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Messages - apage16

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 30 October 2013, 12:25:04 am »

I'm not realising anything new here. They're crap and we all know it.

When I bought my bike, it got dark on the way home. As the sun disappeared over the horizon I went from having the most fun since I discovered girls, to abject terror at not being able to see ANYTHING! I calmly assumed something was wrong. Easy fix, I thought. But then I discovered FOC-U and the crushing reality that the headlights were designed that way. Maybe Japan is 100% energy efficient LED streetlit?

Anyway. I very quickly did the Headlight mod thanks to the forum and the improvement was vast. But considerably better than awful was still bad.

First thought was to modify the nearside reflector to take an H4 bulb so that I could have twin dip, twin main beams. But that plan relied very heavily on the reflector working with a different bulb setup. Not to mention the fact that the silver in the reflector, as is common, is flaking off. NOT very reflective! And I'm dead against anything that might cast light in a wayward fashion because I hate it when I'm dazzled by badly adjusted/wrongly fitted lights.

So I jumped on the Bay of E and ordered a set of these from China.

For £30 I was happy to take a punt.

So the lights arrived and the 'fun' began.

First off was the very unnatural feeling act of putting my headlight in the oven.

20 minutes at 80 degrees did the trick I think. Then a couple of flathead screwdrivers worked around the edge and the front was off.

Finally I got to have a closer look at the infamously troublesome left hand reflector. As expected, the reflective material was in a rubbish state. And you can see where the silver shroud has worn away the top and bottom of the bulb slot.

On the right hand H4 reflector, fitting was pretty straightforward. At first. The lamp fitted through the hole and an adapter plate fills the space where the H4 base would be. BUT the reflector interfered with the solenoid mechanism of the lamp. So out came the Dremel, a little earlier than expected.

Which gave the space to fit the projector in without interference.

Sadly the modification wasn't over. My assumption that "will work with any H1 bulb" meant I could use ANY H1 bulb (I din't want to go to HID just yet). Sadly I was wrong. The hole in the back of the unit was made for HID H1 bulbs. But a little filing to extend the slot northwards...

And the standard H1 Halogen bulb fitted like it grew there!

The other side, the H1 bulb reflector, neede a LOT more work. I had to Dremel out the whole H1 mounting surface to make a hole big enough to fit the projector into. (no pic unfortunately. Seems I neglected to photograph this stage. Must have been getting pissed off with the continuing cutting!). The hole ended up being much bigger than expected as the left hand reflector is much more shallow than the H4 one. So the projector actually touched the front of the headlight unit lens. Until I chopped away even MORE of the reflector. The kit also came with Chromed plastic shrouds which quite simply didn't fit into the cramped space. SO after a bit of chopping and shoe-horning (unsuccessfully) the shrouds found the bin.

Due to the size of the hole, I had to brace the fixing nut with a couple a of big rubber washers.

After all the cutting, I had to blow approximately a metric ton of dust out of the light before refitting the front lens, with the help of a heat gun.

With the light unit back together, now I had to get power into the bulbs.

On the left I used the existing H1 bulb connector so that I could keep the existing wiring. But the lugs had to go as there was no longer any room for them.

I also had to cut off the ends of the connectors so that the wiring was out of the way of the forks.

On the right hand side I piggy backed a positive feed from the left hand loom. Then I ran the main beam live into the projector solenoids (both linked). The negatives from both the solenoids and the right hand bulb ran back into the right hand lighting loom. (all the negatives lead to the same place anyway!) Sadly the right hand wiring interfered with the forks and looked pretty scruffy too. So I chopped off the original plug and replaced it with an AMP 3-way waterproof connector.

So thats the headlights improved. And what an improvement! I can see where I'm going. I think a large part of that is due to the Osram Nightbreaker Plus bulbs. They're quite fantastic. The only shortcoming is that my pass button (to flash the main beam) operates the solenoids only. So if the bulbs aren't already illuminated, I just get a click and no light. Not sure if this is an MOT issue. If so, I'll be getting the relays out...

The headlights re-fitted, with an extra bit of childish decoration. Though I've since removed the autobots decal. This bike is DEFINITELY a Deceptacon ;)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 screen wanted. Broken or scratched OK
« on: 29 October 2013, 10:31:26 pm »
That'll do. How much do you want for it? 

