Date: 17-06-24  Time: 14:46 pm

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Messages - purplebear7

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: where can i get one of these
« on: 24 April 2012, 08:06:07 am »
 :)   I have one for sale.
It's Brand New as in :  Still in Box and Never Fitted (I sold the bike)
Part Number on the box reads :   Hardware Kit.  DIGI 03003002     (Full product details on Google ;o)
I intend to put it up for grabs on eBay in June (my next ride to UK)  but you can have it now if you wish.
PM me with your very best offer .. and I'll consider the posibility of a deal .. and post it from Spain.
Stay Safe  ;)    Polar Bear.

For Sale & Wanted / Any Info ON ...
« on: 21 April 2012, 09:35:26 am »
Any Info on .... Airhawk Seat Pads?
I'm looking at buying an Airhawk seat pad .. the large cruiser type might be my best bet for the 'Spanish Dancer' .. it would be for use on my long haul runs.
They are sold new for crazy money .. but I'm thinking maybe someone has one lurking in their shed  :rolleyes .
I'm also interested in reports on these things in action .. are they as good as the dealers recon ?
I'm not interested in Gel Pads .. they don't work too well in the 40c summer months down here.
Your comments please Gents  :) Cheers.
Travel Happy  ;) Polar Bear.  (Spain)

General / Re: Hein Gerike - A store in decline?
« on: 19 April 2012, 07:41:56 am »
Just for interest .. maybe ?
The best advert I have for HG kit is this shot of me on a ten day wintertime Husky Safari way up in northern Lapland .. temperatures around minus 27c most of the time .. and I stayed as snug as toast  :)
The suit is now (about) ten years old and still doing what it said on the original tin .. very good gear.  :b
(My dogs seemed to like reading the MCN too)
Stay Safe Guys .. buy the best you can afford and keep warm and dry  ;)   
Trev.   The Polar Bear

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Annual Fazer 1000 meet Sun 15 April 2012
« on: 18 April 2012, 02:39:13 pm »
You can run Short Arse .. but you can't hide!  (as I'm sure you will recall  :) )
So .. tell me .. what's going on in your world mate these days .. any signs of a job of anything yet?
Safe as ever Kiddo  ;)   Polar Bear

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Annual Fazer 1000 meet Sun 15 April 2012
« on: 18 April 2012, 11:29:57 am »
Hello Ad..
I'm thinking you'll have to marry both of us mate .. truth is I'm getting fatter by the fortnight and Lord Jon sure as hell is gonna be wrinkly all over in the not too distant future .. what on earth will he do with all that extra skin  :eek
Interestingly .. I have a friend staying on site here right now (yes I do have a friend  :\ )   Roy is an East End Boy Biker, born and drugged up in Dagenham and currently hiding out in Chelmsford, Essex .. most definitely a 'Darn Sarff' guy.
We are just about able to have a slightly 'warm' conversation about most topics .. because although we are both always right .. we can talk more or less in the same back street language.  However .. I'm very aware that both of us are quite cautious about over stepping the line.
With blokes from up north (Jon is in Rugby and I'm a Brummy) we can bounce all kinds of stuff off each other without much (if any) fear of going to far .. if it should ever get even slightly out of hand .. one of us (if not both) will have the brains to walk away and (most importantly) come back tomorrow  :lol
Anyway .. I'm pleased that we are able to keep you amused .. and I know that Jon will agree .. when I say that having a laugh is the most important thing in the day!  :lol   Any doubts about that one .. ask little Short Arsed Justy  :b
Safe as always people  ;) .. Trev

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Annual Fazer 1000 meet Sun 15 April 2012
« on: 17 April 2012, 07:50:21 am »
OK Jon .. 10/4 on that .. I'll keep one good eye open  :z later in the year. 
By the way .. and just for the record .. I don't really think you are a big fat lump .. it's more like a having an adult moose in a very small room .. only without the adult bit  :lol
Stay Safe Buddy  ;)   Trev

