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Messages - VNA - BMW Wank

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General / Re: Are there windows in your garage?
« on: 21 March 2012, 09:31:01 pm »
You mean, kinda like this,

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 21 March 2012, 06:59:53 pm »
And that's the second time they have lowered the 40% rate.

Of course those who got us into this mess get away Scot free. 

General / Re: Are there windows in your garage?
« on: 21 March 2012, 05:15:12 pm »
Say you keep it in the lounge...................................

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 21 March 2012, 03:22:46 pm »
But 300,000 more people will be drawn into the higher rate - 40% - tax band from 2013/14 as the threshold is reduced from £42,475 to £41,450.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 21 March 2012, 02:59:38 pm »
Don't forget Mr Mac, as if you need me to tell you, that the 45% tax bracket is only a stepping stone to 40%.

Not sure what is happening with the 40% tax bracket, but it was lowered the other year catching more than ever.

The rise in personal allowance to 9205 is welcome, but realistically just means a drop in benefit payments for most.

The real issue at the lower end of the earnings scale is that too many big wealthy companies take the minimum wage as a standard or living wage.  It was never supposed to be that.  So that leaves those on better to mid earnings forking out benefits for those on minimum or near minimum wages.  So this means tax payer subsides the biggest richest companies in the land, and their rich shareholders.

But of course we are all in it together.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 21 March 2012, 11:06:32 am »
Scottish Welfare state would be as open for abuse as the current UK one

I don't think welfare is an issue.  It's a side issue.

It's not welfare claimants that are crippling the UK, it's greedy bankers, the bonus culture, tax evasion etc.

Welfare always needs careful management, but you deal with the pennies once you have the pounds sorted out.  In the UK we have a government in power who don't want to tackle the big issues.

The Tories are prepared to put our economy on hold, stifle economic recovery, get us fighting amongst ourselves, so they can keep their hands, and their buddies hands on their big fat untaxed stacks of cash.

17 years of Tory rule led to devolution.  Scotland needs to wake up quick, lets not wait for another 10-15 years, or more, of Tory rule to realise finally that we have little politically in common with England and that once again we've been focced over by a government we never wanted..   We gotta get out now.

Oh, will Osborne cut the 50p rate?

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 21 March 2012, 10:53:40 am »
the question should be....just what will the miltant scots moan aboot when they do get independance.?   :rolleyes
tbh to my mind your constant diatribe remind me of woolfy in citizen smith....make a life out of protesting ...what would yer life be like if ye had noothing ta moan aboot !    :eek 

Miltant scots, diatribe, woolfy?

Nevermind.  But yes, isn't it about time that Scots grew up, stopped blaming the English for our woes and actually did something about it? 

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 20 March 2012, 09:28:05 pm »
Would you take free BBC programming in exchange?  :lol

Umm let me think about that..................err...................No. :rolleyes

As an Englishman living in Scotland I really couldn't give a toss which way Scotland goes.

But you have a say.  You are part of 'the people of Scotland'.

If Scotland does split, I Definitely think they need to sort their own currency out.

I'm no expert on currency, but I can't help but think that using an established currency makes the transition to Independence easy.  And lets face it if we end of with some form of 'devo max' or fiscal autonomy within the UK then the pound it will be.  So does it really make that much difference if it's the pound for independence? 

Don't want Scotland becoming to the pound, what Greece is to the Euro.

I think it's more likely to be the opposite problem.  Nor does it look that we would have the issues that led Greece into a mess.   If we had our own currency it could easily become to strong.  Frankly - pound first choice - but Euro will do if England wants to be difficult.  And frankly I think it's probably desirable for England to have Scotland in the pound.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 20 March 2012, 05:56:07 pm »
Border control...we have a welcome to Scotland sign...our welfare state will put up another sign which says 'I wouldn't bother' in a number of non English languages.

 Scotland has a proud tradition of welcoming immigrants and treating them fairly.  I don't see that changing.   Westminster control of Scottish asylum issues was one of a number of issues that seriously damaged Jack McCronic and the last Labour administration in Scotland.

Scotland is already pretty much 'power independent' and grid useage tends to be propped up by France overnight...hey we can run an extension lead over to Norway

Scotland is energy rich, not just in minerals but has a massive and growing electrical over capacity.  England is short of generation, it's an export market for us. 

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 20 March 2012, 05:49:33 pm »
Examples are:
 Border control is the obvious one - with different Governments it will become an issue. 
 Armed forces,
 air traffic control,
 utilities and infrastructure (national rail? The separation committee would draw lots to see who gets encumbered!),
 Sea boundaries,
 international territory boundaries,
 all the organisations across the world that will need to change their systems to recognise a new country.

