« on: 10 February 2013, 12:04:46 am »
It's funny, but the more you look at the mirrors on a Fazer the more that's all you can see. They seem to have a hypnotic effect and pull you in. They do make it look weird.

I decided to just stop looking at them . . . all I can see now is the colossal amount of corrosion after all the salt this winter .. . ..

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exup valve
« on: 04 February 2013, 11:32:17 pm »
If you whip the chrome cover off, you can watch the valve rotate as you rev the bike. Depends on whether the 3 bolts come off ok. As has been said, lots of penetrating oil over several days is the way to do it, and pray! If you don't fancy risking it, you should be able to see the two cables moving if you've got a torch.

It will run like an utter dog if the valve is sticking though, either like a 400 under 5000 revs or like a 600 over 5000 revs, depending on whether its stuck open or closed. It'll bog down and generally be horrific to ride.

Love the black paintwork and black engine in that pic, though. That's rare! I've got a black one and they are the fastest colour. And classiest.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oil
« on: 03 February 2013, 09:16:47 am »
Hi Tilts. Most motorcycles don't need fully synthetic oils and 10/50 is more like the kind of oil you use in cars. Yamaha recommend 10/40 semi. I'd stick with that because fully synthetic can lead to massive oil consumption later on.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Bloomin heck these things don't hang about!
« on: 02 February 2013, 12:16:06 am »
Im amazed by this bike, I swear I'll never sell it, it's in the family for good!
That's exactly how I feel. Who knew when I bought it 9 years ago as a kind of stop gap bike that I'd still have it today, and that today's bikes would be no better. I've ridden the Tuono V4, VFR1200, Z1000SX, Multistrada, etc and good as some of them are, better made, higher quality, faster, better handling, with new tech like traction control and ABS, there's something so right about the Fazer. Nothing has the right blend of usability, performance and charisma to make me give it up.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: first ride of the year
« on: 01 February 2013, 10:35:44 pm »
This has got to be one of the few countries where it can be 13 degrees in January and 13 degrees in June. It's been a cracking week for riding. I was hurling the ol' Fazer around like it was an August bank holiday yesterday. Great fun.

I see the weather for next week is forecast to be dire, though.

That's the only difference between January and June in Britain. It might be 13 on one day in January, but it could be -4 the next. Less likely in June, but not impossible.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Bloomin heck these things don't hang about!
« on: 31 January 2013, 09:05:30 pm »
I had a ZX9R E1 before my Fazer, Joe. I didn't really know what to think as it was just an impulse test ride for the hell of it, and like you I was really quite amazed at how quick the Fazer was. I bought it there and then because I was sick of having to wind the 9 up to 4k just to get away from the lights and that riding position always annoyed me.

I think the ZX9 just has the edge at really high revs but the Fazer has it all over the ZX9 below 8, and although the 9 will keep going way past the Fazer's 160ish top speed, it really doesn't matter that much.

Course, I Ivanised mine. Oh yes. More everywhere, and much snappier and willing to rev out..... Bye bye ZX9. And if you can spanner yourself, it's a 3 hour, 120 quid improvement that make you very very happy..

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: The worst thing is
« on: 29 January 2013, 10:55:11 pm »
Good one!   

I have a few must not buys, too.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: The worst thing is
« on: 29 January 2013, 10:40:21 pm »
Here's a thought, Mick

Ooo, Fazer with active suspension like the BMW HP4...... Come on chaps, who's going to be the first?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: clunk
« on: 18 January 2013, 09:59:59 pm »
Cars have synchromesh . . it's like a cone shaped clutch between the dogs which get the two gears up to the same speed before engaging. Bikes don't have synchromesh largely because they don't need it. Not sure why, I'd hazard a guess at it being because they're sequential, the inertias are very low (except Harleys and old Guzzis) and the ratios are so close.

When going up the box, there's just enough of a slowdown of the input gear to allow time for the unloaded dog to slip into the window of the gear it's about to slide into, but when downshifting, we blip to unload the transmission and match the input and output gears to get that window. Which is why downshifting without a blip often gets a clonk too.

I think . .

Having Google it, I see there's not a lot of pages which explain this precisely, not that I'm 100% sure I've explained it correctly anyway!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Sad time
« on: 19 December 2012, 08:37:56 pm »
:lol What Mike said.

Yes... For Luke. She should be tattood from head to foot, mirror blanking horns of bling down her spine, and glass windows near the entry points so you can see whats happening on the inside.

Mike would probabley do a performance enhansing vagina tuck and improve lubrication.  :rollin

Hahahahaha! Funniest forum post this year!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: sparkplug change on fz1s gen2.
« on: 11 December 2012, 11:16:16 pm »
If you have all the AIS gubbins on the bike, access is tight but taking the radiator off isn't really necessary. But here's a thought - I only changed my plugs after 50,000 miles and I wouldn't have changed them at all if it wasn't for the salt corrosion at the tops, they were all fine ... healthy gap, virtually no erosion, and no difference in performance or starting after the change at all.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gen 1 v Gen 2
« on: 03 December 2012, 09:20:04 pm »
Buy a ZX10R, the one with the under seat pipes as its cheaper. Mod the exhausts like Devils Yam did to his R1, fit a PC V plus a top yoke conversion with renthal bars and go wild.

Why bother with a half arsed semi sports bike (gen 2) or pipe and slippers (Gen 1) if you like to ride everywhere on the red line (I assume that is a figure of speech)? Get the real thing and make it fit you (I say ZX10R as its the least popular and cheapest of the litre bikes).