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Annual Fazer 1000 meet Sun 15 April 2012
« on: 16 April 2012, 07:47:01 pm »
Now Now Then Lord Jon .. don't you go picking on me ... I'm an OAP don't you know  :\ !
Of course there are always going to be the genuine reasons for not doing things and stuff like work, family commitments and money are always going to rule over buggering off up the road for a day  :rolleyes  I think it would be much 'wiser' for the guys who know in advance they are not going to attend to keep quiet from day one.
In my case I do miss it these days .. I organised the first ever meet.  For me it's a money problem .. so I never say I'll be there now. The round trip from our little hutch on the Costa Blanca costs around £1.000 all in these days. 
So as much as I love you (you big fat lump) I'm not gonna be there, OK.
I do the round trip (at least once every year) to visit family and friends in both England and Scotland .. this has involved doing ten hour (pit stops only) overnight rides up and down the full length of Spain .. in winter, ice and snow on the mountains as well as during the monsoon rain season.
It's a hard ride (at my age I have to grit my gums and hang on in there  :\ ) but if it has to be done I'll do it .. even more so now the rig is over three years old because the Bike has to have a UK MOT every June. I'm still English to the core me  8)  and so is my bike.
As you will recall .. I'm sure I often pop in to see old friends as I'm passing if things are going according to my Plan-A  :D
Grizzly Hugs and Extra Stuffing XX   Stay Safe  ;)   Trev

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Annual Fazer 1000 meet Sun 15 April 2012
« on: 16 April 2012, 05:15:53 pm »
Well Ad .. I don't think YOU need to apologise to me for that complete Dogs Breakfast of a line-up. At least you had the balls to post the pictures  :)
I think it was more a case of nobody really trying very hard these days .. not much interest in the meet to start with, no fun mars bar awards for the best efforts, very poor turn out, lots of the usual last minute pathetic excuses for failing to get out of bed and making it happen and a fair indication of the general state of play in the UK today.  The current financial climate and the cold weather also didn't help much I spozz.
As they say .. some you lose .. and some you lose again.  :\
Just for info .. The only reason I ever managed to get a good Photo Shoot Line Up was because I am a former military bod .. I was a real nasty bastard for 15 years and more in the Navy and I've got a 'one voice' gob like a bucket.  Also being a Pro Diving Instructor for over 25 years .. I am used to various kinds of 'public speaking' and getting things done .. right, once, first time. Simples.  8)
Still .. as I no longer run a Fab Fazer Gen 1 and I don't even live in the UK right now .. who the hell am I to be calling any tunes  :\
Well done to those of you who did turn out .. as hard and as cold as it may have been .. you will I hope be feeling proud that at least you had a go  :lol  As ever there were one or two really lovely bikes to drool and dribble over too.
Stay Safe Y'all  ;)   Trev     (The Polar Bear Spain)

General / Re: Do you recon that ..
« on: 13 April 2012, 06:44:32 pm »
OK Gringo ... I'll give it a go ..
2001 ..   Reg : Y917 ***.   'Minter' in Go Faster Purple Blue.  Sold to Dealers in Redditch. Worcestershire.
2003 ..   Reg : VU03 ***   Silver  .. Re-fitted with new body parts after paint job. Sold to Dealer in Basigstoke area.
2005 ..   Reg : OU55 ***   Dark Grey. Sold to guy on here in Benisa Spain .. then probally returned to UK for sale.
If anyone recognises these Reg Numbers .. please PM or Email me and let me know how the bike is doing these days.
Cheers.    Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear

General / Do you recon that ..
« on: 13 April 2012, 02:59:32 pm »
If I posted the .. just the top line of the registration numbers of my three (mint) Gen 1s and requested that the current owners contacted me I might discover where they are now? 
It's a good bet that at least one of you guys (if not three) in here will have one of them  :b
No special reason .. just wondering where they are now .. as you do  :\ .
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear

General / Re: Selling jewellery.
« on: 13 April 2012, 11:43:48 am »
In my recent experience ..
The Gold Buyers and The Jewelers are not much interested about items being a 'Nice' ring or a 'Good Quality' chain, etc .. they buy things by weight .. price per gram  :\ .
Items with gem stones, diamonds etc .. should fetch more of course .. but right now it's a buyers world. 
Don't be too surprised if they offer you peanuts or less for things that originally must have cost hundreds.   Of course it's a different story when they come to sell things  :rolleyes
Shop around.. it really is worth it!  ;)
Stay Safe.  Polar Bear

General / Re: its really quiet on here
« on: 11 April 2012, 01:41:09 pm »
   Just for info ... if you guys think this site is ever even close to quiet .. you need to think again.
I'm an 'active member' in a few other Bike Groups including one Honda (specific bike model) Group.
We have had 4 posts .. so far .. this year  :z 
Last year we had nine .. six of those were spam.
Count your blessings in here I recon  8)
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear.

General / Serious Daft Question Time
« on: 07 April 2012, 08:06:08 am »
Hi Guys,     
OK ... it's Daft Question Time again .. only this time I'm serious  :)

My mate Mr Google has a trucking load of info on this topic .. but I still can't get an answer .. and it's starting to bug me just a bit. I am NOT into astronomy, the NASA fan club or Virgin space flight .. I'm a Pro Diver, Trucker .. retired  :lol

The International Space Station (ISS) is visible from Earth as it orbits the planet. (but they don't wave back)

I have ben able to work out the flight path direction and angle of altitude and visually 'tracked' it .. for six minutes .. as it passed over the Costa Blanca area of southern Spain .. one dark night. That's a very long 'exposure' time .. most nights you will only get one or two minutes .. according to the predicted tables and your location.   

It looks like a very bright star travelling at very high speed across the sky .. bit like a large aircraft .. or UFO  :eek . The flight path changes so we can not see it every night, even when there are no clouds.   

It's average speed is said to be 17.500 mph, or thereabouts and it's altitude is around 240 miles above sea level (I think there may be some slight 'wobble' variations with all these figures, but not a lot ?)

The distance around the equator is .. lets say .. 30.000 miles. So the total distance of the ISS orbit loop must therefore be much further than that!

They recon the ISS does a full lap once every 90 minutes .. as you see these 'sums' don't add up .. so my question is:  HOW can that be?

I look forward to your thoughts and calculations. Cheers  ;)      As always .. Stay Safe.   Polar Bear.

Change To:

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Got the bike out the shed
« on: 31 March 2012, 06:03:18 am »
Jacko .. it's a good idea to rig up a quick and simple 'reminder' when you do such things ..
Like a length of brightly coloured line from the centre stand up to the bars.  Same idea as used with disc locks .. to stop you (or anyone else !!  :eek .. from trying to ride away with the lock on .. and dropping it !!
People will see the line (just as you should) and then visually follow it down to the lock .. simples  :lol
Dealers sell a curly 'phone wire' type thing .. just for this job .. but that's a bit of a daft waste of money in my opinion .. fact is any length of line will do just as well  :rolleyes  The line may also come in handy for a thousand other jobs .. when you might need a bit of string  :b
Your Move ... or then again .. maybe not  :z
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear.