 There's some detail to work out, but there's no real big issues there.  It's the same right across Europe.
Don't want to be inflammatory here but how many other countries do you think will want to trade with an independent Scotland that only has self interests at heart and won't help with international peace keeping?

 By International Peace Keeping, do you mean Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?  Such opportunistic , unrealistic and immoral imperialist intervention projects are not things I could see Scotland being involved with in in the future.   Help with UN peace keeping duties, I'm sure we would.  And I'd imagine most of the world will be more than happy to to business with Scotland.  They might not be so keen to do business with us in the future if they see us hesitate and lack self confidence come autumn 2014.  Many countries round the globe are expecting Scottish Independence.  They won't understand if we don't grasp that opportunity.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 20 March 2012, 04:05:47 pm »
In a word ...No. I think Scotland enriches Britain massively. I'll be sorry to see you all leave.

Time for a foc-u group hug?

We have to wait and see what happens.  The likely date for the referendum is some time autumn 2014.  A lot can happen in that time.  And of course we need to know how David Cameron and chums see devolution evolving if Scotland decides to stay in the union.  And vague promises and suggestions won't do.

And again I agree with Big Mac, not a lot will change.  If we go Independent we'll all wake up and wonder what the fuss was about.  However in the longer term we'll both start to see changes and real noticeable differences.

Here's a thought, if a Tory government increases the possibility of an Independent Scotland, then at the same time, a Tory government may make it so much more difficult for Scotland, if and when, she chooses to go.  We already seen a lot of nasty childishness from English Tories.

But if we can have an amicable separation, and if, and that is if, Scotland makes a success of it, then I have a feeling that will have a beneficial political and economic knock on effect for England.  If we make a hash of it (and nasty scum bag Tories could play their role here) it's gonna hit the former UK as a whole.

Nah we may become part of Europe but they can keep their Euro...
Being part of Europe is inevitable.  The pound is preferable today, but it might be the Euro tomorrow.   Europe has a lot of lessons to learn.  And if Europe is going to continue it's  neoliberal capitalist love affair, then Scottish economic experts and politicians better make sure their rose tinted specs have been well and truly binned, as Scotland will have to fight for concession after concession and in completely the opposite direction from which England is doing so.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 20 March 2012, 12:28:23 pm »
to me ya can have scotland (as long as you dont want our british tax money :lol)  cant stand the place,

Oh dear I feared this might happen as soon as I mentioned Scottish Independence.   Why is it that English people go in such a huff when a Scotsman states his desire to run his own affairs.

As for having Scotland, it's not up to you ddtwelve, it's up to the people of Scotland to decide.

And help ma boab I find myself agreeing with Big Mac!    Good posts Mr Mac.

If the English hadn't allowed you Scots unfettered indulgence in the fruits of that domain you woukdn't be half the nation you are. I think the North Sea Oil is a fair return for that bountiful privilege.

Now lets not forget that the Scottish people were never asked if they wanted to be part of  'Great Britain'   We were sold out for a few pieces of silver by a parcel of rouges.   It is only right that the people of Scotland are being asked for the first time in the history of the UK if they actually want to be part of the UK.

Scotland's biggest problem is of course is self confidence.  We are our own worst enemy, and England has done a impressive job of exploiting us.    Scots don't tend to believe in themselves and for far too long have listened and believed England's lies.   Without Scotland there would have been no British Empire, or at least it would have been a very much smaller affair, neither of which would have been a bad thing.  The British Empire?  Good riddance! 

Scotland as a country needs to look back at her achievements and realise, that having practicably created the modern industrial world, that we are more than capable of running our own affairs (oil or no oil) and hopefully creating a much more equalitarian society than we currently have, and perhaps help change the direction of the corrupt neoliberal capitalism currently sweeping the globe. 

Meanwhile both the Government and Labour party have shat their pants at the thought of us subsidy and welfare junkie Scots leaving the union.  Strange eh?  I wonder why!

I think the North Sea Oil is a fair return for that bountiful privilege.

Yes indeed, it is our oil.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: coolant query
« on: 20 March 2012, 12:00:47 pm »
I'm sure you could use that stuff.

But I think the best approach is to drain off the old stuff, flush it all out and replace with the long life stuff.  Long life  stuff means you can forget about it for 5 years. 

It's best to flush out the old stuff as there is the possibility that some standard and long life anti-freezes don't mix well.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 19 March 2012, 11:30:15 am »
 I'm Scottish.  I object to be called British.  Scotland is currently part of the UK.
I'm against devolution - primarily because it just seems to be an excise in getting more civil servants jobs.