FZS600 Fazer / Re: headlight mod
« on: 29 October 2013, 07:11:54 pm »
I bought the projector lights and modified my existing headlight unit to accommodate them. There was no real effort for the H4 side. But the H1 side needed a lot of Chopping about! I'll explain it more in my project thread soon.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: headlight mod
« on: 29 October 2013, 11:44:49 am »
what do you mean by 'projector'?  is this different from the normal making the dip beam work on the right side light?

The projector lamp puts a lens in FRONT of the bulb so ALL of the light is controlled and focussed in the right place.

The standard and simple (cheap) set up is to have one that is dip beam and one that is main beam. But the ones that I have fitted have a shutter that cuts off half the beam to create dipped beam, and then a solenoid flips the shutter out of the way for full beam. So I now have twin dip AND twin main beam. And tbh, they're plenty good enough. I'm in no hurry to go the final step to HID as that would be more of a luxury with extra expense and a complete re-rewire of my headlights.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 29 October 2013, 10:44:39 am »
Today I exacted a short to mid term Gun-gum and stainless welding wire repair on the popped collector plate.




That should hold it!

Hopefully until it's too cold to ride so I can set about removing the downpipes and welding them up without worrying about having her laid up. Or until I can afford the obvious upgrade to stainless pipes!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: headlight mod
« on: 29 October 2013, 10:37:50 am »
Of course we can!

I fully intend to upgrade to HID at some point. But then I've just upgraded to twin projector headlamps up front. Even with the Osram nightbreaker Halogens in them, they make a HELL of a difference. I actually hit 70mph on a country road last week without needing to rely on using the force.

I'll be going for the warmest option a 4300K kit though. I want as little blue as possible!

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 screen wanted. Broken or scratched OK
« on: 29 October 2013, 10:13:17 am »
Really sorry to hear that Red. I hope everything is ok? 

No rush at all! Some things are more important!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Crash Bungs
« on: 28 October 2013, 11:10:56 pm »
I have just the smaller lower bars which you hardly notice, I think the issue with the bungs on fzs600 is where they fit to protect just provides a pressure point on the frame whereas the bars spread the load, and on our bikes the bungs have to be so large inorder to stickout further than the bits protected that they too look ugly. other bikes can get away with mushrooms or shorter bungs.

Like those bars Fazersharp. Who are they by/ where did you get them?


For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 screen wanted. Broken or scratched OK
« on: 28 October 2013, 03:56:19 pm »
Excellent! Look forward to seeing them!  :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 02:39:21 pm »
Great work!

Did you dilute and roller on the primer too?

General / Re: Question
« on: 28 October 2013, 02:22:48 pm »
OR just get your local luthier to do it for you.

Last time I had the action changed on my guitar it cost me £15. Nothing really compared to how much easier and more enjoyable it was to play afterwards.

For Sale & Wanted / FZS600 screen wanted. Broken or scratched OK
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:16:54 pm »
Hi Foccers one and all! 

Had anybody got a standard boxeye screen going spare?

I want to chop it up and then paint/cover it so scratched and/or cracked screens considered for cheap.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:02:22 pm »
That was my thinking too.

It's just Oxford silver screen trim (Nick Sharp will be pleased!)  It's holding itself on. I've got a bunch of Black coming from FleaBay for the fairing,  so I'll probably see which I prefer on the mudguard when it gets here.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: headlight mod
« on: 28 October 2013, 12:41:10 pm »
I've noticed, probably down to the dark nights drawing in, a real spate of bikes with HID bulbs in standard reflectors. Usually Gixxers and R1s down in that there London. Their headlights are nothing but a dazzling orb of brilliant white light. Probably great for them but I can't see sod all after they've gone the other way. So I'd definitely throw my hat in the ring and say that unless you upgrade to projector lenses too, steer clear of HID's.

It's great being able to see,  and there is the argument of being visible to the cagers, but it defeats the object if you're dazzling folks and causing them to veer blindly into your path! I'm being dramatic,  but being dazzled on a dark country lane when you're doing 60 isn't funny :'(

Not to mention the attention that  :bobby :stop are going to give you.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: headlight mod
« on: 28 October 2013, 11:28:27 am »
I don't think the Fazer headlights even WITH the dual lamp mod can touch anything!

