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Messages - Streetbudgie

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General / Re: Home CCTV
« on: 25 September 2012, 10:25:28 am »
This reminds me of:
"Did you call my wife/pint/bike (delete as necessary) a poof?"
Anyhoo, before we go completely off topic, running Cat 5 cables is not an option so it has to be wireless.
Any tips on wireless CCTV would be much appreciated.

General / Re: Home CCTV
« on: 24 September 2012, 11:51:35 am »
Just found this site, not sure if it is wireless or wired at this point though:

General / Home CCTV
« on: 24 September 2012, 11:15:50 am »
Anyone got any pointers for a complete newbie to home CCTV?
I want to protect the new garage with a camera at each corner and I'm thinking I'll probably use about 3 more to cover the side and front of the house.
Don't really have a clue where to start except to say they will have to be wireless as I can't start running cables aroudn the house now it's decorated.

General / Re: Fan oven advice
« on: 17 September 2012, 01:02:06 pm »
Good link that, at least I now know where the thermostat is although it sounds like it could be something else as well.
Belling have told me I can take out an on site contract with them for £13.99 a month for a minimum of 12 months which works out to £167.88 for unlimited call outs for 12 months and they will fix this fault inclusive for that fee.
A single visit call out with a fix is priced at £139 so not a bad offer for 12 months maintenance.
Not sure how much a thermostat will be as I can't actually find one for my model, they seem to range from £10 to £40 though.
Include that cost and the possibility of much swearing, sweating and blood loss and the 12 months warranty isn't a bad option.

General / Re: Fan oven advice
« on: 17 September 2012, 12:32:12 pm »
Hi Ray,
No that's not my model, it is the 924 (over 5 years old) the 100G is more up to date version though.
Probably not explained this right but it's not the fan that I'm concerened with, I know they stay on throughout the tme the oven is on, the problem I have is that the oven does not stop heating up no matter what you set the temp to, the temp light stays on whereas it should go out when temp is reached and only come back on when oven is heating up to maintain temp.
It seems the thermostat is not working but I don't know where it is to change it.

General / Fan oven advice
« on: 17 September 2012, 10:32:49 am »
OK, new house came with a Belling Country Chef 924 range cooker which has a fan and convection oven.
Neither worked well until I discovered both door seals were gone, replaced those (£70 ouch) and the convection oven is now fine, however:
The fan oven doesn't turn off when it reaches temperature, no matter what you set it on the heating light stays on and only goes out when you turn it right down, I'm guessing this is the thermostat but have no clue as to where it is or how to change it.
Any ideas or point me to a forum that might know?

General / Re: New House, New Neighbours, Same Old Moans!
« on: 17 September 2012, 10:28:27 am »
Very disappointed over the weekend as there were no visits from the GM, perhaps there was a charabang outing to Southend for them to collect their protection money.
I will be very annoyed if they start on the builders again today though as they have had all weekend to approach me and I have been very visible doing stuff in the garden and round the house.
I won't be so sympathetic this time and may have to send the boys round - a quick divvie up of £50 round the working mens club should recruit some muscle and arthritis to set on the GM.
It could be Benidorm scooters and walking sticks at dawn.

General / Re: What bikes have you owned/own now?
« on: 17 September 2012, 10:15:43 am »
1979 FS1E with no lights and half a seat used for over the local track only
1980 Vespa Primavera (1975)
1981 Lambretta GP200 (might have been an indian one. can't remember)
1982 RD250 took my test on this then sold it to buy a clapped out car (why?!!!!)
Had a little break from serious bikes to take up drinking and girls, but had some odd bikes in this period such as a C90 step through, a couple of GP 100s, a trail bike thing I can't remember what it was, all with top boxes and used for commuting only until they broke, nothing worth more than £50 at the time.
1987 Yamaha RTX100 (I think that's what it was, might have been RTS, it had 'energy induction' written on it, but I don't think it was a turbo!)
1988 Honda VT250 then a VT500E (test rode a Katana and ended up with the 500E - again why?!!!)
1989 Kawasaki GPX750R kept this a while as it was very smooth
Not sure of the next years but there was a CB750 and a couple of others that I can't remember, mostly poopers but I kept the GPX for most riding and commuting.
2001 Lambretta TV175 series III (1964) proper Italian model, special edition in original paint (wish I'd never sold this).
2001 Fazer 600 registered February 2001 the first foxeye on the roads round here, got a lot of attention in the first few months, I sill own my Fazer and use it every day, now has a gazillion miles on (I don't actually know as the speedo stopped working for about 18 months after a tyre change and didn't work until the next tyre change when the plastic sender was changed)
2002 Suzuki GSXR750 had this for 2 years, good fun
2012 Lambretta TV175 series III (1965) proper Italian Innocenti machine, sadly this one has been restored in white and silver paint but it is all original parts and goes quire well as it has a Mugello kit and 12 volt conversion, standard brakes though so stopping is a bit scary.
I suppose I'm going to have to change the Fazer soon but been justifying keeping it as I haven't had a garage to keep a new bike in (scooter is in lock up about 5 miles from where I now live), so once the garage is built I no longer have an excuse to keep it.
I just can't imagine not having it really, I've never had a bike this long, I will definitely shed a  :'(  if she goes.