General / Re: **** Photo comp - VOTE ****
« on: 30 March 2012, 03:11:03 pm »
Well Said Mate ..
You are the guy that's running it .. it's free, it's fun and (in my opinion) it is a nice little addition to the Biking side of a very good group.
Of course it all has to be done within your commitment range .. otherwise it would not get done for long.
Keep up the very good work .. cheers.
Stay Safe  ;)   Polar Bear (Spin)

Introduction / Re: Newbie, from Portsmouth!
« on: 28 March 2012, 08:03:48 am »
Hi There Destructo,
The Screen mod is quite good I think  8) .. and as you say 'function over fashion'.
It might be less of a 'bodge' looking if you painted those two big extra bolts and washers black .. to make them less conspicuous on the tinted screen  :eek ?
Not sure if I can welcome people in these days .. I don't have a Gen 1 anymore .. but Welcome anyway  :D
Stay Safe  ;)   Polar Bear.    Spain

General / Re: **** Photo comp - VOTE ****
« on: 28 March 2012, 07:36:29 am »
Just popped my vote in the box .. good luck everyone  :)
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear

General / Re: Photography competition - March
« on: 26 March 2012, 12:07:40 pm »
I do miss the old Woolworth's Windows.
It's not the winning it's the taking part but I did win once and I too would like a 'Flashy Thing'..please!
Stay safe
Polar Bear

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Bloody oil filter
« on: 23 March 2012, 12:26:55 pm »
I have the Honda Oil Filter Wrench ... it fits all sorts .. including the Gen 1  :D
Honda Part Number is 07HAA-PJ70100  .. been in use for about ten years now .. never failed yet.
It can be seen 'in use' on Pats Page  8)  and I think that says it all.
Stay Safe  ;)    Trev .. Polar Bear in Spain

General / Re: Photography competition - March
« on: 21 March 2012, 09:43:25 am »
 :)    Big Mac ...
I follow your train of thought .. however I'm not so sure that this photo comp angle is what the guys are looking for here .. we shall see.
Nice to have two bikes almost the same .. but tell me .. do you also have two number plates ... or just the one .. with velcro  :rolleyes
Stay Safe  ;)    Polar Bear.

General / Re: Curiosity of national proportions
« on: 18 March 2012, 09:11:01 am »
I'm from Birmingham  :)  and very proud of it.
However .. I've never really been quite sure what nationality that is .. but at least it's North of Watford  :lol   
Oh Well.
Polar Bear (Spain)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: rad fan
« on: 13 March 2012, 09:54:49 pm »
No need for a cut off switch ..
I'm a bit out of date on Gen 1s by several years .. but I seem to recall that the 'cold' fan will stop once you put the bike into gear.  It will then stay off until the engine is up to temp and it needs cooling.
No doubt someone will put me straight if I'm wrong  :rolleyes
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear

General / Re: suddenly all gone hard ! bike porn !!!!!
« on: 05 March 2012, 09:11:03 am »
It sure is a very tidy looking bike .. just for info ..
I can't recall the numbers now .. but the 500cc had one more cooling fin on the cylider than the 350cc.
Note .. Looks like this one has the 'wrong' carb fitted .. maybe a modern Jap Carb?  The original bikes had an Amal Carb and the downdraft air intake bell was enoumous .. we used to carry a soft rubber ball to 'bung up' the intake when the bike was parked up  :eek .
Just for fun .. we also put a teasoon of castor oil (from the Chemists shop) in every tankful of petrol .. fantastic smell from the exhaust .. just like the £$€ Castrol Race Oil  :rolleyes
Happy Days  ;)  Stay Safe.   Polar Bear.

General / Re: Mobile phones
« on: 04 March 2012, 06:29:40 pm »
 :)  Just for info ... I've got a really good mobile phone me .. it's an Ericsson T39m.
It's about 12 years old and it has a short stubby Ariel and Flip Up Lid   8)
I'm on a Orange Pay As I Go deal and my last bill was 11p (eleven pence) three months ago  :D
They don't come much better than that  :thumbup
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear.

General / Re: suddenly all gone hard ! bike porn !!!!!
« on: 01 March 2012, 06:28:29 pm »
 :)   I had one of those in 1957 / 8 ..
Top of the Range was to get all the Eddy Dow (of Banbury) go faster and bling bits .. a dream bike .. and still a dream today  :b
Stay Safe  ;)  Polar Bear.

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