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Messages - Neo

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 21 January 2016, 03:25:32 pm »
Great! I'll check the linkage for signs of rubbing and also top up the oil again thanks for all your help so friendly here

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 10:27:43 pm »

Keep the oil level right at the top line.  The oil light comes on if the level falls below half way, particularly if you accelerate hard when the oil level is down there.
thanks for the advice 

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 06:43:41 pm »
There is something i was thinking about when you said the gear lever had been changed. What might be worth checking is the linkage rod that goes through the frame. If it is incorrectly adjusted the rod may be touching the frame when the lever is fully extended and therefore not allowing the gear to be fully selected.
good idea ill look into that, just glad it rode ok today, do you all fill the oil between the lines on the sight glass? my site glass was full so i emptied out a little out the drain plug it was literally only at the top of the site glass

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 05:43:43 pm »

went to bognor eh? i'm just outside portsmouth, maybe a southern meet and ride might happen?
sounds like a plan man :-)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: thinking of selling
« on: 20 January 2016, 03:48:15 pm »
Another typo!! Lovely I meant

For Sale & Wanted / Re: thinking of selling
« on: 20 January 2016, 03:47:22 pm »
Looks a lonely bike low miles to you wont have a problem shifting that I shouldn't think

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 03:03:37 pm »
Carl salter has various manuals you can download

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 03:03:05 pm »
Ps good luck with the fork seals ha e you a workshop manual?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 03:02:15 pm »
Cheers Tom I could have popped in earlier I just went to Bognor on the "shake down" run with me trainers on as mentioned, yours looks nice mate my number is 07414140141 if you want to meet up for a ride out?? Did you get yours locally? People on here say there faster in blue

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 02:45:52 pm »

UPDATE ... Just been out for an hour with trainers on eeek... But I could feel the heat change better  and all gears now work fine (embarrassed) not sure why it did it yesterday... Must be boots in a certain position insipid I did fettle with the chain and linkages and whilst sometimes the gear lever seems stiff coming back down through the box it's bearable so looks like it was operator error in this case which is good as I love the bike it's brill around town easy to go to 20 in top then pull away and nice and balanced plenty of poke God knows why you'd want more !! I'll keep you all posted with progression but all seems well so thanks for all your advice on here you all top people
edit.. Gear changer not heat changer .... Apple typo grrrr

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 02:18:20 pm »
UPDATE ... Just been out for an hour with trainers on eeek... But I could feel the heat change better  and all gears now work fine (embarrassed) not sure why it did it yesterday... Must be boots in a certain position insipid I did fettle with the chain and linkages and whilst sometimes the gear lever seems stiff coming back down through the box it's bearable so looks like it was operator error in this case which is good as I love the bike it's brill around town easy to go to 20 in top then pull away and nice and balanced plenty of poke God knows why you'd want more !! I'll keep you all posted with progression but all seems well so thanks for all your advice on here you all top people

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 09:50:37 am »

Might be worth trying to select the gears by hand with the bike on the centre stand and turning the back wheel by hand, with the engine stopped of course.
When I say turning the back wheel I only mean rocking it backward and forward to move the gears so they can engage when you get full pedal movement, not trying to turn the engine.
If third engages engages every time that way then you might need to adjust the gear lever position to suit your own foot position. It's a long shot but if the seller is telling the truth it might sort it for you.
I have found just wearing some different boots can affect how the gear change feels.
Worth a try and if it still fails to engage gear you can demonstrate it to the seller.
agreed I tried this yesterday and it goes in absolutely fine will try today with flip flops briefly so I get full feel I really think the seller is genuine hence the doubt in myself I hope it's me as I  LOVE the bike

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 20 January 2016, 06:59:21 am »
Was it a private sale or from a business..? Im currently googling consumer rights and private sales.  I am fairly certain that because the fault is serious enough that it could have potentially killed you,  that you unequivocally entitled to a full refund and the police need to be made aware.

Another thing that springs to mind is the bike is not fit for purpose, due to a faulty gearbox. Also quoting the Consumer act -

"The vehicle must match the seller’s description, be roadworthy"

Clearly it dosen't, as the seller never mentioned the gearbox issue and as your not a trained mechanic you cannot be expected to spot such a serious fault, even less so as it dosen't happen all the time. So more info that seem relevant -


Hi it was a private sale, the bloke seemed so genuine, when I questioned him yesterday in a text message he said he had never noticed it and he said it could be where he changed the levers to pazzo recently, I said it's not that or clutch related as all other gears and clutch bite is fine, I'll re try the bike later although I doubt it will have self healed over night, then I'll re contact the seller if there is definitely an issue and see where to go from there.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 19 January 2016, 10:36:37 pm »
  • I didn't do a deal with this man I bought the bike it was the one on here for sale by wooderson in the for sale section stupidly I didn't ride it before I forked over the money
  • but will ride it again tomorrow just to be sure and check chain line and adjustment although I did look briefly today and it looked fine to me
  • When a fault as serious as this presents itself, the fault falls squarely on the seller.
  • I would recommend that you don't, if something in the gearbox comes loose then locks up while your riding etc. Contact the police and get a reference number, then recover the bike back to where it was bought from (bring a mate to act as a witness) and get your cash back.
Thanks for your help