General / Re: Employment Law - company split
« on: 14 September 2012, 03:19:08 pm »
Well it seems initially you are in a strong position, if they both want you and both own an equal share in your existing contract then they will each have to offer you something more than the other to keep you in their employ.
Somehow I doubt this will be the case (as an NHS employee I know GPs and they are not stupid when it comes to money), I think you need to take some employment law advice (possibly google that and you should find a forum or two) but I'd wait until the 'offer' is made.
No point in going off until you know if it's a good or bad thing, sit tight and it will come out in the wash.
The basics are a Tupee will involve all your current terms and conditions will go to your new job, I expect they will cease your contrcat possibly making you redundant and re-employing you if they are feeling generous or just asking you to switch to a new contract (more likely), either way don't jump to refuse or accept anything, read the offers through and digest it fully before you make any decision.

General / New House, New Neighbours, Same Old Moans!
« on: 14 September 2012, 03:12:37 pm »
So I've moved house to a nicer area, similar sized property but with a side and rear access road for garages at the rear of the properties in my street, the adjacent street and the street behind.
My house did have a garage orginally but it had been knocked down and replaced with a falling apart large shed and a breeze block wall that Stevie Wonder built. In the dark. Wearing sunglasses. With one hand playing the piano - you get the idea.
I get some quotes and pick one and the builder starts work, almost immediately they get a visit from the local Granny Mafia:
GM: 'Wot's going on here then, what's that going to be, have you got planning permisison for that?'
So the answers are: We are building a garage, it's going to be a garage, don't need planning permission, checked with the council, anything else love?
GM: 'I'll be back' I was tempted to put here that her eyes glowed red and she stomped off leaving dents in the ground, but it was more of a shuffle with one hand on her bloomers to keep them up.
So on the builders go and down comes the old wall and shed and up goes the new brick built garage walls.
Next visit from Granny Mafia, this time a bloke who looks like he's been dug up:
GM DUB 'Your builders have piled up dirt outside my back wall'
Me: 'OK mate lets take a look then'
He shows me a stack of dirt up against his back wall in the same access road about 20 yards further down and thus 20 yards away from the 2 skips that the builders are filling up with excavated dirt etc. When I look I can see that this dirt is dry as a bone, caked up and cracked with huge weeds growing through it, clearly having been there some years.
I point this out to him and he immediately counters with: 'I've lived here 30 years and no one has ever had anything done down here, you can't use this road anway, it's only for the bungalows)
I say: 'Well on my deeds and local search that I have read and just completed, it clearly states that the side and rear access roads serve all properties in these 3 roads for access to garages and remain unadopted and unmaintained by the Council, it also states that ownership is wholly shared by all property owners whose properties are adjacent to the access road.'
GM (Dug up bloke) 'No it doesn't'
Me: Mate I've just told you what is says on my deeds, please don't tell me it doesn't say that, I've read it.
GM DUB: No it doesn't say that, you want to read them again, you can't use this road it's just for the bungalows.
Me 'Mate, you don't even have a garage so how does this affect you? I can assure you the access road is for all the houses otherwise why would these houses next to mine have garages?'
GM DUB: 'No they don't, none of them have garages, this is just for the bunglows.'
Me: 'What?!! You can see right there, this one has a garage and that one has a garage and that one down there, that bloke uses his everyday for his motorbike'
GM DUB: 'No he doesn't, these people all can't use this road, it's for the bungalows only'
Me: 'You are really trying my patience now mate, as you're old I'm being polite but please go away now and don't keep bothering my builders as when you stop them working it's costing me money'
GM DUB: 'You can't use this access road it's not for you it's for the bungalows only'
Me: 'Enough now, just go away'
So Dug Up Bloke shuffles off still mumbling about deeds and access and bungalows, definitely very unhappy.
So then the builder tells me about another visit they had from another neighbour who berated them as 'her husband had to park in the street last night' He tells me that she said as they had dug the footings for the garage wall and left the trench to cure overnight full of concrete, this guy decides he can't drive down the access road in case he drives into the trench, never mind the trench is a few inches further in on my property than the previous leaning out wall was, so he has got more room than before!
Anyway building work carries on and the next day another Granny Mafia member turns up, this time it's an old girl who incredulously enough looks older than the previous two visitors - we must be near Il Capo dei Capi by now or they'll be using a ouji board to speak!
So GM Capo opens with, 'You can't use that garage for cars'
Me: 'Sorry love, why not?'
GM Capo: 'Well the houses on this side of the road (points to her side) own 2 meters of the access road and the houses on your side own 1 metre of the access road, so if you drive a car down here you're driving on my property'
Me: (Trying not to giggle) 'Where did you get that information from love?'
GM Capo: 'I've lived here 47 years' (I kid you not, she looked like she'd lived UNDER it for 45 of those years), 'No one has ever done anything down here' (Ah, this sounds familiar), 'Anyway it says that on my deeds'.
Me: 'On your deeds eh? So how long have you had those then? 'cos mine are new and up to date'
GM Capo: 'I've lived here 47 years and I've had my deeds all that time, this road is just for the bungalows, these houses have got no right'
Me: 'Your deeds are 47 years old and they measure the ownership share in metres? That shows some forward thinking' (This goes right over her grey haired head).
GM Capo: 'You can't use it for a garage, you can't drive down here'
Me: 'What about all the other people on this side that use their garages accessed by this road'
GM Capo: 'No they don't'
Me: 'No they don't what'
GM Capo: 'Use garages'
Me: 'Yes they do, there's several garages right in front of you'
GM Capo: 'No there isn't'
Me: 'Oh dear, I think I see where this is going, sorry love you need to go away now, we need to get building'
GM Capo: 'Well you can't use it, it's just for the bungalows'
Me: 'Bye love' turns back and goes in.
It seems that no matter where you go, how hard you try, there's always someone who wants to f**k up your little bit of happiness simply because they have nothing better to do.  :rolleyes

