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Messages - Phil

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General / Re: 8 nations,
« on: 30 October 2015, 01:38:58 pm »
New Zealand, South Africa and Australia have the super 15 competition where the 5 top regions from each country play in a championship. So their top players play against higher quality competition more, which raises their standards. Maybe.

Super 15 runs from the end of Feb to July/early August.
The next level of competition in NZ runs from the end of July/early August to late October, so no clashes with players for the super 15 competition.

NZ rugby structure here

Is certainly a different way of doing things. 

General / Re: 8 nations,
« on: 28 October 2015, 08:29:38 pm »
There is already the European Nations Cup.   

The European Nations Cup, or ENC – sometimes referred to as the Six Nations B – is the European Championship for tier 2 and tier 3 rugby union nations.

To develop the Northern Hemisphere rugby scene, I read somewhere that the top ENC team should have a promotion/relegation playoff with the worst 6 Nations team. If a country from the ENC, eg Romania is good enough, they will then play in the 6 Nations.

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Re: Fazer 8 mpg and range
« on: 24 September 2015, 09:53:35 pm »
  My daily one way use is 30 m/way miles at 90 mph then 10 -15 miles dodging round London.

You only use it one way?

I usually get 52mpg but I don't do motorways at 90mph or dodging traffic commuting.

General / Re: tax direct debit
« on: 26 August 2015, 11:42:02 am »
Confirmation of direct debit? I renewed mine online but cant remember anything about setting up a direct debit. I'm wondering if there was a box to set one up they had ticked on my behalf which should have been unticked, or something like that. I've just checked my direct debits/STO and nothing there.

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Re: Fitted a New style Powerbronze bellypan
« on: 14 August 2015, 06:30:25 pm »
I quite like it, although it serves no practical purpose.

That exhaust must be loud if you have to stuff a towel in it.

General / Re: Centre stands....for better or worse.
« on: 13 August 2015, 11:20:25 am »
Lucky he didn't demolish the house dropping that heavy bike on it.

Have you read the comments at the bottom of that video? It also links to another video, allegedly showing the driver of that recovery truck chasing another biker, on his KTM this time, for ages so he can have a word about his riding style.  The truck driver is also a motorcyclist???

General / Re: The French causing probelms again.
« on: 28 July 2015, 09:22:39 am »
People do complain to their MPs and MEPs but nothing happens because you are immediately  classed as a racist or fascist  when the subject of  any kind of immigration control is mentioned.

Have you or anyone written to your MP/MEP and got that sort of response? If so please feel free to name and shame and do something about it.

This is what our current PM said recently. 

General / Re: The French causing probelms again.
« on: 27 July 2015, 06:51:35 pm »
So tell me!!! have probably paid a lot of money to get here, so they must have had a job to earn money to get here. If they have a job why are they leaving??
I am sorry but we have enough of our own young people who have no work and are having to live with parents etc!! more people landing on our shores we do not need.
Call me a Nazi if you like I am only saying what a lot of people are thinking. Let them in if you like but you are only stoking the fire and there will be a day of reckoning.

I wasn't saying we should let them in. Legally they have no right to be here. They need deporting back to where they came from (from the camps in France) if they are economic migrants and the trade in people smuggling stopped.
If a lot of people are thinking the way you are they should write to their MP/MEPs so the laws can be changed or the EU/UN as a whole to enforce the current laws. 

General / Re: suzuka 8 hour
« on: 27 July 2015, 10:29:06 am »
It was shown on Eurosport live for the first time. I forget to set the recorder on the TV but happened to wake up at 4.30 and remembered. I actually watched the rest live. A great result for the new bike, proved very reliable. Every time they built up a lead there was an incident and the safety car came out. I think that happened 6 times. Luckily the last time that happened 20 minutes to go the FCC Honda team were behind the 2nd safety car so were kept 1 min 10 back. If not that could have been an interesting last 10 minutes race through slower riders in the dark.
They could have won by a bigger margin.
Shows what you can do with a good bike plus a couple of MotoGP ringers in the team  :) They took to the bike well, likening it more to their M1 than a road bike.

Happy 60th Anniversary Yamaha.


General / Re: New XSR 700 do you like it?
« on: 27 July 2015, 10:11:17 am »
I like the look of that more than the MT07.

General / Re: The French causing probelms again.
« on: 27 July 2015, 10:00:37 am »

Well you do sound as though you're proposing some kind of Nazi-style eugenics programme.

That's what I was thinking of a few posts in this thread.

Slag off the UK etc all you want but at least we do have some form of border control so we can at least stop some these scum bags coming in.
Just have a look at them trying to board lorries , How many are families , all I seem to see are young men. Were are there woman and children all fecking left behind to fend for themselves.
I note VNA is not asking or insisting they take them up to Scotland, Ideal really put them on the islands Tyree would be ideal, not even a fecking tree can survive on there.
One of the first things they should do is if we have to take them, medical inspection, free family planning included, snip & clip.
Am I going a bit far here???

A lot of countries workers do it this way. The men work, the women mind the home. If there is no local work they travel either within the same country or abroad and send money home. I did a bike tour in Morocco. There seemed a lot of men hanging around which gave the place a slightly uncomfortable feel. A South African couple on the tour explained they just didn't have a job that day, so appear lazy and just hang around. Their wives do all the home and growing veg in their gardens/allotments etc. That's how it works throughout Africa.