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 19 January 2016, 10:34:38 pm »
I didn't do a deal with this man I bought the bike it was the one on here for sale by wooderson in the for sale section stupidly I didn't ride it before I forked over the money but will ride it again tomorrow just to be sure and check chain line and adjustment although I did look briefly today and it looked fine to me
As in I didn't swap a bike I just bought it :'(

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 19 January 2016, 10:13:09 pm »
I didn't do a deal with this man I bought the bike it was the one on here for sale by wooderson in the for sale section stupidly I didn't ride it before I forked over the money but will ride it again tomorrow just to be sure and check chain line and adjustment although I did look briefly today and it looked fine to me

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fazer selector issues
« on: 19 January 2016, 09:51:03 pm »

If it was just a case of not going into gear smooth like from neutral to 2nd then that can happen due to poorly adjusted chain, worn gear lever. Or it could be as it was in my case the clutch basket was worn enough so that the friction plates weren't releasing and causing drag.

But the fact its happening from 2 to 3rd and that fact that its not selecting a gear at all means, could possibly you have either bent or very worn selector fork, or a very worn selector drum. and both of those are an engine split to fix. If its a broken return spring, I think Ive read there are outside the main crackcase and can be replaced easily enough. But who ever sold you the bike was CLEARLY fucking aware of the fault prior to selling it to you. I know this, because this has also happened to me.

Take the bike back to where ever or who ever you bought it from and demand in no uncertain terms a full refund, if they give you any lip state you will then include all costs incurred to date (travel to collect the bike, etc etc) to the refund price.
I was hoping it's not that serious but reading other issues on here it certainly looks like it may be this il will have a fettle tomorrow and try it again but can't see it just going away there's defiantly an issue there despite previous owner denying any issue will keep you all posted ... Thanks so far

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / New fazer selector issues
« on: 19 January 2016, 07:14:54 pm »
Hi all ok so today was my maiden voyage on the fazer after collecting at the weekend, all was well it is a lovely bike with only one issue I just hope it's not a biggy. Shifting from second to third doesn't happen a lot, by this I mean the gear lever is freely working so into first no problem back to neutral no problem into second no problem out of second gear lever returns to neutral position ready for third... Raise gear lever... Nothing.... Gear lever returns back to neutral... Try third again..... Nothing (gear lever makes the travel) but no click just smooth like nothing there.. After a few more try's eventually third is found and this is how it goes on.... But the rest of the gears seem fine the problem seems from second to third only ridden it about an hour and pleased with everything else in fact more than pleased but this is tainting my overall first impression. I have read about main selector springs failing but hope it's a) nothing serious and b) not to costly, I am good with the spanners but not keen to start removing the engine and stripping gearboxes, but gutted really but don't think its cable adjustment  adjustment it's done 36k

Any help would be great thanks in advance

Introduction / Re: Hi all
« on: 17 January 2016, 09:37:15 am »
Hi neo, welcome to the bike at the moment  ?....which bit of the south coast   ?
Hi red sorry forgot to mention where I was from :-[, Chichester mate

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fzs1000 Wanted
« on: 17 January 2016, 09:32:14 am »
Hi, I'm looking to purchase a fazer 1000 I live on the south coast but could travel for the right bike

In terms of budget id like to spend around £2000 but that could stretch to £3000 for an immaculate bike with luggage
Devilsyam fazer looks well loved mate good luck if you go for it keep me posted,  I wonder where he hails from? Good bloke to get to know I should imagine :D

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fzs1000 Wanted
« on: 17 January 2016, 09:19:46 am »
Good to hear was it the bike from Surrey?
Yes mate the one for sale on here then he also advertised it on eBay

Introduction / Re: Hi All, New member looking to get a Gen 1 Thou
« on: 16 January 2016, 11:10:59 pm »
Bit newer than mine then, hope you enjoy, I know I am. Have to go for a blast at some point
Yes mate for sure looking forward to riding it.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Fzs1000 Wanted
« on: 16 January 2016, 10:44:28 pm »
Good luck with the hunt Marc another one on the south coast! Tom on here is from Bognor and I'm from chi, I got mine today mate

Introduction / Re: Hi All, New member looking to get a Gen 1 Thou
« on: 16 January 2016, 10:39:47 pm »
Sunny old boggy-nor mate so not far at all
Blimey I'd say not me old mucker picked mine up today :) mines silver to 54 plate

Introduction / Re: Hi All, New member looking to get a Gen 1 Thou
« on: 15 January 2016, 11:16:32 pm »
Where abouts in West Sussex are you Tom? I'm in chi get my thou tomorrow

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