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Messages - Sidewinder

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Front Brake judder
« on: 29 August 2015, 09:42:26 pm »
Good luck in sorting yer bike mate keep us informed :thumbup

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Front Brake judder
« on: 27 August 2015, 09:15:09 pm »
Hello bud, you sound like you know what you're doing so I hope I don't offend you by teaching granny to suck eggs!
I can only tell you of something that happened to me when I changed the discs on my car, when I was putting them on and doing them back up unknowingly I had a piece of rubbish on the back of the disc that although was a small tiny thing it was enough to cause that pulse you mentioned through the brake pedal, so after thinking the worst and how much is this going to cost I rang my mate who said he knew what it could be, he came round undid everything I done and took them off he cleaned both the hub and the back of the discs and showed me the dirt that came off of them he put them together and told me they had to be done up opposites just like a wheel (I didn't know that) and hey presto no more pulse and it never returned. It's just an idea and you may have already tried it, good luck in getting it sorted bud. 

FZS600 Fazer / Re: First motorcycle
« on: 27 August 2015, 08:56:45 pm »
The only thing I've done to mine is the indicators bud, they're the standard ones but I found them not as bright as some other machines out there, after taking the lens off I saw why, they don't have reflectors in them so I got some shiny tin foil got some double sided tape and lined the inside of the indicators shiny side out being careful not to let the foil touch the bulb holder anywhere, it works a treat and I got much brighter indicators, one thing I do intend to do is the wing mirrors, you can't see much from behind except your elbows so the trick is to get a set of fox eye Fazer mirrors (2002/2003) they're slightly longer and it makes a big difference i'm told and also the forum agrees..
The trick is to get a bike that's got all the service stamps if you can, that shows she's been maintained bud, the engines are pretty bullet proof (detuned thundercat power plants) all you got to do is look after them and they'll go on forever.
Don't forget these girls are water cooled by the way!
The hornet is supposed to be just slightly less under powered than the Fazer I haven't ridden one myself but a few mates have and they've all said not as good as the Fazer, also depends on the rider.
My current girl is my second Fazer (my first was the plain gold mk1)... nah you can keep the hornet lol!!

I know what you mean about the exhaust, you should ask on the forum who's running with a stock one and with how many miles on the clock..
Should be a good thread, my girl has stock black pipes she's got 8575 miles so mines the first one to your thread! Nice one.   :thumbup

Introduction / Re: Just a hello to all
« on: 27 August 2015, 08:23:29 pm »
Cheers Val, I sure will, I got loads of coast and forest for nice winding roads and meets at Poole Quay to start going to.  :thumbup

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Lowering rear brake lever
« on: 26 August 2015, 09:11:32 pm »
Hope you sorted it bud, I just had to raise mine t'was easy and nothing to worry about 10 mins job.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: First motorcycle
« on: 26 August 2015, 09:09:16 pm »
Welcome, I agree with everyone on here bud, you won't go wrong with your bike for a first one, you can ride her like you stole her or take her for a bimble, she'll behave and forgive you if you make a mistake, be faithful and loyal and all she'll ask is you maintain her.. A little hint for your black exhaust mate, some cloth, a pair of rubber gloves and what we call over her in Blighty as GRATE polish its black it's messy but it brings those pipes back to black and if you buff em they'll even give a dull shine too, the polish can be used to polish barbecues as well as fire grates and of course your exhaust pipes.. she's a nice bike, you'll be amazed at the power just respect it.
She sound like she needs a little tlc get her up to scratch and then enjoy her, then you'll know and why we love em so much.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: cutting out when put into gear
« on: 26 August 2015, 08:50:40 pm »
I'm with you on your guess bud,  just an idea but is there any chance of you bypassing your side stand switch and seeing if it works that way, my understanding is with the side stand down the starting/ignition circuit is broken with it up its not so disconnect the side stand switch, connect the wires to make your bike think the stand is up and try from there. If she goes then you know what it is, the other option is of course going with your hunch and getting a new switch and replace it.
I'm not a technical bloke but will have a dabble and I learn from that, I am sure there are much more experienced people in the art of dabbling on here that could explain better.
Good luck

Introduction / Re: Just a hello to all
« on: 26 August 2015, 08:37:04 pm »
Hi all thanks for the merry greets, am in the south of England right opposite the Isle of Wight and cheers for letting me off lol  ;) 
Have got a piccy so here is the old girl:
Hope i done it right she's in the attached file!

Introduction / Just a hello to all
« on: 02 August 2015, 09:13:23 pm »
Thought I'd sign up for a club now I got back in the saddle after 10 years out, my last was an xjr13 but I never forgot that experience of my old 98 Fazer 600 I used for work when I had her, (ex motorcycle instructor) after being out and off the scene for so long I wanted something I knew I could trust to be reliable and forgiving at the same time and something that goes like snot off a twangy stick when I wanted to.
Yep back to a mk1 99 600 for me, I am picking the old girl up on Sat I feel like a kid with a new toy right now and for the 1st ride it's 160 miles back home from where she is now!
Should get me run back in!
Hopefully be chatting to all on the forum in the future so it's a big HI from me to all.

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