General / Re: Employment Law - company split
« on: 14 September 2012, 02:13:28 pm »
Who is named as your employer on your contract?
Is it one of the GP's or both of them, or is it the PCT they work for?
You could try a work mediation forum or ACAS, are you in a union?

General / Re: Id rather be 30mins late in this world............
« on: 14 September 2012, 02:03:44 pm »
I had an interesting experience a coule of weeks ago, after filtering thrugh a traffic queue on a turn left junction on the A12 I got to the front of the queue ready to turn onto the side road (30 mph limit) and the chap in the car at the front of the queue started honking and hooting and waving his arms about.
I ignored it and when space came pulled onto the side road and heard a screech of rubber behind me and saw the car behind shoot forward and then race up to my rear tyre with the engine revving furiously.
Looking in the mirror I could see the contorted face of a man posessed who then tried to under take me, over take me and drive through me for the next half mile, I remained calm and stayed in the centre of the road, nothing changed this bloke's mood, as I slowed down for other traffic or sped up to keep up the pace, he was gurning and shouting and swerving all over the back of my bike.
Eventually after about half a mile I pulled in and he shot past waving his arms in the air and gesticulating, I pulled back out and then followed him until he got caught in traffic.
The look in his eyes in his rear veiw mirror was priceless when he realised I had only pulled over to let him through so I could follow him, I could literally see the panic build up and when he stopped - up went the windows and clunk went the door locks - he had noticed I had got off my bike and was walking towards him.
I tapped on his window and asked him to tell me why he was putting my life at risk with his driving, he did his best to ignore me, until I am ashamed to admit, I became frustrated with him staring straight ahead as though I wasn't there and I gave his window a hard crack with armoured gloves.
He then wound the window down a tiny bit and shouted 'I'm calling the Police if you touch me' to which I replied that the only reason he wasn't lying on the pavement collecting his teeth up was because I was going on holiday that night and didn't want to miss my flight because of a pathetic, small cocked, tiny little road raging bully like him.
By this time he was deathly white and I thought having scared him enough I would deliver my parting shot - so I said 'there's a camera on my bike and I'll be handing over the evidence to the local Plod, expect a visit soon' (there is no camera) he looked completely crestfallen and I walked away.
What car was he driving?
A white BMW 1 series with blacked out windows, he was aged about 25.

General / Carole Nash Rip Off!
« on: 13 August 2012, 11:57:24 am »
So I bought a classic scooter on a whim 23 days ago - I know, I know but it was on E Bay all shiny and chrome and it was just calling out to me. Anyway I have another modern bike (Yamaha Fazer) insured with Bike Team but they don't take classics, so I though I'd try Carole Nash as I had a scooter with them a long while ago and I could arrange it on line.

The quote came back at £143 which seemed ok and I could pay in 3 installments of £47.60 so I paid the first on line and rode the bike home.