I pulled over to check my phone to see where I was going the other night, and I'm pretty sure the backlight from the phone gave me an extra 20m visibility down the road over the headlights!  :rollin

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 11:25:40 am »
I like the mudguard with the silver edge

You do?

I was worried it gave the bike a little bit of a cruiser look. And I'm not really into cruisers! I like corners.  :car

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 11:09:52 am »
I personally liked it better before the carbonizing took effect but its your bike and your rules. You are certainly not lacking in enthusiasm though and its refreshing to see you doing so much work on it yourself as any fool can throw money at a bike and have someone else make it look all spangly.  I still don't think you can beat a nice deep paint finish though  :\

To be entirely honest, I was hoping originally to re-paint the Toxic Red Cocktail bits as I liked the red. But it turns out it needed 4 different stages to get it right. Primer, base coat, top coat and the lacquer. Too much for my funds, equipment and ability. Next idea was to paint the red bits Gunmetal grey, but again in my dusty garage in the winter the results would be patchy at best! (excuse the pun).

The beauty of the carbon is that it's not permanent. So when the weather turns again, or a paint shop opportunity arises, I can peel it off and go for a nice deep paint finish!  ;)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: headlight mod
« on: 28 October 2013, 11:01:14 am »
Linky below

The Philips beat the Osrams again for best bulb. Just a heads up fella.

Really? I've got Osrams in at the moment and they're fantastic. Guess I'll be giving the Philips a go when they inevitably burn out!

General / Re: Got any other hobbies?
« on: 28 October 2013, 09:37:55 am »
I'm a musician. Play guitar and sing. Songs by others, songs of my own.

You'll regularly find me  entertaining folks in pubs around the Huntingdon area.

I even got played on Absolute Radio last year. Which was nice!  :D

And my own shizz:

All criticism gladly ignored.    :b

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:36:45 am »
Heres the 'finished' article (because it's never finished)

Those of you with keen eyes will notice something different about the headlights. I performed the headlight mod ages ago, but wasn't happy. So while I had the fairing off, I went a few steps further. More details about that later (In case you were wondering, they are Halogen bulbs)

Also, while the fairing was off, I thought to myself "Hey, that looks pretty cool. I wonder?.... Streetfighter for summer?"

And so began a side project that I'll share with you even later still...

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:34:25 am »
Again, thanks. Always good to get the finer details.

You have any pics of your £20 paint job?

FZS600 / Re: Fazer Headlight Mod for mark 1 FZS600
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:32:55 am »
I've done this mod.

And I removed the silver shroud over the dipped beam (nearside) H1 bulb.

No problems at MOT.

Also, the fusebox holds a 20A fuse for the headlight.

Watts = Volts x Amps


12 volts x 20 Amps = 240 Watts max for the headlight wiring before the fuse blows.

So half that for safety and you can still run 2 H4 bulbs through the standard loom without any issues. 60W main beam x 2 = 120W to be clear! (Though it would actually be H1 @ 55W and H4 @ 60W so 115W)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Green fazer -with mods
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:24:57 am »
Thanks for the confirmation. I feel galvanised at being right about the colour, while a bit of a let down for finding the wrong bike!  :'(

FZS600 Fazer / Re: FZS600 Project. Carbonating a Fazer...
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:23:19 am »
Try this method of painting with Rustoleum it's as cheap as chips, no over spray and no mess:

I have done two of my race bikes this way, so each one cost me £20 to paint all the bodywork!

Great tip! I have a 'spare' fairing that will need painting when I've finished modding it. I think I might give this a go! That way, I can do it in the warm of the kitchen!


Introduction / Re: Fazer Noob from the flatlands of Cambridge.
« on: 28 October 2013, 01:15:42 am »
Hi guys!

Any tips for a few roads around here that aren't just long straights with right angles at the end of them? Gotta hate those fenland irrigation dykes!

Risticuss, I used to spend too much time up in Peterborough. Until both Infinity AND Hein Gericke disappeared, that is.  :'(

Still, had a nice time salivating over the machines in Wheels (formerly Taz) a couple of weeks ago! (when I bought the silver trim now adorning my carbon front mudguard!)

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