 Devolution has been good for Scotland.  We've always had our own education and legal system.   Devolution means that we are now responsible for a whole host of areas that effect the daily running of our country.  eg, Health, local government, social work, housing, planning, transport, police and fire services, the environment, agriculture, forestry, fishing, sport etc etc.
 This is definitely softening the blow of having a Tory government at Westminster.  Our roads and hospitals ain't gonna be privatised for example.  No prescription charges, free eye tests etc.
 But what Scotland needs to do is move on.  We can't raise taxes, we can't run our economy, we have no say on foreign policy.  We have a government in Westminster that hardly anybody voted for up here.   We've got more Pandas in the zoo than Tory MPs.
I'm hoping for and will be voting for full Independence.   Scotland and England are now politically on different paths, we don't fit together any more.
Whether we do become Independent by 2015 remains to be seen.  That the Scottish Parliament will become more powerful goes without saying, that's inevitable.  We may become economically independent but still part of the UK, I think that's silly, but I'll still take it over Tories running our economy. 
So my nationalism is political, it's not about rose tinted specs and jumping up in down wearing a stupid kilt, it's about where we are going as a nation, taking responsibility and having accountability.
As for nationality.  It's probably the culture in which you grew up in.  Or for some, it's not where you come from, it's where you are going.  In that respect I'm optimistic that lots of English people in Scotland will also vote for Independence.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ais removal
« on: 19 March 2012, 10:58:37 am »
Don't cut, just tap.

Make sure you have a good quality taper tap. 

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Front Brake Pads
« on: 16 March 2012, 09:46:45 pm »
Was in the dealer for an oil filter etc.
Asked about pads.  It was 74 quid for a set of Yamaha pads.  I told em that was nuts, they didn't disagree.
He offered them to me for 50 quid, just to get rid of em cos they can't shift the OE pads anymore and just want em off the shelf.

So I've got another set of the OE ones.  Next time round I'll get the EBC ones.  Oh I take the organic EBC ones are not the greatest?

General / Re: My optimate's been PAT tested!
« on: 16 March 2012, 10:20:24 am »
Try turning your bike engine over by hand.
Then think about the energy in that little battery.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Removing cylinder head cover
« on: 15 March 2012, 07:14:16 pm »
I don't think I'd trust a Clarke tap for a job like that.

The Roebuck I linked to would be the minimum quality I would use.

Takes a wee bit of force to cut, but nothing major.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Front Brake Pads
« on: 15 March 2012, 07:06:19 pm »
It's time to start getting my 2004 Gen1 sorted for the summer again.

Sorry if this has been done to death already!

Had the bike from new, and have always fitted OE pads.

But the last time I fitted a new set it was about 70 quid, and I doubt it's got any better.

So what's the best third party option?  What feels nearest to the excellent OE pads (anybody know who the OE maker is?) without eating my OE discs which still have plenty of life left in em.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Removing cylinder head cover
« on: 15 March 2012, 06:09:04 pm »
Well worth getting it Ivanised (if a former owner hasn't done it already)

It'll pull strong and clean from 2000rpm and is much much smoother once Ivanised, it rids the bike of surging at steady lower rpm running.

Mike (Falcon269) did mine along with 100's of others.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Removing cylinder head cover
« on: 14 March 2012, 07:07:28 pm »
Good luck with that. Make sure it's a good quality tap & I hope you got a spanner or something small enough to fit the end. You can hardly get on it for cylinders 1 & 4.  Not the nicest job I got to say.  :(

Ach it's not that difficult, not that difficult at all.

Yes you need to get the radiator out of the way.  Can't remember what I used on the end of the tap, either a small spanner (ring spanners are always nice if you can get em on) or a 4 inch shifter.

I might be trying to tell you how to suck eggs, but just in case.  As Mike says, start with the taper tap, make sure you get it in square, and once you have it established - turn it in a half or full turn at a time, then back it off and in again, work in gradually, bring it right back out now and again and clean all the crap off the tap.

1 and 4 are tight but it'll go.

Use a good quality tap.

These should be OK;

Has the bike been Ivanised?

Got stopped last year just short of Arrochar (heading South).

Tyre, chain, tax, plate check and on my way.

Doesn't bother me.   Though as long as they know the difference between a tyre that's near the end of it's life and taking the piss.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oxford Heated Sports Grips
« on: 07 March 2012, 08:37:04 pm »
It's as easy as that.
That's a GEN1 thou fuse box, but they are probably all the same.

Of course if you foc it up it's now't to dae wi me, I take no responsibility for your actions  :D

But that's the right way to do it.

Need more info - see the old thread, more and info and even more photos;,1918.0.html 

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oxford Heated Sports Grips
« on: 07 March 2012, 08:33:26 pm »

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