Or just buy a ZZR1400 and fit 50 quid bar risers. Job done. After that, a ZZR's as close to a Fazer 1000's all round ability as you're likely to get. Except it's a bit faster .. than even a ZX10. 5k will get a in the seat too, and if you're older, the insurance isn't that much more.

The 1000sx is exactly like a Fazer. 12 years of development and they invented something Yamaha had perfected a decade earlier.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Wheel size. Shock. Embarrassment
« on: 03 December 2012, 09:11:32 pm »
Since I ride in London, I'm always checking the back wheel on the Gen 1 for nails and what have you, and today whilst checking I noticed that I'll be needing a new tyre in a couple of weeks time.

Nothing unusual there, but while I was spinning the wheel, I thought I'd check what profile it is. I know it's a 180 width. And lo and behold, there embossed on the tyre was the legend 160/60!

The dealer must have ordered for a 600 Fazer. [size=78%] [/size][size=78%]Front and rear are Bridgestone 023s.[/size]

So, that's the shock. The embarrassment is that I haven't noticed over 5000 miles that it's the wrong tyre. Except, as it's worn down, I have noticed that the usual flop into a corner you get with a flattened off centre hasn't happened, and it definitely leans over more on the side stand than it does normally. And now I come to think of it, it's felt very agile and chuckable of recent. Hmm. Maybe I have noticed ...

But as far as grip and stability go, er, it's been business as usual. Not that we've had much chance of proper riding this year, what with the weather of course, but there have been one or two days where I've been proper thrashing it. And that v10 M5 was despatched with ease round my favourite corner ..

Anyone else had used a 160/60 on the thou, or noticed any big changes to feel with different widths/profiles etc?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: tale of woe
« on: 03 December 2012, 08:49:50 pm »
I was having the same problem, but at the NEC bike show, Dainese had a 30% off on their Goretex gear, so I bought a set. Completely waterproof, and, has it been wet last week and this, so they're properly tested. Three times I've spent well over an hour in torrential rain on the M1, and not a drop got through anywhere, not even the neck if you sit upright.  Warm too, and the fit is excellent.

Only problem is the name . . . Bruce!

Why didn't I stump up the extra for the Tundra?

Boots - er, nope. My Frank Thomas goretex's are waterproof to a point, but they go eventually. Best I ever had were Sidi MX boots but they're not really much cop for road use.

Gloves. Nope. Not a chance.

Anyone tried any heated kit? Keis, Gerbing, BikeTech etc?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Clutch lever getting stiff
« on: 23 November 2012, 10:30:37 pm »
Funny you should mention that. My throttle was getting stiffer until eventually the cable snapped. Looks like it had been fraying for a while. They're cheap, so if I were you, I'd just replace it if it isn't the pivot point on the lever, otherwise you might enjoy a lovely 2 mile ride on tickover at walking pace whilst all the cars you'd overtaken over the previous 5 miles tootle past you! It was raining when it happened to me. Of course......

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gen 1 front axle tool
« on: 11 November 2012, 05:12:35 pm »
I bought one off eBay for about 14 quid along with a spring puller for 8. The spring puller is the greatest tool ever invented (hyperbole intentional)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Rev counter flicked to 9k
« on: 11 November 2012, 05:09:06 pm »
Sez here in the Yamaha service manual that it was the emergency stop switch warning code. Since it started up again, it's probably reset itself so no panic . . .

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: guess the bit time
« on: 14 October 2012, 01:07:12 am »
Hehe. You buy an alarm and someone goes and nicks it. Is there no justice?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: guess the bit time
« on: 14 October 2012, 12:41:16 am »
I've got a pair of those. They connect to my Datatool Evo .. .

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Advice please re front brake issue on Gen 1
« on: 13 October 2012, 11:54:50 am »
Don't panic! It's quite normal. I've rebuilt my brakes a number of times and I've found that bleeding the front callipers is a pain in the neck. It can take ages to get them up to pressure. Two tricks I've found are to wind the brake lever adjuster out so you get the maximum leverage and when it seems there are no bubbles coming out and you've still no pressure, take the callipers off and push all the pistons right back in again. Don't disconnect the lines or anything, just push the pistons in. I presume air gets trapped in the pistons.

Took me over an hour and a half once. Keep at it and it'll come good.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Reading between the lines
« on: 12 October 2012, 09:13:00 pm »
Ta for that Mickey. When I was a teenager, I had the Technical Lego set and had fun building triple and 4 cylinder motorcycles (Give me a break, this was back in the 70s!) and I always built crossplane inline fours because it seemed perfectly logical to space it that way, and I was quite puzzled when I found out that they weren't arranged like that at all.
It seemed clunky having two pistons moving together and just spinning the Lego 'engine' you could feel it was less smooth than a crossplane because the friction of plastic on plastic amplified it. I tried using 3 in 1 oil once to make it run smoother but then the pistons used to fly out of the bores.
Ah, happy days. Don't you just lust after a crossplane Fazer though? Maybe I should buy a Cat C and build one myself because Yamaha aren't doing much at the mo. Hmm.

According to Kevin Ash in MCN, it might just be that Yamaha are in big financial trouble, big enough to question it's survival. Amazing what the exchange rates have done to Japanese industry - Sony has lost billions every year for the last four years and Panasonic have lost money in 3 of the last 4. Sharp is virtually finished, too.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Reading between the lines
« on: 11 October 2012, 08:07:39 pm »
On a normal inline 4 two pistons rise and fall at the same time, so effectively it's two parallel twins strapped together. Two pistons are at the top of the stroke at a time and the crank has each journal at 180 degrees to each other.

A crossplane inline 4 (or a Ferrari V8 like the 458) has each crank journal at 90 degrees, so only one piston is at the top of the stroke at a time. Best to see it working

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