I've worked for a company with a lot of Indian workers. I couldn't believe the number of colleagues in Pune India who come from other parts of India and have family 24 hours train journey a way. Some worked in the UK for a year without going home once.

I don't think they are necessary scumbags, just desperate. To get into Europe they have probably paid people smugglers a lot of money after being sold the good life story for them just to be dumped in a boat. The smugglers and the corruption in those countries needs tackling otherwise we will get a steady stream of immigrants.   

General / Re: analys of the crash any ideas?
« on: 22 July 2015, 06:02:17 pm »
Bloody hell! :eek

General / Re: Croatia
« on: 17 July 2015, 07:19:19 pm »
Accommodation for 8? Try here, easy to squeeze a few more tents in :lol

Cant help with hotels, but if you can, see some of Slovenia as well if you have time.,13533.msg152642.html#msg152642 

General / Re: BSB Brands Hatch, £50K up for grabs
« on: 14 July 2015, 12:56:59 pm »
Someone on the cusp of getting in the top 6 showdown might go for it if they got a top 3 lap time from race 1. If they reckon they would finish 5th in a normal situation, they would get 11 points. If they reckon they can get up to 8th starting from the back, they would get 16 points.

General / Re: BSB Brands Hatch, £50K up for grabs
« on: 14 July 2015, 12:48:00 pm »
At the first meeting Ellison won the first race but due to a duff battery which needed changing at the last minute he had to start from the back of the grid in the second race. He finished 12th. The depth of the field is a lot bigger than 2000 when we had Ducati 1000cc v 750 4s.
I cant see any of the top 4 runners going for it.

General / Re: The Jock vote
« on: 05 July 2015, 10:59:54 am »

Ooooo don't you just love the Daily Mail.

Referendum?  Not sure we will need one.

It looks like the SNP will do the impossible twice - that is hold a majority in a coalition parliament - come 2016.  You have to understand that the Scottish parliament was designed by the English so that the SNP could never hold a majority and that there could never ever be a referendum on Scottish Independence.  But it looks like not only will the SNP do the impossible twice but they will in all probability increase their majority.  Though of course 10 months is a very long time in politics. 

But if the SNP do perform as currently expected, and with 56 SNP seats out of 59 in the English parliament, well I would argue that come the summer of 2016 we won't need a referendum.  It's a simple mater of declaring Scotland Independent. 
 The SNP would have the mandate to do so.  Just a thought.

In the referendum, most voters didn't want an independent Scotland.
Before the last election, if I remember correctly, a new referendum wasn't in their manifesto.
Yet some people think that 56 SNP seats now means most people want an independent Scotland. It doesn't.

But in order to sustain that momentum to polling day, Sturgeon needs to reassure nervous former ‘no’ voters who are considering voting SNP in order to exert the sort of left-wing pressure on Labour that Sturgeon promises. So today on Marr, she insisted that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence, that the circumstances would have to change significantly before another referendum came up.

General / Re: fazer down
« on: 16 June 2015, 08:55:45 pm »
35 years is good going and this wasn't your fault. Hopefully not too much damage.

  Surprised she was taking photo's.

Probably to remind her of what a motorcycle looks like later on.

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Re: Comfort Seat / Luggage / Touring
« on: 08 June 2015, 08:23:47 pm »
I had a gel pad put into the seat then later added another on top. This one and makes it more comfy

I added a rack and topbox (the Yamaha one) and its very handy, despite looking a bit naff.

General / Re: noise
« on: 03 June 2015, 08:25:17 am »
Who owns the industrial estate? Try telling them you are going to sue for noise pollution and see if they do anything.

General / Re: Tickets ready
« on: 02 June 2015, 01:29:18 pm »
With Marquez qualifying down in 13th it could lead to some fireworks in the opening lap. Rossi on the 3rd row as well. Could be an interesting race.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…………… spoiler alert.

Don't look at the Slimwilly's pictures of the podium if you've not seen the race yet then  :rollin :rollin

General / Re: rac break down problem
« on: 02 June 2015, 01:10:53 pm »
  But rac says bike can't be looked at until Wednesday.we will be home by then.but rac say if bike  can be fixed then he has to ride it home. 

Are they saying once they fix the bike he has to go back and ride it home?  That's not right.

I can understand the repairers not being able to look at the bike straight away as most dealers/garages will have work booked in at this time of year. Once diagnosed there will be another delay for parts and fitment.

 You've said he has the repatriation cover so guess he has 5 star or standard cover.
5 Star - Repatriation included

Standard - Repatriation included up to £500 to get your vehicle back to the UK

Short trip - no Repatriation included  back to UK 

Section 9 – Vehicle repatriation - Repatriation (including storage while awaiting repatriation) of the vehicle back to the territory if the vehicle cannot be repaired by the time you plan to go home and your vehicle is not roadworthy.

Ive taken the fact that a bad misfire means that the bike isn't roadworthy to ride back.

Although if the bike isn't worth that much this exclusion might apply 'Up to market value of your vehicle'

General / Re: Tickets ready
« on: 30 May 2015, 07:38:51 pm »
With Marquez qualifying down in 13th it could lead to some fireworks in the opening lap. Rossi on the 3rd row as well. Could be an interesting race.

General / Re: Tickets ready
« on: 27 May 2015, 10:16:39 am »
Nice one. I've watched WSB there and walked around to a few places around the circuit and it does look a fantastic track to ride around.

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