Problem number 1 occurred about two weeks after arranging the insurance when a credit agreement with a dodgy looking credit company arrived stating that 'my credit application was accepted and I now owed them £170 to be paid over 10 monthly instalments and a direct debit had been set up on my account to take the first payment that week'. Obviously I had no idea what this was about so I contacted the credit company to be told it was arranged by Carole Nash, the call taker was rude and arrogant throughout and gave me the impression that this company only deal with those who couldn't get mainstream credit approval' I told them I wanted nothing to do with them, I had no contract with them and they were to cancel any agreement they thought they might have, they refused and stated that Carole Nash would have to cancel it otherwise they would be taking money as stated. I got straight onto my bank and cancelled the direct debit they had set up and instructed the bank to ignore any further requests from them. I rang Carole Nash and gave them a rocket for not seeking my approval for this credit agreement and paid the full amount over the phone as this was the only way Carole Nash would agree to cancel the credit agreement. I did not receive an apology or a decent explanation as to why the agreement of 3 monthly instalments had been changed to the credit agreement.

Problem 2 occurred when I moved home, I knew I was moving when I took out the policy and explained this when I rang up to sort the credit agreement issue and was told it would not be a problem, simple phone call to change over and that would be that.  I rang this morning to change over the address and was told that my premium would go up by £115 and they would charge me £37.50 to change it over - What the F***!!!
I have moved to a nicer area, further out of London and all my other insurances - car, modern bike and home have all decreased or remained the same with no cost to change over.

The call taker was stroppy and rude through the call eventually putting me through to a 'Supervisor' (probably his mate at the next desk), who was exactly the same except he informed me that the area I have moved to is 2 insurance groups higher than where I was - to clarify I moved from Dagenham to Hornchurch (think Basra to Balmoral and you have the right comparison). When I stated that all my other insurances had decreased he couldn't offer any explanation other than 'that's what it says here'.

I then went off the phone and googled around classic bikes insurance and came up with Bike Sure who have quoted me £88 fully comp same address, same bike, same T&C. So that is £55 cheaper than Carole Nash's original quote and £170 cheaper than their revised premium for moving to my new address which they clearly think is downtown Baghdad.

Problem 3 occurred when I decided that I wasn't willing to pay their additional premium as it was clearly a complete rip off, so I called them back and told them I wanted to cancel. Bearing in mind I had paid the annual premium in full of £143 only a week or so earlier and had the insurance for a total of 23 days, the refund they are willing to give is a paltry £51 - yes £51 so that means I have paid £92 for 23 days insurance which is £4 more than Bike Sure want for the whole year at my new downtown Baghdad address.

The call taker explained that the charges were a combination of cancellation charge £37.50 part refund of the premium less 20% and an admin charge. There is no way in the world that Carole Nash can justify any of these charges except the 20% premium charge as that is made by the underwriters so this is blatantly a rip off by Carole Nash, money for nothing and poor service while doing nothing.

My advice - steer clear of Carole Nash at all costs and avoid them like the robbing toads they are, I will be telling all my biker and scootering friends about this experience so they don't get caught as well.

General / Re: What's in your garden.................
« on: 12 July 2012, 12:43:39 pm »
Cat shit and weeds


For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 factory exhaust and link pipe, as new
« on: 23 April 2012, 10:03:26 pm »
Didn't get to the PO over the weekend (too much house stuff to get through) did have a word with the post room at work and they reckon the exhaust would be at least £20 to post so probably not worth it.

Any takers for collection at £30?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 factory exhaust and link pipe, as new
« on: 18 April 2012, 07:58:19 pm »
I'll checkout postage costs at the PO at the weekend and come back to you  ;)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 factory exhaust and link pipe, as new
« on: 16 April 2012, 08:13:51 pm »
RM8 East London/Essex border, I reckon postage would be expensive.

For Sale & Wanted / Abba Superbike Stand and Front Lift both as new
« on: 16 April 2012, 08:12:09 pm »
Abba superbike stand with the standard kit and the adapter kit for GSXR750 (think it fits quite a few sports bikes but other adapter kits are available, Ducati etc)

This product is still made by Abba and apart from some cracking on the rubber handle this stand is unused and in as new condition.

The stand can be seen on Abba stands site here

It retails at £91.25 so I'll accept £50 with free delivery up to 5 miles from RM8 area or Buyer collects.

Adapter kits are available from Abba stands

The front lift can be seen here

It retails at £56 and is in as new condition so I'll acccept £25 same delivery/collection terms as above.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 factory exhaust and link pipe, as new
« on: 16 April 2012, 07:52:38 pm »
£30 Buyer collects...  8)

For Sale & Wanted / FZS600 factory exhaust and link pipe, as new
« on: 16 April 2012, 07:27:19 pm »
Having a clear out and found the original can and link pipe wrapped up in bubble wrap at the back of the shed. It was only on the bike for a week and then the race can went on.

It was sprayed with WD40 wrapped up and tucked away along with the original chain guard in the race can box which it's still in.

I've still got my Fazer with about a million miles on her and still user her daily, I doubt I'll ever need the original exhaust though and as I'm moving house I need to de-clutter.

Make me an offer...

There's also a scratched alternator cover which I replaced after a drop and the chain guard, which can go with the exhaust for free if you want them.

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